Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:02:17 -0600 (CST From: James Floyd ( Subject: Sting, Stang, Stung Last evening, at about three minutes pass seven o'clock, I decided that 'the problem' is not the little, illegal, wet-backs who are flooding into Alabama, also, I now know that 'the problem' is not the greedy, treasonous, businessmen who take full advantage of this cheap labor. No, both groups are acting-out a very natural role in this comic, human drama. 'The problem', in my beloved South, is the same as it has been since 1865. Oh yes, it was bad in 65! We had drunk, barefooted, Negroes occupying the state house, eating peanuts, fist fighting and throwing food at each other. We had Thaddeus Stevens, scalawags, carpetbaggers, Union League Clubs, all working together with other political parasites, looters, knaves and fools, to destroy the South. Last night, at seven o'clock, at the bi-monthly Cullman City Counsel meeting, our 'New South' leaders exhibited what any thinking-person would conclude to be a continuation of the Thaddeus Stevens, postwar government. And, last night, history was made at this meeting. It was the shortest meeting in the history of this city. I arrived a few seconds after it open, only to find that it was over, closed! And there were snide little grins on all faces except those of the TV people. Surely, they were wondering why they had assembled their equipment for such a ridiculously short session. Well, let me tell you why. They knew I was coming and they knew what I would say, and they knew that the TV would carry what I said, and they didn't want it said, and they didn't want the citizens of Cullman to hear it. They saw that I wasn't there and gleefully open and closed the meeting almost in the same breath. Early in the day, the Cullman County Commission had not fared so well. I got to this meeting, unannounced, just in time to take the microphone and smile at the camera; from memory; Good morning, I don't know about you but I am embarrassed that our new Federal Post Office is being built by illegal immigrants. I am offended that there are seventeen Mexicans standing on a scaffold within a stone's throw, or taco's toss, of your offices. I am ashamed that our tax money is going to a treasonous general and sub-contractor. How do I know they are illegal? The two on the far end still have river moss, in their hair, from the Rio Grande. What did you say? You can't do anything? Oh! That is exactly what the project manager, in Atlanta, told me. That's what the Chief of Police told me, and the health department, and the Social Security agent, et. al. Nobody can do nothing, anything, double, triple negative, nothing! And it's not just the Post Office. They are still raising the roofs at Wallace College and they are paving the back-road to the college. So, why am I telling you all this? George, (County Commissioner) well, for one thing, I can't talk to mosquitoes. In addition to the degrading impact of this situation upon the well being of our workers and their feelings of self-worth, there is the ever alarming danger of illegal immigrants coming here without medical screening or a protecting policy of quarantining. These people who are violating our campus, our city and county, are known to carry, in their blood stream or lungs, everything from Dengue fever, to rubella, to malaria, and a strain of tuberculosis which is immune to any treatment. So, what we are doing is leaving to chance the health of our children and entire community. We are gambling that when the mosquitoes come out this spring that they will carefully avoid biting an infected illegal and then passing that blood on to our kids. Of course, I know no way to appeal to mosquitoes, so, I am asking you to do something about this dangerous and unacceptable situation. And so it goes and so it went. The next Counsel meeting is two weeks away and the brick at the new Post Office will be finished, this crew of illegal invaders will be off Main Street and our poltroonish leaders can, again, hold lengthy meetings and ruminate about how much good they are doing for our community that they love so very much. Meanwhile, if there is anyone out there who knows how to talk to mosquitoes, please, call me. Come to think of it, I had rather talk to an honest mosquito anyway! Jim Floyd.
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