Para.It can be frustrating to speak seemingly the same language as another and yet the two of you might as well come from different galaxies. Words mean different things to different people. What is "justice" to you, may be an atrocity to me, and vice versa. People that you may feel are worth "fighting" to "save," I may dismiss as being not worth the ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, that it would take to blow them to hell. This article is my answer to those who object to revolutionary logic on the grounds of "morality" or "goodness."
I will begin with a fictional version of a "question" I have been asked numerous times in the last three months.
Subject: DecencyGrant, aren't we doing something just by leading good lives? Won't that do much to show our people there is a better way?
Signed, Lemming
Dear Lemming,
That depends very much on what you consider "good". Some object vehemently to my assertion that the White Race must conform to the laws of nature, or it will eventually cease to exist. It can hardly be sensibly argued that every form of life on this planet must struggle for its place in the Sun, BUT the Aryan Race! That is patently false. It is beyond laughable, that at this advanced stage of racial/cultural decay, where race-mixing and all-round dysgenics is the order of the day in all of the Western World, that there are still those among us, denying what is screaming in their faces! The primary duty of a species is to insure that it continues. If one's biological line continues, then one was "good." Survival of the race is paramount, all else runs a distant second. My God created nature and its laws, in order to insure the upward development of the various species. What kind of idiot would seriously argue that the "plan" was to advance to a certain point, and then jump headlong into degeneracy and decay?
Frankly, I could care less about denatured white and mud religionists and their "surface morality." If you want to see what I mean, watch the judeo-"Christian" TalMUDvision show, "Seventh Heaven." This stomach-churning drama is the work of Anti-Aryan kike (is their any other kind?), Norman Lear. It depicts a "good" family of judeophilic lemmings who just love mixing with their nigger and jew friends. They place great importance on comparatively meaningless issues like -- Cigarette smoking, "cussing" and the like. This family of drooling drones is typical of the "decent" Whites that have been every bit as detrimental to our race and culture as have even the most rabid kikes!
Good to me means securing the existence of our race and a future for White children.
"Good" to cult-minded chumps like the above-mentioned TV family means that you marry your nigger or spic partner before you have sex with it for the first time.
Anything that harms the race can hardly be considered "good" in any way that counts. May Jabba the Falwell and others of his Zionist ilk, be damned a thousand times for their crimes. An idiotic ear-to-ear grin on a zoned-out face does nothing to make treason more palatable in the minds of those of us who know the score and are "making a list and checking it twice!"
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
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