-----Original Message----- From: James Floyd [mailto:jfloyd@airnet.net] Sent: Monday, December 21, 1998 3:02 PM To: jfloyd@airnet.net Subject: Chanukah Uncovered Ladies and gentlemen, it is Sunday morning here and finally the shelling has stopped on both the eastern and western fronts (Washington and Baghdad) in this 'War of the Crotches.' And in a few hours National Pubic Radio, a state supported Khazar J-w organization, will bless us all with another in-depth history and explanation of Hanukkah. Thank you Lord for the gift of timing. Jesus must now compete with a potato patty The Hanukkah Story Chanukah as you know it was conceived in anger and hate of Christ and forced upon J-ws who thought Christmas," was a holiday worth celebrating", and thought, "it was just too bad that G-d had deprived the poor J-ws of taking part in such a meaningful and beautiful experience." The villain in this enterprise was Rabbi Julius Eckman who in 1866 took the most minor of all J-wish holidays, Chanukah, the only one that is post-Biblical, but the only one that occurs in December, and made it a major holiday in a valiant effort to combat the Christmas Spirit.' Eckman officiated in a number of Southern congregations and was appalled at J-ws and Christians exchanging gifts and "the illumination of their parlors in such an injudicious celebration." This mamzer took his venom with him to San Francisco where he assaulted anyone guilty of "such a want of taste" rarely shown by "families of education and refinement." His rabid ravings were directed at those J-ws whom he called, "ignorant fathers" and "mothers whom nature intended to fill positions as honorable housewives in the kitchen, but whom fortune, by her freaks, had misplaced into the parlor." These J-wish mothers, whom according to the Rabbi, should have remained barren cooks, "betray their littleness of mind and their misplacement of fortune by playing such a ridiculous part as to be aping Christmas". This Khazar with no blood-line traceable to Judah 'the hammer' Maccabaeus created a permanent animosity between J-w and Christian that will unfortunately last forever and worsen each year. This Herculean accomplishment was the result of his use of vile name-calling directed at those who would dare disagree with his silliness. A J-w who delighted in Christmas was "contemptible" and the reason for their conduct was because of the "imbecility of their parents", who were "playing the pygmy while they should prove themselves giants", by rejecting all things Christmas. So we have here the history of a damnable hate-monger who single-handedly placed upon his own people a guilt-trip because they experienced feelings of love and joy along with Christians at this wonderful time of the year. This Jesus-hater's vileness at first had little visible effect upon J-ws, however, they would later do such strange things as place a star of David atop their trees and call it a "Chanukah bush" to allay this 'Eckmanic' guilt. Today many are so depressed, at this their most unhappy time of the year, that they must have psychiatric help. Thank you Julius. Ref. Jewish Frontier , Dec. 1963, pp. 29 -31, Joys of Jewish Folklore, Eichhorn, pg. 445. Rebbi Jim 'Chaya' Floyd.
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