There are rivers of septic whose headwaters begin in the squalid environs of New York, Washington, Hollywood, Atlanta, and other cities where a minority continues to spew clogs and coils of putrescence over a rapidly disappearing majority. This unimpeded, fetid flow has reached into the streets, principal buildings and homes of every American. Is it at all surprising that our politicians, judges and other 'political streetwalkers' rush to the banks of these soiled streams to be baptized, to become one of them, to be accepted? This is not water, this is a sludge, a slushy mess, whose putrid odors invade the nostrils and eventually destroys the hearts and minds of all within its easements. Of course, this dense foulness is not free-flowing; it requires pump stations and there is a proliferation of pumps and pumpers dispersed around the globe. Their task is to acclimate you and your children to unadulterated, disgusting defilements and to do it in such a manner that their septic gasses become not only agreeable but a pleasant and sweet savor. We have a septic treatment plant and pump station, in Alabama, called the Southern Poverty Law Center and as I write this, Mark Potok, of the SPLC, a Rabbi and another Khazar J-w from that great pump station in California, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, are throwing little bags of excrement at the Council of Conservative Citizens and any other group or individual thought to be intolerant of their foul, rank corruptions. Now the scene changes, now we have three Khazars and a heavy Black woman advocating new and improved "hate crime laws," irrespective of the Constitution. "We gonna get inside they heads so we can know if they hates" -- does this smell to the high heavens or what? Warm up room 101, get the rat cage ready; where are you Eric 'Orwell 84' Blair when we need you? There was an exceptionally large clog of defecation, which ebbed by last week and lawyers cheered from the banks of Stinky Creek NY. A Black family sued a gun manufacturer and was awarded a multi-million dollar judgment. Cases are pending in Atlanta, New Orleans etc. where survivors and families of dead gunfighters are suing gun companies, holding them liable, responsible, culpable for how the guns were used. (The NAACP announced yesterday that they would soon file.) Perhaps, it is time for a breath of fresh air, cool, clear, clean, fresh air. If product liability cases against gun makers are successful, and it appears they will be, why can't we sue others whose products obviously influenced the killers. Maybe we could include the Hanes underwear company because the shooter was wearing a pair of monumental, creeping wedgies or boxers which fall down well below his buttocks; all this surely added much to his hostilities. Then there is that damn Walkman boombox, boom, boom, boom, blasting ideas of mass killings of Whites, especially, White police, into his pea-size brain. Sue'um. Sue Ice Cube, sue Tupac Shakur's J-w handlers, sue Sony. Did he wear a Adidas slicker, Nike shoes, well, there you have it, go get'um because all these products had a deleterious effect on the poor young Blacks and Mexicans who are, because of years of depravation and maltreatment, resorting to gun crimes. Sweet lawd in haven, the pumps never stop, at this moment via CNN, we have a pinched-face Khazaress and her guest, Daniel Levitas, talking it up for mo 'hate crime laws' with stiffer punishments. Look you imbeciles, we once had a Constitution which guaranteed equal justice, "the equal protection of the laws." (article XIV, section 1) Do I hate? You bet yo tushies, I hate! I hate the INS, (Immigration and Naturalization Service) in Alabama, all three of them, indolent, sorry pieces of human waste who are sitting on their 'politically correct' arses while my State is inundated with illegal, drunk, dirty little Mexican boys. Last month three of these drunks hit a neighbor, mangled and killed him. They spoke no English, were driving on the wrong side of the road, drunk, but said the reason for the accident (?) was their inability to read road signs. I hate the INS for releasing two thousand criminal illegals into our communities; no, they did not deport them, they simply released them because of prison over-crowding and assured us that they were non-violent. I hate the chicken barons who are now running a van down to the border in full view of our local officials. Officials that I hate because they had rather expend their stupid efforts prosecuting me for burning a foreign flag than protecting our county from this onslaught. I hate the local papers which print only standard nonsense about how fortunate we are to have these nasty chicken de-boners so the price of a nasty piece of Tyson chicken cost a few pennies less. I hate the ugly white trash women who marry these creeps, for money, so they can gain citizenship and I hate the judges and preachers who allow it. Well, they are killing and robbing each other, now, but how long do you think it will be before you and your children become their victims? I hate the three tattooed hoodlums who dragged a Black convict to death behind their pickup truck, in Jasper Texas. However, I also hate the no-thinking, lying, TV talking-heads who distort the statistics of Black on White crimes. And why shouldn't I hate them for their transparent, brain-dead tacit of lumping anyone and everyone, who is a dissident, together with these hoods from Texas and habitually under-reporting (or not reporting at all) Black and Mexican killings of Whites? If King is sentenced to death, and he will be, he will be the only White on death row for killing a Black, not because Whites are killing Blacks with impunity but because few Whites are killing Blacks. And I hate every reporter/commentator who has declared that the Texas, pick-up truck murder "could not have been worse." If I've heard it once, I've heard it twenty times, "I can't imagine a worse crime," they say. Well, I can! If this killing had occurred in Lagos, Nigeria the victim might have been brutally killed and eaten. Yes, cannibalized! Clifford Orji's bar-be-que stand was found to be surrounded with "gruesome, stomach-turning remnants of human parts...human bones, apparently from thighs and the cervix, legs and other human parts." "It is noteworthy that human flesh is a delicacy in parts of the country. In some states of the south-east, human meat is said to compete with dog meat as a delicacy." Enough! See Tom Chittum's webpage. And what if the Texas murderer had been named Shinebien instead of King? Why, he could have fled to Israel, to that hole-in-the-wall hideout for beastly little J-ws who mutilate and burn their victims -- that would have been "worse" would it not? And if it worked for Sammy Shinebien it should work well for Hiam Goldberg; HOUSTON, Feb. 20 (UPI) -- Authorities in Houston say a 20-year-old man indicted in the stabbing death of a wig shop clerk may have fled to Israel, where he holds dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship that would prevent extradition. Dror Hiam Goldberg is charged in the Nov. 27, 1998, slaying of 54-year-old Manuela Silverio at Wigs by Andre, where she'd worked for 23 years. The shop's owners, 67-year-old Roland Ingrando and his 55-year- old wife, Roberta, were also stabbed but survived. (Assistant District Attorney Chuck Rosenthal) Your damn right, I hate these people! We should send the sixth fleet jets with enough fire power to make Mediterranean fish bait out of every mamzer in that unholy Zionist bastard state. And send a Delta team to bring these two thugs back kicking and screaming. Folks, you ain't gonna believe this, Morris Dees, the Grand Dragon of the hate industry (SPLC) is on my TV! They are treating this aging pedophile with an awe inspiring respect as he boast of past, long past, victories over the dreaded Klan. "Seven million dollars taken from the Klan," says Dees, well, Mrs. Donald got a paltry twenty thousand. What happened to the money, Mo? And he has that look that every White-hating opportunist, fund-raiser has as they lick their chops and have visions of dollar signs. Of course, I hate this phony, duplicitous bastard. He will use this case to bleed every cent out of the poor and frightened that he can squeeze into his bloated ninety million dollar coffer. But I reserve my greatest, most profound hate for our own people. Our people are as dumb as dead mules, believing what they see on TV or read in J-w owned papers. Willingly cooperating in their own genocide and the destruction of their children's future. And finally, I hate my circumstances. My writings have no commercial value and I do not have enough money to pay the lawyer who is defending me as we appeal my conviction for burning a UN flag. Sad, ain't it? Clinton has raised millions for defense of his crotch- crimes, Dees got ninety million, and Jim Floyd can not raise a couple thousand to pay for burning that damn rag. It hurts and its hurting my family. Ed Coey Jim Floyd Attorney At Law 1 85 Co. Rd.254 P.O. Box 834 Cullman, Al.35057 Hanceville, Al. 35077 Jim Floyd.
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