ParaOnly tenacious study can destroy a tenacious lie. In this first example we will look at a persistent lie that has been written and rewritten and is presently alive in our papers, on TV, and the net..Apologists for the Jews say:
“The Jews took Jesus to the Romans because they were not allowed to execute criminals.”Para The answer to this lie was there all the time but we missed it. Christ was murdered on Passover. Fifty days later came Pentecost, afterwards, we have a short span of time and then there was Stephen.
Para Stephen then preached a long sermon to probably some of the same Pharisees who turned Christ over to Pilate. In Acts 7:43 he accuses them of worshiping a star, “ . . . . the star of your god.”
Para What did they do? They gnashed their teeth, fell upon him and killed him. Did they go ask the Romans? Did they turn him over to the Romans? Absolutely not, they executed him.
Para Could they have killed Christ? Yes! Christ could have been murdered just like Stephen without Roman approval. The fact that they slew Stephen proves it.
Para But Stephen was killed like any common criminal and as an example for the local, fledgling church. When they turned Christ over to the Romans He became an international criminal and they made of Him an example to the world and for all time.
Para Have I discovered the reason for involving the Romans? I do not know but I do know that I have exposed a lie.
In defense of the Jews they say:
“Gibson’s movie does not show even one compassionate Jew.
And there was one. Simon of Cyrene volunteered to carry the cross and he was a Jew.”ParaAgain, a very persistence lie. Mt. 27:32, “. . . . him they compelled to bear his cross.” See Mark 15:21 “And they compel one Simon. . . .” Luke 23:26 “. . . .they laid hold upon one Simon . . . .”
Para Was Simon a Jew or a Niger? Was he a slave? I do not know, but he was coming in from the fields, strong enough to carry a heavy cross and was conscripted, ordered, to carry the cross.
Para Sorry, Simon was not a “compassionate Jew.” Para However, there was at that time an organization of ladies, a benevolent society in Jerusalem.
"Before executing a criminal, a quantity of frankincense in a cup of wine was given to him to stupefy him and render him insensible to pain. The compassionate ladies of Jerusalem generally provided this draught at their own cost."Para Those in search of 'compassionate Jews' must look at these nice old ladies! What did they give our Lord? Did they join a mob of blood-thirsty, sadistic torturers and turn what was normally an act of kindness into another cruel insult?
Para They gave him vinegar and gall. Gall is a greenish, yellowish bile taken from slaughtered animals. No compassion in this cup.
Para Next comes the most ridiculous interpretation of scripture imaginable and represents a desperate attempt to find compassionate Jews.
"Give us Barabbas," writes one professor, "was the multitudes' cry for Pilate to release Jesus. Bar means son and aba means father, hence, son of the father, Son of G-d, Jesus."Para This man is saying that the scriptures became corrupted over time and that compassionate Jews wanted Christ freed. This merits no comment.
Para The first trial, if it can be called a trial, was at the palace home of Caiaphas, the high priest. See Mt. 26:67-68. Here they played a game, a brutal game. They hit Him about the face, and spat in His face. They covered His blessed face which must have been, by now, a bloody pulp of swollen flesh. Then like infantile bullies asked Him to prophesy, "Who is he that smote thee?"
Para The rite of sacrifice had begun. At this point in the Passion of Christ, Caiaphas had unconsciously preformed the ancient ritual where the High Priest offered-up the head of a lamb. The bloody head and face of the Lamb of God set in motion the process of atonement. Caiaphas sacrificed the face of God.
Para Then they took Him to Pilate, over to Herod, and then back to Pilate. Each painful step, every passing moment, brought Him nearer the epicenter of inhumane evil. The regression to primordial baseness, the savage hate, and animalistic blood-lust of the Jew cannot be denied. The ignominy of murder bonded Jew, Roman, and Satan.
Para Was it deicide? Only in the hearts and minds of those who believe that Christ was God does it forever remain deicide.
Para Yet, even the most fanatical unbeliever can not fail to see the grotesque injustice surrounding the trials, conviction, and execution of Christ.
ParaThings happened that should not have happened and things did not happen that should have.
The Talmud on judgments:
Para The Pope said, “It is as it was,” after seeing the Passion film.Y Judgments in souls are finished on the same day and on the day after for condemnation; wherefore there can be no judgments on Friday or on the eve of a festival.Y The punishments were inflicted in the most humane manner, and the entire code is the perfection of justice tempered by mercy in its truest and highest sense.
YIn cases of flagellation, the number of strokes was limited in the most extreme cases to thirty-nine.
Y The judges in capital cases were required to fast all day on the days when they pronounced judgments, and even after the sentence the case was again considered by the highest court before it was carried into effect.
Y The place of execution was a considerable distance from the court, and on his progress thereto the prisoner was stopped several times, and asked whether he could think of anything not said in his favor.
Y A herald preceded him crying aloud, “This man is being led to execution, this is his crime . . . these are the witnesses against him . . . if any one knows aught in his favor let them come forth now."
Y A court which had pronounced one sentence of death in seven years was called 'the court of murderers.'
Para Those of us who have studied the Priest/Sanhedrin court system of that day know that:
It was not as it should have been.Summary:
Para While reading the critics of Mel Gibson’s movie I noticed that their comments were directed at Mel and his father only briefly. In most cases the first short paragraph targeted Mel and his dad. The attack then swiftly targeted the Gospels, Gospel writers, and Christ.
Para Crucifying Christ anew is not possible, physically. Hijacking Christianity is possible and that is what is happening.
Para These statements concerning criminal law, the Sanhedrin, High Priest court, are taken from 'The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, The earliest remains of the Talmud.' 1917.Notes:
The detractors of the 'Passion' movie seem to know what we have said many times. Most of our people are viewers of movies and the television screen. They do not read nor have they ever seen a word-picture. They feel with their eyes focused on a picture.
Some of you do not need Mel Gibson’s movie. But those who have retained the ability to read and see word-pictures are, unfortunately, few and the last of the breed.
Will the world be a better place February the twenty-sixth? No! The modern day Pharisees will probably make their own movie and the so-called Cultural War will continue.
Years from now, the movie will be a simple foot-note in some book on syncretism, and the high cost of compromise, where Christianity finally surrendered to the dictates of Phariseeism.
And like the day when the killed our Lord, it will be a sad, dark day, indeed!
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