Hello, Ms. Chavez. Yes, begorra, I said it! "Slavery was our worst ever immigration policy, until now." ------------------------------------------------------------------ And they said; "Whiteness is a social construct that is oppressive and must be abolished" W.E.B. DuBois ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, I know about all this stuff. Some of the more affluent, down here, had black immigrants back in the early eighteen hundreds. They was our house guests and sure they done a few little chores around the cotton patch but we never thought of them as employees. ------------------------------------------------------------------- And they said; "Treason to Whiteness is loyalty to humanity." Race Traitor ------------------------------------------------------------------ Nope, we didn't pay tax on'um but that got a lot of us killed. The government has always been real serious about that tax stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------- And they said; "Whiteness is the principal scourge of mankind." Ditto ----------------------------------------------------------------- And while we didn't pay them much, back then, well, we sho have paid dearly ever since, and it still ain't over. (Watch Johnnie Cochran on Fox tonight) They want reparation and they get damn mad at me when I tell them that welfare is reparation, as is affirmative action, preferential education grants and government employment. ------------------------------------------------------------------- And they said; "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race. Abolish the White race by any means necessary." Ignatiev and Garvey ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dam'it Ms. Chavez, you should have called me! Us Celts have a long history of suffering because of what your friend, Ari Fleisher, called your "human kindness." ---------------------------------------------------------------- And they said; "The presence of Whites on this continent is an unmitigated catastrophe for peoples of color and an offense to everything that is decent and humane. White America is the Great Satan." Ditto and Farrakhan ----------------------------------------------------------------- The bones of our Celtic ancestors litter the continents from Japan to the American northwest, from China to the sands of Egypt, from the Gobi Desert through ancient Iberia across Europe to the Iberian Peninsula, and up to the valleys of Wales, and beyond. -------------------------------------------------------------------- And they said; "Prove that you love me...kill Whites and bring back they ears." Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Miami -------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, Ms. Chavez, your so-called 'conservative compassion' may cause you some worry, but it could be much worse. If you were just a little Whiter you could join me in worrying about our 'Celtic compassion' that may, soon, very soon, get us White folks and our children killed, again! -------------------------------------------------------------------- And they said; (paraphrased) '...don't feel sorry fer them mother fucking Whites if they old and crippled, find a cliff and push them mothers and they wheelchairs over it.' Caliph Abdul Mohammed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis; Now, for those of you who understand nothing that I have written above, please, let me elucidate. First, I write this way because it is too late for moderation, too late for mealy-mouth hypocrisy, in a word, we don't have anywhere else to go. If we lose this land we can't put our blond headed, blue eyed children on a Veneti or Nordic boat and escape to a new life. Dam'it this is it, folks! I don't give a rat's ass about Chavez or G.W.! She came 'Up From The Barrio', (her book), by way of White compassion. That suicidal, self-destructive, stupid, wrong-headed, 'White thing' that has, historically, gotten our people mercilessly slaughtered. Oh, Jimmy me lad! Your a racist! You're goddam right I'm a racist! And when you come for my children you will find me Celtic, White hand filled with the sword. Ahhh, I'm too damn mad to be writing. Emotions, emotions, emotions - they are blinding. I know some Mexicans who don't want this nation to be another Mexico and I know intelligent Blacks who don't want another black country under Jesse Jackson. Why do we never hear from them? Llywelyn ap Llwyd Y Traethodydd Next - House Niggers applaud while the Black Causus storms from the U.S. House of Rep. Caesar goes-down-on Nicomedes. George Wallace is "Out Niggered' by Patterson. And much more. .Back to The Incomparable Jim "Braveheart" Floyd Archive
House Niggers
(An Addendum)
by Jim Floyd
"What you Gringos don't understand is that we take care of our own." (Wet-back caller to Fox TV on Chavez) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adios Chavez! Vayase! Linda, I watched you, yesterday, as you withdrew your name from consideration for Secretary of Labor. Well, let's get right to the nitty-gritty. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sing it, you children of Juan Garrido, sing it; "Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white people; but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha"; "Kill d'White People"; --Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Warner, USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No dear, you are not a martyr. You are , in fact, just another garden variety racist. You paraded before us a gaggle of wet- backs and others of color. This is blatant racism! Do you ever help White people? I didn't see anyone on that stage who was my color. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another New Spain ditty; "A fight, a fight, a nigger and a white, if the nigger don't win then we all jump in. . . . smoking all [of] America's white boys"; --"A Fight"; Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Time Warner, USA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, I can put you in touch with some White South Africans who need your "human kindness" to escape the terror from murdering niggers who have killed their children, stolen their farms, raped their women and girls and taken-over that ever- darkening continent, call me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join in Ms. Chavez, sing it sister; "Swinging out of the trees, is the blood-spilling, devil-killing, nappy-headed g.'s. . . . blacks and Mexicans must take a stand. . . . I'm down with Chico, and not with the man"; --"Set the Shit Straight"; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, I must thank you for exposing the ever expanding, scabrous, duplicitous, hypocrisy of this government and it's leaders. Your intentional violations of immigration laws pale, indeed, when compared with what your detractors and fair- weather supporters have done and are doing to harbor, feed, shelter, provide free health care, free day care, etc. etc. for these illegal aliens. So, what we have here is the pot, cautiously, calling the kettle black. But alas, be patient! Thanks to you and other racists like you the inevitable browning of America will soon make it possible for you to become the High Priestess of Aztlan, N.A. I can see it all now, you can stick a few buzzard feathers out yo ass while singing this song- Sing it with me sister Linda; "It all started out as a fight for the land. They took away Texas, and began to expand. Still punk rednecks say: remember the Alamo. They don't want to know who I am, but let them know I'm the M.E.X.I.C.A.N. So hit the ground and prepare for sprayin' [automatic weapons fire]." "The only immigrant is the Atlantic Ocean wetback. Step back. We say in Aztlan, there ae no fronteros, no borders . . . " "By the year 2,000 Jack, we're gonna see who is the real wetback." "In two-triple-O, we take it back." "Brewed in Aztlan by home-boys who know how to make a dead gringo." "So get blasted like a Smith & Wesson. Learn a lesson. Share the oppression." " . . . I wanna take a nine [9 mm pistol] and make their brain hang out." Llywelyn ap Llwyd Y TraethodyddPara