My Response to the "ZOG - Love it or Leave it" Crowd

by Luke LaVellian


From some denatured, rag-waving ZOG partisan:

Then leave the country, your stinking piece of racist trash. Get your ass on a plane to Afghanistan ... neo-Nazi losers ... If you don't like the United States, GET OUT!


Dear Clueless,

I think your comments are highly illustrative of one of the biggest problems that we face as a people today. It would appear that you are hardly alone in your "My executioners, right or wrong" mentality. Could it be that you truly do not understand our position in relation to our racial enemies? Is it possible that you don't realize that we Aryans long ago, were relegated to "Palestinian" status here in AmeReeeka and all of the other formerly White nations? OR, do you simply not care about anything that doesn't accrue to your selfish benefit in the short-term?

Do I "like" the United Snakes Government? Absolutely not! I hate it with a passion that can only be understood by those who place honor ABOVE the accumulation of worthless "things" and the indulging of various carnal desires. Only those Aryans who are guided by healthy morality and are immune to the talMUDic filth of the enemy can understand what drives the White Resistance. Onanistic "self-lovers" such as yourself, will never "get it". Resistance propagandists do not speak and write to such ass-clowns. We are not "democrats" or "rePubicans". We make an end-run around the Corporate Regime's trash and attempt to reach the salvageable among our kind.

The rest can live (and die) in the muck and mire of "diversity". They are the doltish, drooling drones who serve as millstones around the neck of whoever finds themselves burdened with them. I say, let the enemy forces contend with them, for we haven't the time nor the inclination.

Tens of millions of what I not-so-affectionately refer to as Butt-Goys, refuse to accept that they DO NOT have a "government" anywhere on this earth. U$ZOG has exported its filthy, murderous "values" to all of the no-longer-White nations. Even tiny Iceland has been forced to adopt the genocidal open-door mud immigration policies of the Imperial Corporate Regime.

Does anyone remember Joerg Haider of Austria? Here was a man who was strictly reformist in his thinking, yet when his "Freedom Party" entered into a coalition with other Austrian parties, our filth-besotten ZOG showed how much it truly loves "democracy" by economically "sanctioning" Austria and forcing many of its European puppet-regimes to do the same. Why did the blood-soaked pigs who comprise "our" elite do such a thing? What was Mr. Haider's "crime"? He simply said that given a chance he would "limit" non-White immigration! Overnight, "our" government transformed him into the "new Hitler" (hardly an insult), and accused him of being a "racist" (a badge of honor today). This is but one example I could give. The sins of AmeReeka are stacked to the sky.

The United Snakes has dedicated itself to murdering the White race and enslaving everyone else. I do not support them in this bogus "war on terror" anymore than I support them in their domestic programs and policies that are designed to reduce White youth to the lowest, nigger common denominator. An attack on the enemy is never an attack on the White Resistance. Do I want to live in Afghansistan, my dear patrIdiot? Of course not. I want to live in a White nation that has been entirely cleansed of the kike/white traitor "Universalist" set. I want the same thing that all true Resistors around the globe want -- The Death of Zionism.

--Luke LaVellian


"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL



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