Para I have not had an epiphany, no visitations from the other side, nor has there been any smoke, mist, loud voices, (aside from the old lady), or any seizures involving ecstatic behavior (aside from the old lady)..Para However, I have been abundantly blessed with two wonderful spiritual gifts. These gifts are the gifts of logic and reason and they are spiritual. I am a veteran of fifty five years of Bible study and have for all these years been an intense observer of all things Judaic, Evangelical and Pentecostal.
Para Mine has been a long and demonstratively futile battle against such ideas as Judeo-Christianity, which is a contradiction in terms. Then, I fought the equally oxymoronic profession of, Christian-Zionism. Now, ever-so-slowly the people I have watched have evolved into practitioners of the vilest, darkest of all the demon religions, Christian-Kabbalism.
Para So, once again a tired old quixotic (Don Quixote) warrior with a broken lance, riding a malnourished mule, and wearing rusty armor is charging at the windmills of invincible ignorance which have enveloped most of the religious people around me.
Para It is not these theological illiterate TV preachers who scare me. No, no, there is more sound theology in my morning bowel movement than there is in their collective brains and to disprove their lame and apostate babblings is child's play. It is their insanely gullible followers who terrify my very soul.
Para The next time you watch these itinerate, Kabbalist, preachers on TV, try to detach your attention from their mesmerizing routines. When the camera spans the audience look at the hypnotic spell they have over their devotees. Their faces say it all! Thousands of people with their heads cocked sideways, with their mouths ajar, and eyes wide open with a glazed-over, far away look. Frightening, indeed, be afraid, people!
Para There is a clip which the Jews love to use and they show it endlessly on The Kill Hitler Channel, or The Hitler Channel, All Hitler all the Time Channel, AKA, The History Channel. The scene is of Hitler riding by a crowd of approving "worshipers" (their term) and they span these faces to show the affect of Hitlerism's demonic powers. Compare the faces. Hitler and Benny Hinn have more in common than you have imagined.
Para Hear me Jew, hear me, America, I know what you are doing! There is no conspiracy theory here, don't write here and tell me to come down off the grassy knoll, because what you Jews have done and are doing to the Church of Christ Jesus is overt, and as blatantly obvious as it is damnable!
Para You have promoted, financed, and tutored these TV idols and pushed them off on the dumbest among us. You continue to feign respect and admiration for people like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, all the prophecy novelists like Hal Lindsey and a thousand lesser deities who are willing to let you mark them as one of yours.
Para These TV criminals, committing crimes against Christianity, and calling themselves prophets and prophetesses are truly the Jews' and false Israel's fifth-columnists, unregistered agents for a foreign government.
Para These so-called Christian broadcasting stations are nothing but propaganda outlets appealing to base emotionalism and misdirected compassion; misplaced emotion and misplaced sensitivity. I have watched and correlated the occasions upon which the bastard state of Israel has perpetrated its most heinous war crimes against innocent Palestinians and found a link between these barbaric murderings and an increase in Holocaust propaganda on these stations.
Para As unbelievable as it sounds, one of the stars of Bible prophecy, Jack Van Imp and his less than lovely wife repeated the lampshade-libel against the German people, just this week. I've seen the debunked soap-libel many times and they are showing up-to-the-minute, brand-spanking-new, films straight out of Israel.
Para But the number-one most irritating, all time butt-galling piece of junk that they love to use to sully our minds and are attempting to teach our children, has to be the Anne Frank bull-shit!
Para I promised to explain my New Years resolutions and I will. Some were alarmed when they read of my pledge to kill little Anne Frank and to, once and forever more, nail her damn coffin shut. Of course, you deserve an explanation.
Para What follows is from a 1972, paperback edition, "Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl" and is on page 117;"I already had these kinds of feelings subconsciously before I came here, because I remember that once when I slept with a girl friend I had a strong desire to kiss her, and that I did do so. I could not help being terribly inquisitive over her body, for she had always kept it hidden from me. I asked her whether, as proof of our friendship, we should feel one another's breasts, but she refused. I go into ecstasies every time I see the naked figure of a woman, such as Venus, for example. It strikes me as so wonderful and exquisite that I have difficulty in stopping the tears rolling down my cheeks. If only I had a girl friend."Para My God people! Monica Lewinsky, with her knee pads and yarmulke is a better role-model than this little bitch!
Para Look at your precious children! Look at them you idiot of a Christian-Zionist-love-all-things-Jew, sorry sons of bitches. Is this what you want in your child's school? Is this what you want for you little girls, elementary school girls? Why not go all the way and make people like Woody Allen their principals and Pee Wee Herman their teacher?
Para Was Anne Frank plagiarized from a novel? Was the author paid to be silent? Was it written with a ball point pen, ruling-out any possibility of it being written in the early forties? I do not know, but one thing I do know, a thirteen year old girl did not write the paragraph above.
Para I have read millions of paragraphs written by filthy-minded, ugly, beastly little [Khazar] Jews who were obsessed with such trash as this. Obsessed with body fluids, feces, urine, menstruation rags, blood and always I knew that these were creepy, bearded, old men dreaming of sex with little girls.
Para Hear me clearly! The Talmud is full of it! The Kabbalah is full of it! Jew, especially, Khazar Jew literature was written by bearded old men thinking of nothing but sex with young girls.
ParaChristian preachers who condemn every form of sex other than married, male/female, missionary position, copulation are now feeding this @#$%&.
Para Rise and be seated, brothers and sisters, I must stop this homily before I say something indelicate. I find meself too angry to continue.
Para Deacon Tripp Henderssen will you come to the podium? Deacon Tripp will read a prepared letter to Rev. Pat Robertson, noted friend of so-called Israel. You will find a copy in your hymnal, which you should mail as soon as possible.
Para Also, Brother Tripp will help those of you who are participating in 'Operation Call and Cuss,' where we call these preachers prayer lines and cuss'um out. Some of you are horribly deficient in Ebonics, even to the point of not knowing that 'mother,' in Ebonics, is only half a word.
ParaIt has also come to my attention that you get excited, on the phone, and forget the cuss words. Write'um down, people, as Deacon Tripp says them.
ParaBrother Tripp:
The letter;
To Rev. Pat Robertson:Rev. Pat, before I write about your son I want to get me facts straight. Your son was born, as I understand it, a little over five months after you and your lovely wife were married. He was a fully developed baby, rather heavy, and with none of the problems involved in most premature births.
I fear that it would be gross blasphemy if I trash the three of you and then found that his conception was immaculate. Did G-d make an exception to the nine month rule and give you this boy early because of your special spiritual connections, or can I be safe in saying that you and your wife were just two normal hot-tail little humans wallowing around in the backseat of a car?
Rabbi James Floydstein
(note: always use a Jew name which increases your chance of an answer.)The Most Reverend, James Floyd
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