..Isn't all this kike "patriotism" a sight to behold? Don't you just love seeing the intellectual slatterns in the media with those obnoxious little "red, white & jew" pins on their lapels? Sometimes, all I can do is laugh at the madness. "Hate" without humor would get pretty dull. This has been both the most anger-provoking and funny few weeks in recent memory. How can an Aryan miss all of the irony? "Pro-American" Kikes? "Hawkish" Chosenites? Physical cowards and moral degenerates screaming for the blood of their enemies from the safety of their editorial columns?
As much as I hate the jewish people as a collective, I doubly despise the White traitor filth who emulate them. Truth be known, kikes are ROTTEN ACTORS! There is really no excuse for buying into their nonsense. A kike knows nothing of natural feeling. He can only imitate what he thinks "normal people" feel in any given situation. Seeing through overwrought kike emotionalism shouldn't present ANY kind of challenge to a reasonably intelligent, morally upright White person. In my view, those small w "whites" who serve the interests of the self-chosen against the interests of their own kind are entirely self-serving criminals. Criminals are to be punished, not cajoled, convinced or otherwise "ministered" to. To hell with them and theirs! Their time will come.
The title of this article is in reference to the system campaign to get us all to "self-censor", for fear of being booted from the herd. The ZOG has seemingly given up its efforts to "persuade" us that their perverted, evil vision of a "One-World" Brothel is the correct one. They have instead opted to step up their vilification of ALL opposition to their schemes. I welcome this development as one of the first steps to turning the "cold" war we are engaged in into a "broiler". Surely, you have noticed the "all or nothing", "with us or against us" crap, that has been flying from the mouths of Corporate Regimeists for the past three weeks, right? You either spout the Corporate line, or "Dubya" might decide you should share the fate of all them nasty Arab "freedom-haters". Isn't it funny how those who are utterly consumed by inhuman hate are the first ones to whine about all the "haters"? They call it projection and it is something that all ZOGites seem to have down to a fine art.
George Orwell said that "tyranny begins with the abuse of language", so I guess full-blown Zionist tyranny is now here in a BIG way, huh? We have long had jewish genocidists telling us about the "dignity" of all mankind, so long as said mankind enjoys licking kosher arse. These self-same congenital criminals have been attempting to "uplift" the World by getting it to conform to their gutter values, for hundreds of years. There really is nothing new about jews lying and scheming in order to strengthen the position of jews. What IS new is just how blatant(Thank God!), that they are being with their intellectual "bully-boy" tactics.
"So and so or such and such is unAmerican", screeches the big-mouthed khazar, mongrel crud.
"That isn't real patriotism", farts some repulsive mockery of the divine.
"What about FREEEEEDUUUUUMMMMMBBBBB?????", wails some eternally "poisecuted" apple of the devil's eye.
All American dissidents should consider themselves "put on notice". "We", (as though their will ever again be a 'we' in this Babelized, backed-up crapper of a country) must unite behind "our" Corporate CEO and walk in lockstep with the sorry scum that are "our fellow AmeReekans" OR our days of grazing with the herd will soon come to an end! Those who disagree with the ZOG are not just wrong, they are downright "evil". I honestly don't know how these maggots, faggots, muds and cruds get this garbage out of their mouths without breaking into hysterical laughter.
That negrophilic piece of dog-vomit, Johnny Ashcroft, will soon be "scanning" your email for "terroristic" language that might "pose a threat" to Corporate security. Ohhhh, scary! Why don't these ass-clowns bring back the House UnAmerican (anti-Semitic) Activities Committee? That will REALLY scare us off! What these pukes don't seem to realize is that those of us who truly "get it" will NEVER be separated from our views or dissuaded from carrying out our duties. This attempt to stifle dissent may shut-up a few CONservative butt-goys who will now rally behind the rag-flag and avoid all discussion of "divisive" issues, but it will do nothing but embolden the rest of us.
Hey Ashcroft, here's something for your "scanner":
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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