..Para Sharpshooting gook, Lonnie (w)Horiuchi will not be facing charges after all. WOW! What a shock. I would hope that there isn't anyone reading this who really thought for a second that the ZOG was going to "serve up" their boy. What a laugh. One of the reasons cited for dropping the matter should be enough to make any White person want to garrote the nearest jew -- "To much time has passed since the incident." Isn't that cute? I wonder if the ZOG someday manages to catch Eric Rudolph, if they'll say, "You know, its been 9 years. The memories of witnesses fade. I say, we forget the whole thing."
Para Its been a busy week for the misdirected masochists of the Imperial Corporate Regime. First, they announce that the persecutor who buried evidence of incendiary devices being used by "our heroes" at Waco, recieved 200 hours of community service. Then, they martyr Lone Wolf of the Century, Timothy J. McVeigh. Finally, as though they can't wait to experiance John Does #'s 2-456, they decide that their pet slope will not stand trial in "our" Orwellian Criminal "justice" system.
Para When you think of it, why should he "pay"? I mean, it's not as though Lonnie committed a crime. He was one of the "good guys". He did his best to stamp out "hate". Isn't that what we stand for now? Don't we all want Bill Clinton and George W.(higger) Bush's "One America"? If we want to "fulfill the Founders (of ZOG's) Wet Dreams, we must deal harshly with "haters". "Hate" is unAmeriKan, right? Isn't that what all the good, staunch CONservatives tell us? Johnnie Ashcroft's hero, MLK said "blah, blah, blah".
Para You see the above? This is the insanity we are dealing with. These are the people that give the scum-froths in power the confidence to commit race crime after race crime. Small w "whites" who think like this are NEVER going to be of any use to us.
Para Let me provide an example. Recently on "20/20", a group of CONservative judeo-"Christians" were asked about their attitudes towards so-called free-speech. One old A-hole responded that there should be a commission consisting of kikes, niggers, spics, and the cult-minded chumps that worship them. This commission's purpose would be to decide who should and shouldn't be "permitted" the "right" to free-speech. What would be the criteria for deciding who would and wouldn't be muzzled by these intellectual midgets? The liklihood of "hurt" being inflicted on any racial group or members of kike-worshiping cults!
Para Are you still waiting for the "american people", to wake up? If you are, it is you that needs to wake up. Most of us must look in the mirror to see an ally. If we succeed in saving our race from the evil filth-mongers who rule over us today, it will be IN SPITE of 98% of "our" people.
Para Why has the system grown so arrogant? Why does it seem to feel that it can't possibly fail? I say it is because their concious minds have fallen victim to their own "deMOCKratic" propaganda. I think that these morons actually are starting to buy their own line of crap about "strength in numbers". Subconciously however, they are working towards their own destruction.
Para In closing, call them "drooling drones", "sheeple", or "lemmings". They are the all-to-common man, and they are NEVER the deciding factor in ANYTHING. We all know that the average person, even the "good" ones despise everything we stand for. Why, you ask? Well, because they "know" that all "decent" people could care less about the world their grandchildren will have to deal with. They likewise "know" that only "haters" concern themselves with such things. They also "know" that whatever may have gone down up at Ruby Ridge, the Weaver Family were "racists", and no "good" feces-for-brains Amerikan gives a fig about what happens to those who "hate".
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
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