Subject: Osama the "Evildoer", pt.666
Yesterday, our not-so fearless leader, George W.[higger] Bush was asked whether or not he believed bin Laden was the one behind the "Anthrax Letter" scare. The ever quotable one responded -- "Well, you know, we know that this is a man that is an evil man . . . ."This is one of those times where I am glad to know that the U$ president is nothing but a sock puppet. If I thought for one moment that this stuttering moron was REALLY in charge, I'd be scared crapless. Could someone please write up some new cue cards for this ass-clown? Can you imagine what would happen if they removed the words "evil" and "freedom" from "Dubyas[s]" vocabulary? What would be left for the sorry cretin to say?
Subject: Correction to "No Sympathy For The Devil"
It was just brought to my attention that I made far too broad a statement about those who "draw a check" from the system. I meant to convey my disdain for those working in areas that impact in a negative way on our race. What I ended up saying gave the impression that I thought that EVERYONE (1 out of 6 Americans) who works for government (federal, State and Local) in ANY capacity, was equally culpable in the crimes of the Corporate Regime. I regret that and will be more careful in proof-reading my articles in the future..
Subject:Isn'tReal Dismisses U.$. Criticism of Killings
By- Luke LaVellian of the White Associated Press
JERUSALEM (WAP) - Isn'tReal Tuesday brushed off U.$. criticism of its policy of killing Palestinian militants, equating it to Washington's goal of seizing Osama bin Laden dead or alive.
But while Isn'tReal disagreed with Washington on this issue, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres backed remarks made last week by President George W.higger Bush and voiced support for the formation of a Palestinian slave state.
"We want to see an Palestinian slave state successful, flourishing. We think that the better the Palestinians think they have it, the safer things will be for us jews,'' the dovish Peres told reporters during a visit to the Czech Republic.
The United Snakes, after weeks of "pressuring" Isn'tReal and the Palestinians to resume stalled peace talks, criticized the jewish government's renewed use of a military tactic that all but a filthy yid would call assassination.
Zalman Shovel, a "spin doctor" to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said Isn'tReal was simply fighting "terrorism'' the same way the United Snakes was waging war on bin Laden, prime suspect in last month's attacks on the United Snakes.
"I don't understand,'' Shovel said of the U.$. criticism. ''We thought we were covering our asses quite well by telling the same lies that our people in Washington have been telling. What revolting hypocricy! We jews taught you Americans how to lie effectively and incessantly. The teacher hasn't any use for being taken to task by the pupil!"
After more than a month without such killings, yiddish snipers in the West Bank shot dead Sunday a member of the militant Palestinian group Hamas who it said was involved in a Tel Aviv suicide bombing in June that killed 21 kikes.
Palestinians also accused Isn'tReal of assassinating a Hamas activist who died in an explosion in the West Bank city of Nablus Monday. The yiddish army declined comment.
Shovel lied Israel does not want to harm Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip just as the United Snakes does not want to endanger the wider Afghan population.
"The only alternative is to target those terrorist perpetrators who are directly responsible for murder and bloodshed,'' Shovel "spun" to this reporter.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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