Killers to the Left of us & Killers to the Right

by Luke LaVellian

..... I have pointed out many times that the two-party system is a fraud and that we in fact have a one-party/agenda system with as many meaningful "choices" as one would find in an openly totalitarian society. America and all of the other formerly White nations are run by an alien, anti-nature corporate "elite" who's goals are hardly a secret to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to "their" governments and/or medias.

..... I am literally NEVER challenged as to the specifics of a single thing that I write and that is for good reason. I cannot be "challenged" by the kike and white traitor cyber-sewer-trolls who "monitor" the net for "hate" because I stick to the facts. Remember that when you are attacked/smeared by pro-regime elements, you are never dealing with folks who are "in error", you are instead dealing with conscious agents of the judeo-masonic conspiracy to yoke all of the peoples of the earth to their "messianic" global plantation. As their talMUD says "Every jew will then possess 2400 slaves." The despicable Bush and Rockefeller-type "whites" are "honorary Pharisees" by virtue of their vile complicity in the crimes of the kikes. The B'nai B'rith is a yiddish masonic order and there are literally dozens of masonic front-groups that hide behind "Christian" and "patriotic" facades.

..... To save you time, I will give you the "secret" to determining what individuals/organizations are engaged in the subverting and annihilation of the White nations of the earth. It is actually quite simple, ask yourself this -- Does ________(fill in the blank) promote "internationalism" in a political sense and/or "Universalism" in a religious one? If the answer to one or both of the above is "YES", than you are dealing with human garbage and whether wittingly or not, they are in league with the system that is murdering our race. The left/right shell-game is not even worth me explaining again because I'm fairly certain that no one reading this still buys into it. Having one side screeching that you deserve "the chair", while the other, presumably "good" side claims that a "lethal injection" would suffice, is hardly the kind of "national discussion" that a White man or woman with ANY honor at all, will weigh in on.

..... I think that I'll use George W.(higger) Bush as an example of the kind of duplicitous filth that I'm talking about. Last week, this ignorant wind-up goy visited "our?" (hahahaha) troops stationed in Kosovo. He told them that due to their "diversity" that they stood as a "moral example" to the Serbs that they bombed into the Stone Age for refusing to hand control of their economy over to the oh-so Orwellian "free-market" system of the Imperial Corporate Regime. Don't you just love it when garbage like Bush talk about "globalization" as though it is something that just "happened" one day when no one was paying attention, instead of it representing the near-fulfillment of his circle's filthy religious goals? If "Dubya" doesn't qualify as EVIL, then the word has ceased to mean a damned thing.

..... Whenever the lying, thieving, cruds who run the United States government claim a "moral imperative" to interfere with the internal affairs of another country, just "follow the money". Whenever you hear jewish/judeophile scum-froths feigning outrage over the latest "Hitler" and wailing about the "innocents" being lost to the 666'th HolyHoax, you'll know that someone didn't "play ball" with the ZOG. There are NO exceptions to this rule. Corporate America IS the United States government and if your wasting energy and emotion waiting for Koffi Annan and the UN to rob ZOG of its "sovereignty", GET A CLUE! "Our" country IS the New World Order and I'd love to see anyone try to challenge me on this. What do you think they pay race traitors like Pat Buchanan and niggers like Alan Keyes for? A good diversionist is worth his weight in gold to the system. How they must laugh at our people's expense, when they see us all "up in arms" over the prospect of our killers "losing their autonomy" to a "World body". I feel that I know what David Lane felt when he wrote "Tri-Colored Treason", when he said that he'd "laugh, but it hurts to much".

--Luke LaVellian


"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL



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