Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 11:51:59 -0600 (CST) From: James Floyd ( Subject: Plan 'A' nears Its end to Cullman County Sheriff fax 737-9868 Sheriff, in the past I have attempted to focus public attention on our ever expanding problem of illegal immigration through a variety of modes and methods. You know the history of these futile exertions. Only my family and I have suffered any discomfiture because my efforts. This fax represents a new direction, no antics, no loud theatrics, no sideshow for the press, nothing, just a simple request for you to do something about a very egregious situtation. I have, for the last few weeks, been using the library at Wallace College for a writing project in which I am presently involved. Every time I go there, the school yard is awash with young Mexicans, speaking no English, their ages appear to range from seventeen to twenty, in a word, I am willing to bet the farm that they are here ILLEGALLY! Now, Wallace is a place were we send our children to learn a trade, to learn about the working world, to learn to conduct a responsible business, to work hard and play by the rules. What kind of message are we sending them if they can look out their windows and see a contractor working illegal aliens, paying no tax, no SS, and openly breaking all the rules? It is also important that this construction money comes from the public coffers -- tax money taken from the parents of these kids and used to do harm to their own community. Perhaps, you will say that this is outside your jurisdiction. If so, I call on you to, please, contact whoever is responsible and work with them to get these people off this campus. I am willing to file a complaint, sign a warrant, whatever. That said, if I am willing to again put my neck on the block, surely, I can get someone to investigate and address this despicable situation. Sheriff, you can see them from 31 as you ride by. If needed I will be at 739-1412 or the library, 5th floor. Jim Floyd.
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