--Grant Bruer
- you were among those chewing their fingernails off last November, waiting to hear who "our?" next Imperial Corporate CEO, would be.
- you're concerned over the "Queer Goy Scout Master" issue, because your son is a member of this race-mixing, "It's a small World, after all" organization.
- if you're concerned over the fate of the 24 low-paid mercenaries over in China right now, because they're "our" boys and girls in jewniform.
- you support measures to help mud immigrants "assimilate" faster, thus, speeding up the process of miscegenation.
- you think there is still an "American people", to reach with your watered-down CONstitutionalism.
- you refer to abortion as "murder", but unlike every other form of murder, you object to any REAL measures being taken to stop the killing.
- you feel compelled to play the game of "Look, Ma! No Racism", by peppering your speeches and writings with quotes from prominent kike and nigger CONservatives. (examples: Alan Keyes, Normon Po[w]horetz, Clarence Thomas, David [W]Horowitz, etc.)
- when arguing in favor of gun-rights,you repeat the old kike kanard about how, "The first thing Hitler did, was take the guns away."
- you support Bushie's "Faith-Based Treason" initiative, which in practice, will be a form of "payback" for all the Isreal-Firsters' who serve to befuddle and confuse millions of White People with the devil's doctrine known as judeo-Christianity.
- you think you're really "bucking the system" by arguing against affirmative action and other parasitic policies by promoting the creation of a "color-blind" society, when the enemy has been working towards his "color-blind" Global Plantation longer than you and yours have been besmirching the race with your quasi-membership in it.
ps.--You are definitely a right-winger if the preceding has offended you!
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--GEB
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