In May 1996 I went with some fellow Missourians to Gadsden, Alabama for a militia rally called the Good 'Ol Boys Roundup. Members from the Gadsden Minutemen had finished a BATF roundup of the same name a year earlier, once a videotape was released showing racist and lawless behavior of government policemen. So this rally was also in the nature of gloating over gubbnmintgungoons being caught in the act of being themselves.
It was an excellent militia gathering. People who I had formerly known only by means of e-mail I met in person and vice-versa. They are good people who will find themselves having to do hard things in the future, if they are to hold true to their vision of freedom and justice under a government limited by law.
This meeting was held at Jeff Randall's farm. Mr. Randall is no longer in the militia movement.
Among the questions and observations made by Mr. Randall when us Missourians left for home was: "Quite a few Christian Identity at the rally, wasn't there?" I said that I estimated about one-third of the attendees were Christian Identity, but such is the composition of our movement.
The militia movement has changed a good deal in the past ten months. With the disappearance of so many weak sisters shrinking from under the hammer wielded by a morally decaying but militarily strong police state, it is time for the militia movement to come out of hiding in the closet and provisionally recognize reality. Time to show awareness, if not appreciation, for shock troops who have in their fanaticism inoculation from the ills which have decayed much of the open militia movement. Time to recognize our weaknesses and to capitalize on the strengths of allies when facing a common enemy -- a decaying government out to destroy us all.
What we, in our misguided posturing of moral superiority label "racists," are really distinguishable elements in a loose religious-political confederation of white (and, in some cases, black) people wanting to separate themselves from what they view as an evil majority out to destroy them, and in turn found a new country wherein they shall be the ruling majority.
Think that this is objectionable, even anti-American? Really? Remember the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the Quakers in Pennsylvania, the Mormons of Salt Lake City? All these "patriots" in their time were persecuted by the political authorities and the masses were indoctrinated to despise these religious-political movements of their day.
As there are less places deemed undesirable enough in which to dump these "cultists," the development of militancy as a means of self-defense escalates. The Mormons founded their own army to defend Utah, a far more inhospitable place than Pennsylvania was for the pacifistic Quakers. Today the Church of Scientology fights the IRS and uses government courts to ruin their enemies. The Branch Davidians never developed a suitable defense force or the will to use it, so as a result they were butchered and barbequed at will by federal police forces. Unless a separate people is confident enough to test the efficacy of their religious beliefs in the next world right away, they must develop a military 'action' arm to protect themselves quickly.
Such is definitely the case of the Christian Identity religion. In large part it is a fighting faith, in life-or-death opposition to what is deemed the Anti-Christ government of mankind, ruled over by Satan. Like the fedayeen of Islam, they are fighting a holy war.
The best known of these Christian Identity groups is the Aryan Nations. The name alone implies that they are of non-Semitic descent and of more than one nation. Ten "lost" tribes, say . . . -- of Israel? Their other, non-political name, is The Church of Jesus Christ, Christian. Christ, in their doxology, was not a Jew, or at least not a Jew in the present racial sense. The CSA, or the Covenant, Arm and Sword of the Lord, was an even more militant faction of the Christian Identity religion, until it was broken over ten years ago by the ruling political regime. This fundamental religion has been engaged in warfare against the secular religion of power politics for over a decade, much like Iraqi Shi'ites and Kurds combating Saddam Hussein's socialistic Ba'ath Party regime.
It has been estimated that there are over three million believers in the Christian Identity faith. Most of them are overtly harmless to the interests of the ruling regime. But the ruling regime, based as it is on nothing more than the worship of state power will always see people they do not control absolutely as a threat. Hence the eventual butchery of the Branch Davidians, which was a minor sect of Seventh Day Adventism many times removed from militant Christian Identity.
The mainline teacher of Christian Identity was Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God and its numerous offshoots. An article of faith in the WWCG was that the present American nation was descended from the lost Israelite tribe called Manasseh, with the British being its brother tribe of Ephraim. The other European tribes are the other lost ten tribes, with the exception of Germany, who are the Assyrians, the people responsible for deporting the tribes of Israel from Israel -- much like the Soviet Union and U.S. did with its implacable indigenes. Hence the "Identity" behind Christian Identity.
The offshoots of the WWCG still preach about the "keys to understanding biblical prophecy," although they are understandably nervous about being tagged by a corrupt government as being "Christian Identity" and thus fair game with an open season for incineration. They no longer stress the matter as much. Since they believe that the Anti-Christ power is a resurrected Assyrian "Beast" in tandem with a Roman Catholic "Great Whore of Babylon," the WWCG and its offshoots are not a religious threat to the current American regime. The decay of the U.S. government and what is perceived as the resurgence of Germany is a cause for alarm and regret -- not exultation with these peaceful folk.
But Herbert Armstrong wasn't the first or only teacher of "British Israelitism." Much of current Christian Identity beliefs are based upon the modern Israelites (Germans included) being Aryans, like the Medes and Persians, not Semites (descended from Shem, Noah's son). Modern-day Jews are descended from the Khazars. All the other races are mud people, descended either from Cain, or the foul couplings between Satan, Lilith, and Adam, etc., etc., and other unbiblical teachings adapted to suit the prejudices of the moment. Hence militant "racism" left over from the 1960's fight against integration has grown a deep religious taproot.
We live in a time of flux, where change is regarded as being for the worse. Materialism has been measured in the scales and found wanting. Power politics, a religion for the secular materialists, is increasingly limited in the amount it can reward its followers, and is becoming a mere struggle for survival. Hence people try to find something to fasten their insecure lives around -- like fundamentalist religion. Around the world, authoritarian fundamentalist religion promises a secure haven from chaotic change, a guaranteed reward for regimented behavior.
The Iranians found this with Ayatollah Khomeine. But for every fundamentalist religion which succeeds absolutely, and then imposes heavy rule, there are many cults not strong enough to overturn the established social order. Some fundamentalist sects are utterly destroyed by the nervous state regime, like the Branch Davidians were at Waco. Some give up their struggle without a fight, like the San Diego UFO cult. Some, like Christian Identity, are much too strong to be utterly exterminated, but not strong enough to overthrow the state regime -- yet. So a skirmish line is set up between the militants and the decaying regime. From time to time there is conflict, as the boundaries are re-tested. This is what is happening right now! Do you know which side you should be on?
Sampling the Internet, it is sobering to observe the explosion of White Nationalist, Racist, Skinhead, and Christian Identity WWW sites. Recently observed was a "Southron" site, which opined that "[White] Southerners were a distinct race!" The liberal white or Jewish sites dedicated to "fighting hate" on the Net can't update their listings of hate sites fast enough to please all the racists or Holocaust Revisionists who want such billing. In fact, if you wish to observe such pages, go to the "hatewatch" sites, which perform the service of selecting the ones deemed most "dangerous."
Ignored as "pathetic feebs" are such organizations as the assorted KuKluxKlan(s). Like your father's Oldsmobile, unsuccessful racism is regarded as passé by the younger set.
It is especially interesting to observe the people who are attracted to these sites -- upper-middle to lower-middle class young people. While daddy and mummy were 60's flower-children and hippies, their children and grandchildren are Skinheads and BootGrrrrrls! The kiddies know full well who is going to be stuck with the tab for Social Security and a decaying social order -- and they are pissed. Since they can't very well liquidate mummy & daddy for the way they screwed up the world, white teens have no alternative than to blame "niggers, wiggers, Jewz, spics & chinks" for their future unappetizing prospects. They may not know how to use proper grammar on the Web site's guestbook, but they sure are looking to kick some butt -- or so they say.
So what does this have to do with the militia movement, you may ask? It is relevant because this is where the future militias will find their troop strengths. Violence is a young man's game. Once a man gets over 35, he is usually content to let younger men hose down the local po-leece station with AK fire. The coming revolution will be fought by the GenXers and generaled by the last wave of the baby boomers. Every revolution is fought most fiercely by those who have nothing to lose, maddened by the injustice of never being able to get ahead or find security through their own efforts.
1. As mentioned above, the number one reason to provisionally recognize Christian Identity, White Nationalist, and Skinhead militias and personnel is because of their numbers and their aggressiveness. When one-third to forty percent of your troops hold such beliefs, overt or covert, trying to form a politically correct militia is pure foolishness.
Some of these people are uncomfortable to deal with sometimes. Many of them are fanatics. Most of them are not socially acceptable whatsoever. Such people should not be allowed to hold positions in the public eye when they are serving in the "constitutional" militias. They have definite drawbacks when dealing with a general public of dumbed-down drones. Their fanaticism, their uncompromising stances, their intractable militancy, can be public relations nightmares in the offing.
But enough of their weaknesses. Their corresponding strengths are their determination, their dedication, their indomitable resolution to see things through until the current regime lies like a dead dragon at their feet.
Looking at their WWW sites, one is struck by how they seem to be the only people with a vision for the future. They are not trying to sell you something. They are not trying to gratify their egos. They are not anarchists. They do not care whether you like them or not. They know their own minds. They will do whatever it takes, pay any price, to gain their own freedom under their own laws. They believe in two eyes for an eye, all your teeth for a tooth, so it is best not to trifle with them. Kill them outright or leave them be -- future lessons to be taught in blood which the present anarcho-fascist government will not survive long enough to learn.
2. Human nature dictates that we do not respect those who do not respect us. If "constitutional" militias do not recognize the CI, White Nationalist, and Skinhead militias, then we in turn will not only not be recognized by them, but held in contempt. This means that the current militia and patriot organizations will have absolutely no leverage, control, or input whatsoever with these other organizations.
So isn't that wonderful? Only if you believe that ignorance is bliss.
What if these other organizations get control over biological-warfare agents, nuclear weapons, or other weapons of mass destruction? Would it not be a good idea to have some influence over their deployment -- if for no other reason than to make sure your assets are not in the area of impact?
Carrying forth this policy carries with it great moral responsibilities. If you have no influence with the radicals, then you will not be able to mitigate or deny their actions. Oklahoma City might be remembered as a mere first firecracker heralding the next Fourth of July -- which you bore some responsibility for by your mere silence.
No longer can it be understood that telling a militia member something is the same as telling the FBI. A "Colonel" John Parsons bragged of doing exactly that in Kansas City in November 1995 to a splinter group of militia people. Parson's biggest beef? That the national news media didn't give him enough credit for his betrayal of a confidence! Few people should have been surprised by the later announcement that Parsons and his Tri-States Militia were funded by the FBI. The hard-line Christian Identity 'militias' only lost the 'services' of a crazed 'prophet of God' named Willie Lampley, who had the notion he had the resources to bomb the Southern Professional Liar's Center and three or four other government buildings on the very same day.
The CI "militias" only lost a lunatic who would have cost them casualties further down the line. Cooperation with 'constitutional militias' was given a setback. The FBI managed to highlight the need for leaderless resistance and cellular security among the enemies of the gubbnmint.
Without an understanding of some sort between the public militias and the underground resistance then Oklahoma City incidents will be commonplace and more expensive. More and more will be seen unholy conspiratorial alliances between oswalds like Timothy McVeigh; supplied with money and technology by foreign or domestic powers while at the same time the government, well aware of what is going on due to swarms of infiltrators, is setting off demolition charges on the inside columns after the truck bomb blast signals the go-ahead. McVeigh is a bungler, a Manchurian Candidate pushed around as a pawn by shadowy organizations wanting to herald "domestic" terrorism. What will the future bring when competent underground militants get real funding and instruction, with no guidance or control from anyone on our side?
Ignorance is not bliss. What we don't know will kill us. While in the initial stages of guerrilla warfare there is unrelated raiding and random violence carried out by individual cells, every successful guerrilla organization lays down conditions to where it is the former regime which must pack its bags and flee for their lives from the wrath of a victorious Resistance. Successful revolution requires discipline. We must take precautions to where it is only the agents of the ancién regime which lose all. We cannot afford to let the fabric of our civilization fray to the point to where restoration of law and order is impossible. Therefore, in some fashion or another, we must develop some means of command and control over all of our allies.
3. The common enemy is a despotic regime which values only power, treats us all like cattle to be used for the gain for the noble elites, and ignores with impunity the foundation law by which they derived their power. Such a lawless regime will judge, and in turn must be judged by the severity by which they judged others.
Right now, the law favors the criminals and the consumers of the fruits of other men's brow. In later times, it might even be looked back as a "golden age," as a "Disneyland for Dummies" for the great mass of people who learned the fine art of voting themselves bread and circuses. So until the edifice erected upon the printing press, government spending, and confiscatory taxation upon the productive collapses, any attempt to bring a revolution on behalf of the productive and the new elites will be looked upon with disfavor by those fattened at the public trough. There are doubtless laws against fomenting revolution, just as there are laws against suicide.
When there is collusion between criminals of the top and bottom waging war on the middle, why waste tears when thieves fall out squabbling over the loot?
Several weeks ago, two specimens from the growing underclass of losers this system breeds like maggots used fully automatic assault rifles and body armor to rob a bank. Strolling along beside the "getaway car" at speeds of up to two miles per hour, one saw them out-gunning the police, eight of whom got wounded before the unlicensed criminals were dispatched. Now the police claim to need more firepower. By all means, further arm the fascist morons! No telling where heavy weapons projectiles will land in built-up urban areas. Maybe the bullets will mushroom in white suburban areas and we will then hear different squawks from the white-chicken contingent. The cops might need their new heavy weaponry for their occasional expeditionary force into south-central LA. No non-native policeman or CIA agent will dare venture forth in those areas to sell crack to the indigenes then.
And as far as Aryan Revolutionary Army cells robbing banks in the Midwest, well, so what? I know a number of banks in my area which cheated the poor and powerless every chance they get. I tell people not to sign a mortgage with certain banks because they have a sorry history of loaning money out, then foreclosing if a single payment is missed. One bank (Community Bank & Trust of Neosho, Missouri) stole $50 from a friend who had put it into his passbook savings account under color of a new rule regarding the number of withdrawals per quarter. They deliberately waited until he had deposited $55 into his account before invoking the new rule. I only got cheated out of $3.50 myself before I pulled my account.
The banks are snitches for the IRS. The Cornhole Bank and Trust levied 31% unilateral IRS backup withholding on my $5 non-interest bearing checking account gleefully. So any of you Aryan Republican Army cells or Dillinger clones out there: spare the Neosho Savings & Loan, which, while it "must" steal 14 cents per quarter on my $40 passbook account to give to the gubbnmint revenooers, had at least the decency to call me up to advise me to pull my account several years ago.
Why protect the banks with your support? They have financed a lot of tyranny in return for a monopoly on usury. They are the mechanism of how government puts into circulation its bogus currency. Any money a bank robber steals is replaced by the federal reserve. The banks are on the side of their master and servant -- the government.
The court system is an open sewer whose only purpose is to make the lawyer class rich and powerful and to give life-and-death enforcement powers to a cowardly rabble of moronic psychotics known as policemen. The laws and constitution have been "interpreted" to mean whatever the judges and prosecutors say it means. The judge himself acts as an extension of the prosecution in every trial I have ever observed or been an a defendant in. If you are not a lawyer or officer of the government court, then every time you enter the bar area either your life, liberty or property is in peril as a defendant or you are treated like enemy chattel when a witness.
Having undermined the moral foundations of their pretend courts, what right do they have to our allegiance? By making criminal any matter wherein there is no true victim whose life, liberty, or property was affected, the government has politicized the court system, perverting and suborning it to serve its own desires. Having destroyed constitutional protections to better serve their greed, the government has no moral protection from a post-revolutionary majority passing new laws to make judges, lawyers, politicians and policemen the new criminal classes and encompassing their extermination. Having set into motion lawless precedent, they have no claim to neutral justice.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in "The Gulag Archipelago" that the concentration camp system was safe as long as the inmates believed that they, as individuals, were the only ones who were innocent, but that the system was shaken to its very roots once the inmates figured out that in all likelihood it was the state which was criminal.
As long as we believe we are "better" than some other patriot, and that "the government" must be protected from the likes of other, false patriots, then the strategy of divide and rule will pay dividends for our common enemy -- the government. Let us first unite in destroying the common enemy before worrying about whether or not we must get up before ten o'clock to worship on Saturday or Sunday. Having together destroyed the common tyranny, it is doubtful that anyone will desire nor dare impose a new one upon an awakened Resistance.
4. "But if we are nice to the Christian Identity, White Nationalists, Black Nationalists, Skinheads or other racist groups then people will think we are just like them!" I can already hear the foolishness from the malicious "generals" and "colonels" of the militia squads now.
Malcolm X, in his "Autobiography" told of how he would deal with the establishment integrationist Uncle Toms that plagued his Black Muslim movement. First he would ask the degreed pet token "house nigger" if he knew what the white man called the degreed negro. The middle-class black 'intellectual' would usually fall for the trap and say, "No, . . . what?" Then Malcolm X would spring the trap and rub in the answer: "Nigger!"
Morris Sleeze and the rest of the gubbnmint-lovers are already calling the Resistance movement racist inspired. The Gadsden Minutemen set Morris Sleeze up by giving Morris the chance to denounce racist ATF and other policemen for their conduct at their Good 'Ol Boys Roundup, but Morris and the rest of the for-profit civil rights rascals refused. They will not reward our foolishness in casting out our fellow fighting men with false praise. They have a collection plate they pass over and over again for guilt-ridden leftists to fill.
There is no political or military advantage to be gained by casting off our natural allies in return for a temporary pat on the back by politically correct idiots or calculating criminals. Any organism which cannot recognize a friend will not be able to reproduce itself. Any organism which mistakes an enemy for a friend is usually eaten or destroyed. The patriot movement better become at least as smart as a sheep in its abilities to recognize that yon skulking coyote is probably up to no good.
5. In recent months it has been observed that outlying resistance organizations such as the Republic of Texas and some of the common-law court people have been deemed by the very people who yammered "No more Wacos!" as now 'outside' the protection of 'The Constitution' and therefore 'Constitutional militias.'
This, of course, is cowardly appeasement. It is in effect the same as handing over our own for sacrifice to the state-god. I have already said some harsh words in previous issues concerning worshipping the false paper-god known as the Con-stitution. Now this oft-dishonored scrap of paper is to be used as a shield to cover the cowardly practice raised to a fine art of pissing down one's leg, throwing somebody to the wolves, and running for the tall grass.
Not here. Not ever.
Every goofy religious fanatic bulleted, bombed, or barbequed by gubbnmintgungoons is my co-religionist. Every old couple driven from their home by excessive taxation or government corruption is my father and mother. Every political prisoner jailed is my fellow inmate. Every revolutionary, regardless of faith, color or creed, who fights for freedom beside me is my brother. If I fall, they will avenge me. If they fall, I shall avenge them. Such is the Code of the Resistance.
Isn't it the shits that it is the very same people who have a militant value system or ideology to guide them, such as Christian Identity or White Nationalism, who have been far more resistant to turning over their own to 'government justice' than the secular political movement? It has been 'Libertarians' and 'constitutional militias' who have had a sorry history of back-biting, name-calling, egomaniacal hissy-fits, PX ribbon promotions, and betrayal. It is the unjustly despised and politically incorrect CI and White Nationalists who have been steadily keeping their faith in the yellowed teeth of our scorn. They have not yet answered our hypocrisy with the contempt it deserves.
Summary: It is time to recognize reality. It is time to recognize our allies in the struggle ahead.
by Martin Lindstedt,
Managing Editor, Modern Militiaman
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