Subject: Choosing Sides
..... One of the best things that has come out of the 9/11 strikes is that the ZOG has been coming on strong, demanding that its imperial subjects demonstrate their "loyalty" towards judeo-Masonry and the foul front entity that they laughingly refer to as a "nation", AmeReeka. This is a good and necessary thing. I have been calling for much the same thing for a long time now...... When "our" Imperial Corporate Overseers declare that we are either "with them" or "against them", they are absolutely correct. One can be an Aryan or one can be a judeo-AmeReekan. What one CANNOT be, is both. I applaud the enemy for bringing the all-importance of choosing sides out into the mainstream. Many of us have long ago declared our intentions towards the race-mixing, culture-raping "Beast System" that rules over ALL formerly White nations. It is time for the "fence-straddlers" to get with the program. The murderers of our people aren't going to accept your "luke-warm" asses any more than the genuine Resistance will. If you find that you cannot evince a deep fascination with the "wonders" of Die-versity and you actually give a damn what kind of world your grandchildren will inherit, you ARE not "with them"(ZOG). There is a thing FAR worse than being a man/woman "without a country" -- and that's being a man/woman without HONOR.
Subject: Melvin J. Milktoast
Sir,Why won't you dig into your heart and find the love that surely hides deeply beneath the hatred you hide behind? Where is your Humanity? Why can't you join the rest of your brethren and 'get along' while there is time to save mankind?
We have world hunger. We have hate, nuclear proliferation and desease. We have to find a way to settle our problems and make this truly a heaven on earth or the hell the likes of you propose. Use your obvious talents to salvage the goodness that is needed to save the world from the hate mankind clings to.
Melvin J. Milktoast---------------------
..... I can assure you that there is absolutely NO "love" in me towards the system that is murdering my race. I am not the slightest bit conflicted about where I stand. You however, seem to be quite confused about any number of things. My heart goes out to my People and my mind is occupied with things that are of concern to THEM. I couldn't care less about your kooky "Hue-manity". I promote a Pan-Aryan, revolutionary program. My "brethren" are my brothers and sisters in the Cause. Those small w "whites" who stand opposed to Aryan liberation, muds and cruds, and the kike puppet-masters who steer the (not-so)"Good Ship Zion" are all slated for eventual "neutralization".
..... You and Rodney King can whine all you like about "getting along". It will get you and yours NOWHERE. White Racist Revolutionaries have no intention of "getting along" with those whose sole purpose in life is to suck the the life force from the collective body of our people. We have no use for a people, "chosen" or otherwise, who vacuum-to-itty-bitty-bite-sized-pieces 1 million+ Aryan babies a year in AmeReeka alone. We also have little use for glorified apes that rape 20,000+ of our women annually and put thousands of us in the ground as a way, I suppose, of showing their appreciation for being almost ENTIRELY subsidized by our people the last 40 years. Call me a "Bad Egg", but I think we would be well rid of the whole stinking, shitty lot of you. In closing, I'll "cling" to my hate until there is nothing left in my living space that is worthy of it. --Luke LaVellian
Subject: Axl Hess's New Site Address
Axl's "Extreme, Violent, Racist" site has changed addresses. You will find several new articles posted. This is one of a relative handful of sites that tells it like it is with ZERO compromise. Check it out.http://members.odinsrage.com/white88
Subject: Collective Responsibility
.....Hypocrisy, thy name is AmeReeka!..... What a laugh it is to listen to ass-clowns saying that if the Afghan people don't "play ball" with "us" that they deserve whatever they get. They say this crap out of one side of their mouths while feigning horror when Arab Resistors express similar sentiments towards the drooling drone shitizens of AmeReeka. Kike after kike calls for the "destruction" of his/her least favored middle-eastern nation and the average White (in skin color only) "Hails the (Learned Elder) Chief"!
..... I am hardly surprised by this considering the fact that virtually no one in this country gave a single remote damn about our fellow Aryans being butchered by the ZOG in Serbia a few years back. No recent event has done more to show how far "we" have fallen than the collective yawn that was the response of White America to the destruction of the former Yugoslavia.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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