.....The hype-meisters march on as the drooling drones, well, drool.......In the babelized, backed-up crapper of a society in which we live, genocide is "plurality" and debt-slavery is "freedom". Those who hate EVERYTHING that was ever good about America are "patriots", while those who love their people are denounced as "un-American haters". In a mad-house such as this, it only makes sense that the masses of "white" asses are thrilled-unto-death at the prospect of sending someone's else's son half-way around the world to defend their "right" to kill their own race and have a damned fine time in the process.
..... George W.(higger) Bush continues to make funny statements about "them evildoers" who are going to "pay big-time" for demonstrating their "evil" hatred of "freedom". I feel like I'm in a time-warp. This must have been what it felt like to listen to Corporate War II propaganda. I'm sure most of you have read of the moronic crap that flowed like sewage from the mouths of the criminals who were in power back then. For example, FDR "informed" the "people" that Adolf Hitler was out to "destroy Christianity" and make us all "worship him". Uncle Adolf planned to throw out the Bible and make us all read Mein Kampf!! OOOOHHHHH! While he was at it, I'm sure that the Fuhrer must have had designs on our apple pie too! Why, I just bet that had he defeated America, the national dessert today would be Strudel! Aren't you glad that the "greatest generation" saved the day?
..... To see so many ostensibly "decent" White people frothing at the mouth and joining in the frankly obscene chant of "USA, USA", sickens me to the core of my being. That they haven't a clue as to how spiritually ill they are, is almost beyond comprehension. I am ashamed at these morons and will leave "outreach" work to those who are better people than myself. I can only feel contempt for these ass-clowns.
..... For instance, did anyone catch Dan Rather's "crybaby" act the other night? Truly sickening! This idiot has reported from "hot-spots" all around the world. From the Vietnam conflict, right on up to the disgraceful Serbian campaign, Rather has seen DEATH and MISERY. Now that it has "hit home", this ZOGling suddenly finds that he is adverse to the sight of blood and destruction. He obviously is infected with the same virulent strain of "Chosenite-itis" that most Americans are carriers of! "Boo, Hoo", Danny boy. What an f'in joke!
..... Earlier, I was listening to former Crime Minister of Isn'tReal, Benny Netanyahu, give a speech to his harem of Washington whores about "terrorism" and what must be done (by us goyim, of course), to stop it. What would a good kosher whine-fest be without a mention or three of "Nazism"? Benny said that there is "never any excuse" for goyim to attempt to remove kikes from influence over their people. He lied that we "must defeat terrorism" in the same manner that "we did Nazism". I can just imagine that his statements will receive much play in the judeo-khazarian community. Jabba the Falwell, Pat RobberSon and his 666 club, etc., will all be calling for a "jihad" against those who "sin" by "hating" their yiddish murderers.
..... "Our" not-quite fearless leader, In-Flight P-resident Bush, will be "addressing" his Imperial subjects tonight. He lied that he will be explaining "why" the United Snakes was attacked last week. I wonder if this sock-puppet's handlers will write him some new lines or if we'll be hearing the same tired crap about how Ronnie Reagan's "shining house on a hill" was singled out for abuse by those who "hate freedom" and wish to "convert us all to Islam" at the end of a bayonet. In the meantime, I'll watch some more of this "America is United" silliness. On the screen at the moment is some sobbing nigger. It seems this ape lost its mamma in the WTC strikes. Wow, it actually seems to miss its mama. Gee, this must mean that niggers are just like us, right?
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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