Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 17:02:23 -0600 (CST) From: James Floyd ( Subject: Little Debbie and Dandy David Preface World War II, the Holocausts, and Hitler remain topics of interest to most people, with interest varying, by degree, from obsession to mild curiosity. We even have a TV channel devoted to killing Hitler, daily -- sometimes two or three times a day. I call it the "All Hitler Channel, All Hitler, All The Time." They call it 'The History Channel.' Bridge Demolition 101 This article is written in full compliance with the Floydian sixty/forty rule. I have pledged to support and not be publicly critical of any person, manuscript, organization, activity, program, or enterprise with which I am in agreement sixty percent of the time. Also, I took the decision, years ago, to only burn those bridges which lead nowhere or were incapable of affording safe passage to both first time travelers and seasoned, fat, journeymen, like meself. If a bridge won't hold yo weight you should burn the dangerous damn thing! Hundreds of times, I have watched self-worshipping, self-aggrandizing, self-appointed, so-called leaders steal the hearts, minds and monies of my good friends and I said nothing. I said nothing because I hoped, prayed even, that someday these self-acclaimed champions would stand and deliver. Well, they haven't and I see nothing promising on the horizon. I do, however, see a clear and present danger resulting from the David Irving, Debbie Lipstadt, so-called "trial of the century." For those of you who read only bumper-stickers or essays of one paragraph or less, and will not read this entirely, I will say upfront that the David vs Debbie trial is not, nor will it be, the end-all, final, conclusive, "Great Holocaust Debate." I am sorry, but the truth or falsity of the holocaust does not rest on the results of what I predict will be, simply, an expedition into Yiddish theater-land. Those of you who are waiting, with bated breath, for a powder- headed, London, judge to rule in disfavor of Holocaustalism or world J-wry, please, people breathe, inhale - it ain't gonna happen! The unforturnate truth is that Little Debbie Lipstadt is an out and out phony and nobody really likes David Irving, not even and least of all, David Irving. Guru, indeed! "Of course, Irving is a piece of sh.t, Jim. But he's our piece of sh.t" from the self-appointed, #1 revisionist of North Alabama Ahh but, Ladies First La-dies and Gen-le-men, in this corner we have Deborah Lipstadt. Ms. Lipstadt is wearing blue and white trunks with funny little stars, over her large Askenazi, Khazaric, non-Hebrew hips and weighing in at, well shall we say, enough to qualify her for a job as a 'before girl' with Jenny Craig. Deborah is sponsored by 'Gut Abe' Sassoon who, also, bought her the Dorot Chair in Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, in Atlanta. Buying a Chair means you put enough money in a trust to generate income sufficient to pay the teacher's salary plus make it beneficial to the school. If the transaction is sweet enough any J-wish American Princess (JAP) can have a seat, regardless of gray or white matter or the lack thereof. Emory was, at a bygone time, one of those Christian/Methodist/ Southern schools which conducted itself like a Christian/Methodist/ Southern school. But not today, it is a very sick place and Debbie is just one of their health problems. Emory, like Patton, will, one day, realize that they have opened their doors to the Christ-haters, well, maybe. Presently, Lipstadt runs about the campus unsupervised, a real mistake. So, under Mo-Dees jurisprudence, (court rules of engagement), not only is little Debbie guilty of libel but also Emory University could and should be held financially responsible for her slanderous book. And while we are about it, we should hold the Atlanta Journal- Constitution, NY Times, Boston Globe, LA Times etc. culpable because of their ridiculous endorsments; "Important, impassioned...illuminates with skill and clarity...Well-sourced and carefully argued. Brilliant, brave, consistent, careful, good, forceful." What hog-wash! This piece of trash of a book is nothing but another infantile, warmed-over, shamefully transparent rehash of propaganda tactics designed to intimidate and denigrate thinking, reading, people and appeal to the shallow-minded. I forced meself to read, no, 'wade through' this septic, twice. Little Debbie didn't write this crap! It was written by a gaggle of beastly little people from the Hebrew (?) U. of Jerusalem, from NYC, the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal off-Center gang, the AJC etc. etc. It is, at once, both good and original, unfortunately, the parts that are good are not original, and the parts that are original are no damn good! And the parts that p..s me off are not those criticisms of Dandy David Erving for which she is being sued. The parts that infuriate me are the redundant attacks on my friends who disagree with her and her corpse-worshipping buddies. You see, if you disagree then it logically follows that you are; one of those who believe "that women should be kept barefoot and pregnant, that the moon landing was staged in Nevada." you are, "people with no redeeming social value...totally irrational." Some of you may be "good-hearted but uneducated people who will succumb to mental gyrations." The remainder are "the plaque bacillus...its rats." You are "Nazi rats", and carriers of "the plaque of hatred... the bacillus of prejudice." You are "flat earth theorists", and "believe that Elvis is alive and well and living in Moscow." Enough! Enough! Enough! These are just a few hate-mongering quotes from the opening pages of this rambling rubbish that is the book, "Denying The Holocaust." It shouts at everyone, YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THESE SUB-HUMANS WHO ARGUE WITH ME, DO YOU? YOU CAN'T DISAGREE WITH ME WITHOUT BEING A DULL-WITTED, EXTREMELY STUPID, LOW-LIFE, FAILURE OF A PERSON, and on and on! Hell people! This ain't new! It was conceived in the dirty, Khazaric, bastardized, backalleys of Cracow, Warsaw and Kiev and has served these people well for centuries. However and conversely, you may believe that Elvis lives, that the earth is flat, and all the rest of it, and still be a fine specimen of a righteous Goy, just as long as you believe every jot coming out of this "Research project of Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem." Brothers and sisters, I want'a cuss, right here, real bad, but I won't. I'm damn tired of these beastly little people coming out of the same hole with their slander against me friends. Not the David Ervings, no, no, I'm talking about the fine people out there who will finally, one day soon, change this horrid situation. And who will change it? The mothers and fathers whose little girls come home crying because the school showed them a horrific film of fifty-year-old cadavers. Who will change it? The hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers, out there, who by their own intellect and devotion to truth, go about their own neighbrohoods, and churches telling the truth and making it believable by the weight of their good reputations and personalities. Digression Yes, Mr Hoffman the third, you sweet darling you, it will be the plumbers, shade-tree auto mechanics and encylopedia-sellers. It will be those old, untrained, unprofessional journalists, scribbling on the Inter-net who will change things. Those unsung heroes of this cause who read 700 page books and then run-up un-godly phone bills passing the word around the world. It will be those people with money who focus on a project with laser accuracy and bravely throw themselves and their own money behind it. Don't you know that patriots, dissidents, revisionist et. al. are sick and fed-up with wanna-be-leaders telling them to "drop all yo projects, forget what you are trying to do, bring yo billfold, and come and join me." They are sick of it Michael, you better write and send-out an apology, now! You whining...naw, that's enough. Back at Ringside And in this corner we have Dandy David Erving, champion of free speech rights, defender of academic liberties, but, but, but, he has sued little Debbie for writting and talking. It don't make a whole hell of a lot of sense, does it? Dam'it I'm old and I'm on medication and I'm confused and tired of thinking about it. And I don't know that I want anyone to win against speech. Also, why would I support a guy who wrote 45m words with a grand total of only 13 that "might be construed as anti-Jewish." Hell. I do better than that before my morning bowel movement! Look, I still adore, worship even, the David Erving who dug around in those dank, dusty archives and wrote masterpieces like Dresden, Hitler's War, Churchill's War, etc. but he's gone. If any of you see him, again, send him back to us. Sorry, I don't have a dog in this fight! Jim Floyd Oh,oh! I near forgot. Hiram Johnson died in 45. He said only one thing that is worth remembering, "The first casualty when war comes is the truth." No, Hiram. No, Deborah Lipstadt, the truth is not "fragile" nor must it be "protected." Truth is strong, truth is a heavy, hardened steel, Celtic sword, cutting its path through weak, shaky lies. Truth stands tall on its own, alone. And in the final battle, truth wins..
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 10:43 AM From: James Floyd ( Subject: Advisory from Jim Floyd If you don't send me some money I'll keep writing and posting me horrible essays . I'll even double- up on the muck-raking, gutter-snipping and latrine- wall scribblings. And when I get audio, by damn, I'll sing for you and boy will you be sorry! I go to court, again, the 24th. I don't want to go there broke! I took a contract with my son and we built a canopy at Arab Jr. High School but the return hasn't been enough. That's why I've written less, lately, I've been trying to raise the money without asking for help. Look, I love you guys and this is difficult for me but I do need your help. Those of you whose money I returned or those who tried to give me funds but were told to wait, well, now is the time. And to those, who post my articles on your web pages and have volunteered to ask your list to help, thank you, sincerely. My law-breaking has been and will be crimes involving civil disobedience. Serious enough to bring attention to our causes but not serious enough for a long jail term, hopefully. And I have plans for some real capers, if and when I can afford it. You owe me nothing. All these years I have written each article with the idea that I was writing to a friend, for my friend's enjoyment. Jim Floyd 185 Co. Rd. 254 Cullman, Al. 35057.
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