..... Personally, I decided long ago that I would never grant an interview of any kind to the jewsmedia. This in no way should be taken as a sign of disrespect to those who do utilize the enemy media to get the word of White racism out before the public. If I'm ever confronted with some journalistic twit asking questions, all I'll ever have for them is the 2 words- "No Comment". I haven't the proper "temperament" for dealing with kike and whigger pukes who are out to twist the words from out my mouth, or worse yet, chop up a thirty minute interview into a pair of five second "sound bites"....... Though I will never be trading barbs with the scum-froth host of some talMUDvision program, I have great respect for those who do, so long as their words are true to the cause of White racist revolution.
..... A good example of this, would be PM Matt Hale, who takes no prisoners in his media appearances. You won't catch him laying out a laughable, whigger, "Heritage not Hate"-type argument. He acts as an Aryan should act, laying his ideological cards out on the table without a moment's hesitation. I remember seeing him interviewed by the author of "The Greatest Generation of Goyim", Tom Brokaw. In my not so humble opinion, PM Hale made Brokaw look like the highest payed butt-goy that the world has ever seen.
..... To my mind, it's a character issue. If you are a man/woman of honor, you will say what you mean and mean what you say, at ALL times. You won't curry favor with a kike or nigger host by lying to them that the "movement" isn't about "hate". The REAL White racist is filled to overflowing with HATE. He/She is extremely "hateful" towards the murderers of the Aryan race.
..... I make no bones about the fact that I hate with a passion that sometimes shocks even me. When I listen to "our" boot-licking, ass-clown of a "President" speak of the "magic" of AmeReeka, I feel nothing BUT hate for him, and everything that he and his class represent. I hate his dead grandpa and I hate his grandchildren who have yet to be born. When I see that little slatternly smirk on actress Julie? Stiles face in the advertisements for the new race-mixing porn flick "O", I am consumed with disgust. I HATE her for taking money to push the agenda of the Imperial Corporate Regime, and I HATE every white traitor of either sex that I see in public, cavorting with filthy muds.
..... Does anyone reading this really think that we "fool" anyone if we lie that we don't "hate". What is to be gained anyway by convincing whigger cowards that we are only out for "White Civil (snivel) Rights? What a load of crap! Any small w "white" who strives for "equality" with niggers, kikes or any of the other mud races is someone I have less-than-NO use for. If that was what it was all about, I wouldn't waste two seconds with the "movement". I DON'T want to be "ekul" with the garbage that is turning my country into "North Brazil". I want to leave this earth KNOWING that the future of my race is secure, which will NEVER be the case so long as kikes, jungle-bunnies, greasers, gooks and White traitor scum are in the picture. I see nothing in the way of an "upside" to the attracting of milquetoast castrates who will pee their little shorts at the first mention of anything stronger than the passing around of petitions.
..... So basically, what I'm saying is that one should tell the truth at ALL times, even when asked "trick" questions that are designed to make you either "wuss out" or sound "extreme". When given this choice, choose to sound "extreme". This will earn you the respect of those who actually MATTER in the grand scheme of things.
..... What you don't want to do is be like a certain "white civil rights" leader that I saw interviewed by Reverend Jesse JackAss last year. This right-wing fence-straddler, who shall remain nameless (unless you email me privately), decided that it would be smart to try to sound "reasonable" when asked some questions about whether or not it was the White man's duty to feed and house little nigger spawns born to unwed apesses (I guess that's redundant!). At one point the Reverend JackAss confronted this reactionary blight-winger with the following:
..... "Mr. D___, once these little black children are born, certainly you would agree with me, that we as Americans have the responsibility of caring for them. Would you not agree with this?"
..... Mr. D___ answered: "Well, of course we do, Mr. Jackson"...... How hard would it have really been for this man to have simply told the Reverend Jackass the truth? Why couldn't he have looked him right in the eye and said that it is race suicide to put the needs/wants of another race before your own and that if it were up to him, the little niggers would die of whatever disease causes that funny, bloated belly condition over in "Mother Africa"? *
..... If the race is to be saved it will NOT be as a result of "winning over" the W.O.W.S (wastes of white skin). It will be because millions of ruthless, "hate-mongering" Aryans have reached the stage where even a mere CHANCE of seeing something better come about for their people will justify any and all things that must be done to that which stands in their way. The kind of worthless "white" scum who say "N-word" in place of "nigger", are not likely to EVER get a clue. "Dumbing down" your rhetoric will prove to be as fruitless as it is dishonest.
..... Remember, honesty is the best (racial) policy!
[Editor's Note: An even better response would have been, "Every time I hear the word 'reparations,' I think one-way boat ticket back to Africa and away from us evil White Devils. Plus throwing in Sally Struthers as a snack for the trip back." --M.L.]
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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