From: James Floyd [] Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 6:06 PM Subject: Alan Dershowitz, Racism in Review While we and our children drown in a sea of multi-culturalism, pluralism and color, Blacks, Whites and Browns deserve to know how a Harvard professor feels about the future of his own 'stolen' race. Sacred Survival What you are about to read is a Commentary on the newest addition to our Bible, that is, if Alan M. Dershowitz has his way. His fondest wish is that his book will have the unique distinction of placement in both the Old and New Testaments. The Book Of Dershowitz, aka The Vanishing American Jew, subtitled In Search of Jewish Identity, is at once a crucifixion story, social idealism (for the CHOSEN few), religious vitality without a God and a call for racial separatism and tribal supremacy unmatched in the annuals of hate literature. Pastor Alan Dershowitz, of Harvard Law School, has boldly and assertively purloined White racist material from the likes of Pastor Richard Butler, of Hayden Lake's Identity Church and colored it Khazar. In the advancement of his cause, he has plagiarized, in this book, so much neo-Nazi, White Aryan Nation and Christian Identity material that he can justifiably be called the Richard Butler of the east coast. David Lane, a member of the Order, in prison for hate crimes, has 'fourteen words' with which he promotes the survival of Whites and their children -- Dershowitz has written fourteen hundred words with the same racist intent. He has chosen the phrase "sacred survival" to express his obsession with perpetuation of his clan and those he and he alone certifies as Jews. This involves me personally because I have had an easy task, over many years, of exposing the true identity of Alan Dershowitz and his tribe. Dershowitz and family are traceable descendants of the Khazars, a race, a nation, a Turko-Mongol tribe who converted to the Jewish 'race' in about 940 ce. They do not have, nor have they ever had, any cultural or historical ties with the Semites in Palestine except through their atrocious, bloody conquest in this century. They are not Hebrews, Israelites or in any way or form Semitic. They have no Abrahamic blood line, absolutely no basis for claims of kinship to Moses, David, and Jesus. They have no descendants in the House of Israel or the House of Judah. You may convert to almost anything but YOU CANNOT CONVERT TO ANOTHER RACE! Dershowitz has never, nor will he ever, suffer from anti-Semitism, simply because he is not a Semite. Changed Paradigm The above statements are true facts, provable from their own writings. Evidence ranging from the letters of Chazar King Joseph to the small remnant (approx.. 500,000) of Oriental Jews in Spain (circa 954-961) is in the British Museum, with relevant documentation at Christ Church in Oxford and the Leningrad Library. Of course, you can't go to these places but you can go to any library and read the Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. IV, Chazars, pp.1-5. Thousands of scholarly, good people have been made privy to this dark little secret and have marched off armed with these infallible proofs only to be stopped by the Jews-R-Us crowd who grabbed the horns of the altar and claimed that Jewishness was 'religion' not race. We watched as Sammy Davis Jr., Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, TV's Nell Carter and others converted to Judaism and became Jews. Perplexities enveloped all thinking people as we observed the requirements for becoming a Jew. Some converts were, at a minimum, required to memorize a bit of Torah and profess openly a belief in God, while others were forced to submit to genital mutilation for males and a strange ritual of genitalia inspection, by three Rabbis, on females. How many times, dear hearts, have you heard someone say, "Herzl, Ben-Gurion, Freud, Spielberg, Brandeis, Golda Meir etc. are Jews, atheists but still Jews." Confused? Well, The Book of Dershowitz puts an end to Jewish identity based on religion, only excluding those who love Jesus; "A Jew cannot remain a Jew if he believes that Jesus is God's son." (pg.185) Jewishness is "a matter of self-definition." (pg.324 where he mercilessly attacks Jews for Jesus) Yet, he follows with this tidbit; "A Judaism that excludes Jews who do not believe in God is unthinkable." Now comes the Dershowitzian coup de maitre, wherein being Jew is a "STATE OF MIND." Not exactly like anything else, not exactly like a religion, not exactly like a geographical civilization, not exactly like a race or ethnicity, not exactly like a linguistic group or a philosophically homogeneous people and not exactly like a tribe." Sweet Maimonides on a frigging pogo stick!, who in the Sam Hell will read and believe the quibbles, fallacies, childish sophistries, and pilpul garbage in this falsely-so-called book? The illiterate might believe but they can't read and the literate would never swallow such tripe. Please people, trust me on this one, do not buy this book -- steal it, shoplift it and don't worry about getting caught. The laws in every state require that a person can be convicted of theft only if the item stolen has a value; this book is worthless! Note - from NPR; As I write this 250,000 people in Israel are out in the streets throwing excrement at each other and arguing about this 'who's a Jew' question. And Dershowitz is safely dug-in at Harvard Lake teaching impressionable young people lessons in primitive, yet venial, hate. Mission Impossible A review of this book is impossible because little Alan tried to cover such a wide expanse of subject matter with such unrivaled shallowness. He takes us from Adam to Armageddon in a paltry 341 pages and covers everything from A to B using Yiddish one-liners and vulgar jokes. However, his germane anxiety is with the possible extermination of Jews, "our people" he calls them, through assimilation, intermarriage and low birthrates. He describes this threat of mixed marriages as "the secularist wolf" and cautions that we (Jews) "must not shed our uniqueness and melt into someone else's pot." So, a 'Dershowitz Jew' is one who stirs the great American 'melting pot' but never becomes an ingredient in the exogamous recipe. "Not only could I never have married a non-Jewish woman, I would never even have seriously considered it." (pg.36) "I want to live a Jew life with a Jew wife and Jew children... I could not fall in love with a woman with whom I could not share my Jewishness." (pg. 172) [remember now, this has nothing to do with religion, he worships only himself and his Klan] Even when the pretext for discrimination is religious should Jews be excused and all others condemned as racist? Is preservation of the so-called "Holy Seed" any less an act of bigotry than the efforts of a KKK member who is repulsed by Black/White intermarriages, specifically, demanding that his children marry White? And what would the press say if White families declared a child dead who married outside his/her race. What if they went to a Baptist church, pronounced the kid door-nail-dead, sit a Shiva over the not-so-dearly departed, then buried an empty coffin? Jews do it (pg. 28) and Dersh didn't condemn it, "whatever works for them," he says. More Butt Galling Chutzpah In a burst of raw 'master race' promotion he declares that Christian Europeans are dumber than Jews because "the brightest Christians became priests...priest(s) were celibate and so did not procreate... their genes were siphoned off, generation after generation, into the church...resulting in a reduction of the average intelligence level of non-Jews." While back at the shtetel, the brilliant Rabbis were reproducing like wharf rats, concocting medications from dog and cow excrement (pg. 199) and crash-testing into walls to see which would hit the wall first, their noses or erect penises. (Dersh wrote it, I didn't) Throughout, he is at once a braggart and an apologist regarding Jew-power in America. On the one hand he boasts of the Herculean Jew influence and "dominance over television, film, book publishing, newspapers, magazine advertising, PR, and other opinion-shaping businesses." (pg.51) So pervasive is this power, says Derz, that; "American sensibility itself has much Jewish as anything else...the literate American mind has come to think respond Jewishly." And he continues this braggart enterprise, gloating over their disproportionate representation in government and finance, but (and this 'but' is bigger than Mad Albright's hips), but they are "individuals" who just happen to be Jews, totally innocent of advancing or enforcing Jewish common causes. Even criminal Jews, from Wall Street to Hebron, are "individuals" and should have no bearing on one's assessment of the collective Jewish character. (He even admits that "Jews were at the forefront of the Bolshevik Revolution." pg. 270) He calls this "the failings of the few, some Jews." However, conversely, unfortunately, this High Priest of hate, Alan M. Dershowitz, recognizes no individuality among his enemies Black or White ie. those who dare disagree with him or don't like the bastard state of Israel; from Voltaire to Buchanan, from Jerry Falwell to Louis Farrakhan, from Southern Baptist to the Spotlight, from the militia to Noam Chomsky to Henry Ford, and on and on, they are 'collectively' people; "from the margins of society, the lunatic fringe, of the lowest status, marginalized groups, out of the mainstream, ne'er-do-wells,know-nothing populist, uneducated, rabid, conspiracy nuts, fools, assorted knaves/naifs, crackpots, ignorant bigots, and stupid." (Oh, Blacks are "raucous radicals.") Foreskin loving mohels!, somebody send this hatemonger a sheet and hood. What he has done in this damnable book is tie some of our best and brightest together behind his pickup truck and has dragged the hide from their bloody flesh. This book is, by their own definition, a hate crime. And why has he so clearly exposed his dastardly, dark, evil entrails? -- elementary Mr. Watson - he has a mission from his non-existent G-d, a Jew-man's burden called "tikkun olam" (repair the world), and on page 329 "to perfect the world." "The imperative to repair the world," (pg.276) Dershowitz, if I was G-d I'd smite yo damn thigh, this very moment, you arrogant, duplicitous mamzer. So, by preserving the seed of Khazars, by keeping Dershowitz Jews from marrying Blacks or Whites, by protecting the "cultural DNA," by building "Jewish high schools," by "building an internet library of Yiddish literature," by "more domination of TV and movies," by "hiring real educators" (like Dersh, not like contemporary Rabbis) alas!, the world will be saved and repaired. "All good people, regardless of race, should condemn all bigots, regardless of race." Dersh pg.134a Amen, so be it! The rambling twaddle in this book confirms that Alan Dershowitz is truly a louse in the locks of American literature but is unsurpassed in his sad and sickening propagation of racism. A true modern j*w. The Very Honorable Jim Floyd.
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