Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 07:55:49 -0600 (CST) From: James Floyd ( Subject: Separation of Synagogue and State Oh, yes! The people who make movies love those scenes where a sensuous young, deranged Catholic girl goes into the booth and whispers to the Priest, " I don't have on any panties." Oh yes, and they never tire of heaping derision upon the trailer park, Southern, lass who falls under the sway of the Evangelist and is swayed, from the brush arbor meeting, into the bushes with the, hedgerow, preacher man. Oh yes, what fun they have with those poor masses of contrite sinners who leap to their feet and run to the front with tears, snot, and slobber flowing from their sinful faces, while the altar-call is given and Amazing Grace plays mournfully slow. Oh, yes, yes! Isn't it just spellbinding and so wickedly humorous to see those Holliness snake-handlers, talking in tongues, shouting and jumping around -- tattoed, shabbily dressed men and overweight women kissing poisonous vipers and drinking poison drinks. Ah, but all this is old-hat. Y ou know what I'd really like to see? I'd really like to see a movie about spiritualism on Capitol Hill. I'd like to see that less-than-holy spirit that has taken over the hearts and minds of our Senators, Congressmen/women, and every President during my lifetime. I'd like to see them all gathered in an Oral Robert's tent and have this spirit sweep over and sit upon their heads like cloves of fire. I want to see that most powerful, most fanatical, other- world, unholy ghost that, invariably, takes possession of our leaders. Show me this strongest of all nefarious spooks, this poltergeist that knocks on the hearts of our leaders and causes them to run and grap for the horns of a Khazaric altar. Lets see it, Hollywood! Show me all these dignified 'Hill Rats' running through the sawdust, down to the scrolls, cherubim, and menorahs. Show them with tears, snot and slobber flowing from their faces. Give us a close-up of that mystical, far-off look in their eyes as they lunge foward with AN HUNDRED AND TEN BILLION U.S. TAX PAYER'S DOLLARS AND LAY IT AT THE FEET OF THEIR LORDS AND MASTERS! Play the Hatikvah, play it soul-stirringly loud! Only a g-d can count to an hundred and ten thousand million dollars and only a demon posessed congergation of extremely stupid, treasonous bastards would give it to Israel! Oh, sweet spirit of logic and reason, please, separate our government, once and for all time, from its de facto, State sanctioned, Congress approved, media affirmed, Presidentially endorsed, fore-skin loving, damnable, religion. Rev. J. Edward Floyd Home Missions Director.
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