"You know, by the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions." Bill Clinton September 4, 1998 (a prodigious and shocking confession) Mr. President, we have in our patriotic circles a very elite club. We call this group the "Six Month Club." It is composed of intelligent members who have only six months to live. The faces change, constantly, but the zeal to save our country remains the same. These people are unstoppable and they are fully aware of the treasonous group to whom you refer in the above statement. 'Six Monthers' are prepared to leave this world accompanied by as many of our country's enemies as is possible to destroy. No, I am not their leader; they need no leader. And I do not know their names, so another visit from the FBI would be a total waste of time. I only know that there are fine, brave, old patriots who will not allow their progeny to be further enslaved by those who have, for so long, been your masters. When the time comes for the 'Six Monthers' to act your handlers will call them terrorist. They will bemoan the true fact that there is no defense against using the last days of ones life to do what we have collectively failed to do since the beginnings of our thralldom. The Six Month Club, at this moment, is little more than an idea awaiting its time. It awaits, along with other means of retaliation, that awful day when the planned, total destruction of our once great Republic is revealed; when the suffering becomes insufferable and the call goes out to throw-off this cancerous evil. We are asking you, President William Jefferson Clinton, to join the Six Month Club. We are not asking that you strap around your waist explosives or harm anyone physically. We are asking that you do something even more courageous, yes, expose them! Start at the beginning, name them, tell how they financed you, how they made their demands, how they entrap, blackmail, manipulate and morally destroy those who aspire to become leaders! You, sir, are in a position to save this nation and yourself. Do you really want to leave your daughter under the rule of these beastly tyrants or sentence your grandchildren to a victim's role in this beast epic? You, of all people, know their cruelty; you know how they use and then discard people and nations. Your place in history would be one of such exalted nobility that it would overshadow any contemporary leader and would endear you to generations yet unborn. It requires only that you pull-back the covers and show us their naked hatefulness. And explain the horror of what they have done to you and your family. Surely, Mr. Clinton, you realize that you have less than six months of political life remaining. They have, using their vulgar term, "rat-fucked" you. You have been their most compliant servant, always doing their biddings, appointing their people, opening our coffers to them and keeping hidden their darkest secrets. There are those among us who, long ago, knew that the self-destructive things that you were doing were the insane acts of a man fighting his chains, chewing at his own flesh as would an animal in a steel trap. And, yes, we are ready to forgive and protect you and your family with our bodies. We will throw ourselves between you and these devil hordes. There lies dormant inside you a fearlessness, an ancient courage, a gift from our ancestors, which will support you, succor you, and allow you to stand- boldly-forward and tell these our people the truth. You are the warrior and the time is now. Do it! Do it, now, Mr. President! Speak! --------------------------------------------------------------- The above statements do not contain a threat to anyone, nor do they intentionally advocate violence against anyone. They were not written by one who "appears to intend to commit a crime." They are simply one man's political opinions regarding what our President should do, immediately. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Floyd 185 Co. Rd. 254 Cullman, Al. 35057.
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