...... The rich "old money" White race traitor scum of the Republican party have embarked on a process designed to (they hope), allow them to hold on to their loot just a little while longer. While most party's work to "shore up" their bases, the CON's are attempting to "brown up" theirs.
.... As I have said many a time -- there is no lower individual than one that serves the interests of another race against their own. That is CONservatism in a nutshell. It has been and IS, about nothing higher than maintaining one's spot atop the dung-heap alongside the kike filth that they have been aiding and abetting longer than any of us have been alive. They couldn't care less how many White lives are destroyed by their machinations. Hell, they couldn't care less if there are any White people on this earth in a few decades! All they care about is "Numero Uno."
.... The "Left" has its nigger base and now the "Right" wants a spic base. These greedy monsters wish to maintain their ill-gotten gains by acquiring the greaser vote. They are so desperate and irrational that they actually think that by sucking up to mestizos that they will win their support. Yes, the "elite" Whites are evil, but what poor and incompetent devils they make! Anyone with an IQ that exceeds room temperature could tell these "compassionate" CONservative criminals that muds, (unlike most Whites) will support what is in their racial interests to support. RePubicWhiggers will never be able to offer spics more than the Democrats will. The moron currently in the Oval Office could legalize 6 million beaners or 6 billion and the outcome would be the same. The good news is that I truly don't think that "Dubya" can get a second term. The best thing that could happen to the racial scene in this country is for Hillary Clinton or Joe LIEberman to be elected president.
.... A lot of fools probably don't like hearing it, but let's get real here. It IS worse to have a "moral", "bible-bashing", judeo-khazarian in the (off)White House than it is to have a "liberal", "atheistic", Socialist. The reason is obvious. The system knows that most White people can not look past the window-dressing and will think "all is right" so long as a "wholesome" CONservative is "in charge". For instance, no president has ever done more to hurt farmers in this country than "good, old" "de-regulating", Ronnie Reagan. NAFTA, WTO -- These were overwhelmingly supported by "staunch" Gingrichian CON's. The Republican is a friend to no one BUT himself and his fellow bandits.
.... It takes a little digging but the truth is out there. Beyond a few meaningless "surface issues", the two judeo-masonic partys are identical. Both of them are in FULL support of the kike messianic vision of a Global plantation overseen by themselves. Both partys have condemned the White Race to death, and I feel that is high time that we returned the favor.
.... I'm sure you have noticed the lies flowing like sewage from the mouths of various RePUBICans lately, concerning our little brown buddies. Remember when George W.(higger) Bush waxed none-too-eloquently about the "common culture" we "share" with mestizos? Wasn't that special? The other day, Trent Lott spewed the sort of filth that would have made the ADL's Abe Foxman proud. When asked about the Teamsters and their objection to Mexican trucking screwing over their people, "good old boy" Trent refused to address the legitimate issues raised by the union and instead said that this was an "anti-Hispanic" position for them to have taken! Don't you just love these guys? Thank God, they're in Washington "fighting for us", huh?
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
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