. . . . The ZOG's problem is that it wants to enslave captive populations, rather than to slay them en masse. The ZOG wants to slay only those potential leaders who actively resist ZOG forces, but the difficulty is in separating the leaders from the sheeple, and ZOG-merc incursions into cities tends to even the odds by allowing the resistance fighters to get close to the zoglings so that their puny weapons can inflict casualties on them. As privatization increases, it is conceivable that anti-Zionist forces may obtain better weapons to even the odds further, such as stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
. . . . Urban areas are extremely vulnerable, for they must be supplied with food, water sanitation, energy and communication from the outside. If a conventional military force were to cordon off an urban area, with ground forces and aerial surveillance, the inhabitants could literally be starved to death. Ancient siege warfare succeeded in destroying a city's defenders, even when intrusive assaults failed. This is when sheer numbers may be used against themselves, for numbers are useful only when they are fed, and when their arms can inflict damage upon the besiegers. Denied escape and the essentials of living, an urban population would likely engage in internecine strife, which would hasten its demise from starvation and disease. For a military commander, the only rule need be that no one enters nor leaves the besieged city, whose demise could be hastened with explosive and incendiary bombardments, without risking the life of a single soldier.
. . . . The ZOG does appear to be using its Goy slave-thugs as guinea pigs in its choice of urban warfare tactics. Obviously, the lives of the besieged are of no importance, and their casualties are not even counted, according to ZOG sources. As in Vietnam, all dead are deemed 'enemy combatants', regardless of their lack of weapons. It is notable that our imperial adventures on behalf of jew-supremacy are making us look very much like the villains of history we portray in our own judeo-American propaganda. Our Zionist villains are ever so self-righteous, and they seem determined to impose their definition of 'freedom' on others, or kill them in the process. Orwell would point out that the anti-humans have dubbed themselves 'humanitarians'. Yes, Virginia, "freedom is slavery", "war is peace". "They Live", we sleep, consume and obey. Those who will not resist their dire fate merit it. I recommend that study groups be formed in regard to The Protocols of Zion, for they encompass much of ongoing events and the motives behind them. They are more informative than Machiavelli's "The Prince", and worthy of study, for the Zionists' schemes are not new and their Gentile victims are no wiser now than they were when The Protocols first appeared. Keep up the good work.
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