..Para The other day on race-traitor extradornaire, Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, I watched an interview with a Utah RePUBICan congresswhore by the name of Chris Cannon. I will talk about what this judeophilic SOB is proposing a little later in this article. First, I wish to discuss why it is that garbage like Cannon feels comfortable doing the openly criminal things that he does. I want to address what is wrong with "us", that allows our enemies to rub our faces in feces AND get us to gush over how "enriching" an experiance it was.
Para One thing that I have learned over the years is that the average white person is willing to put up with just about anything so long as it does not personally inconvienience them. They will "speak up" on various issues, only when it is "safe" and media-approved to do so. If they end up on the "losing side" of something, they will forget all about what they "stand for" and begin paying lip-service to the victors.
Para I could provide quite a few examples of where white people have retreated from position after position. Forty years ago, millions opposed kike/white traitor efforts to integrate the schools, now anyone who publicly speaks out against this madness is "abhorred" by all "decent" white folks. They consider it "beyond the pale" to question the laughable assertion (which no ZOGling takes seriously) that the races are "equal". How can these spineless ass-clowns stand to look in the mirror long enough to brush their teeth in the morning?
Para Well, that is where right-wing polyTricks and CONservative churchianity come into play. The twin devils of judeo-church and judeo-state, allow these cowards to lie to themselves that they are "fighting the good fight". In a stroke of genius the system creates an entirely fictitious struggle between its left and right hands. You really have to admit, these gutter people had "us" figured out! This allows the "good", "conscientious" AmeREEkan to feel he/she is "doing something", while of course, not placing in jeapordy, themselves or their access to the green pieces of paper that represent their REAL god.
Para One game that the system plays quite effectively is having both wings of the Imperial Corporate Party take turns at being the "bad guys". As shocking as it may sound, there are literally tens of millions of white Americans who "think" (is that what they call it?) that there ARE fundamental differences between CONservatives and LIEberals. Of course, if you give a damn about your people, there is NO difference at all between these groupings of criminals. Well anyway, as I was saying, in the shell-game of Western DeMOCKracy, the two supposed "opposing" sides take turns pushing policies designed to hasten our racial demise.
Para For instance, who pushes school vouchers that would allow nigger and spic "keedz" to go to private schools? Sounds like a "liberal" policy, doesn't it? Well, actually it is those "good" CONservatives that are fronting for this one. I can almost hear the system apologists now,: "No Grant, it IS CONservative to allow this, because that way people would have the power to choose which school their children will attend." Right! Well, my dear whigroid, did you read the small print? The only thing this hate-filled proposal would accomplish is to allow little mud bastards who attend "failing" schools, to go pollute white private, as well as suburban public, schools. How many White kids do you know who attend "failing" schools? Once more, the lying filth in the RePUBICan party offers appeals to "AmeREEKan Valjews", and the rubes are tickled pink.
Para As I mentioned earlier, Congresswhore Cannon was on TV the other night shilling for his Corporate paymasters, and you know what his "compASSionate" CONservative idea was? He wants white taxpayers to put the children of illegal spic immigrants thru college. Oh, I can just hear the scum behind the tax-exempt pulpits preaching about how this is the only "moral" thing to do. Worse then that, is the fact that millions of whigger scum, though they may whine for a while about it, will rush to the polls in 2002 and 2004, to re-elect the rePUBICans who authored and will vote for, this bill. After all, "we can't allow those nasty "liberals" to win, God only knows what terrible things that they'll do"!
Para What so many of "us" have reduced ourselves to, is beyond sickening. Where are all the White MEN an WOMEN who gladly sunk their blades (and teeth if need be) into anyone who posed even the slightest threat to them and theirs?
Para If you limit yourself to only following the activites of "mainstream" whiggerism, you would think our cause was hopeless. BUT, the judeo-ma$onic crud cabal KNOWS BETTER. They know that John Does' #3-456 are making (mental) lists and checking them twice. They KNOW that as long as there are still millions of untainted Aryan children in this world, there are still millions of potential kike/judeophile killers out there, as well. They don't rest nearly as easy as they would like you to think. They KNOW their history, but are still condemened to repeat it!
Para To be quite honest, I have grown to really despise a LOT of "my" people. It sickens me to watch them play the treasonous game of "Look Ma, No Racism". If it weren't for the children that they frankly have NO right to at this point, I would say to hell with them. There are tens of millions of white children who, through no fault of their own, are being raised by self-serving, greedy scum, who truth be known, don't give a flying f! what kind of world their grandchildren will struggle in. It is for them that we fight the enemies of our people, not for their parents who for the most part can stuff their pockets full of rocks and walk into a lake for all I care.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
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