They hewed their future from the earth
While westward bound, to fill the need
That God instilled in them at birth
To fill His kingdom with their seed.Their way of life was sacrifice,
And toil and war and tears and mirth,
And faith and love, and hate like ice;
All honor-bound to prove their worth.They sang “From sea to shining sea”
With pride, for having made it so,
And handed down their legacy
To lesser men, who let it go.Shall now such heroes of our Race,
Who once were objects of our pride,
Be lost in legend and disgrace,
Despised and scorned and vilifiedBy those who see our weakness clear,
And those who listen to their lies,
And cowardly, refuse to hear
The anguish of a Race which diesWhile women, children suffer rapes,
Are sold and slaughtered in the street,
Where “men” kneel down before the apes
To die like dogs beneath their feet?Whither now, beloved kindred?
Where the stand to be defended?
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