To the Sheiks and Omars of the World.. . . . . Have you lost your Allah-damn mind? You can't kill all our Jew reporters. If you abduct all of them it should be evident that there is no way, in hell, that you could feed 'um. There ain't enough food in the Middle East to feed that many goddamn people!
. . . . . And how dare you, give us a false hope that getting rid of these beastly little shits is even possible. All you have done is lower the volume on the TV sets across America. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure about the news of Daniel Pearl's demise because the other News-Jews are talking about it in such soft and solemn tones that my old ears can't hear what they are saying.
. . . . . And as they announce that you have sent him to that great bagel-land in the sky every other Jew, Shabbas Goy, Buttwipe, or Shiksa feigns, what we call in the South, the "dying-calf-in-a-hail-storm" look. Sweet Jesus, how I abhor that look! How can these pinched, plastic faces go from a fake smile to a downcast mournful stare with such astounding rapidity? That must be really rough on the face.
. . . . . And look, Omar, can't you understand that abducting the Judenpresse for profit is not a money-maker. You asked for two million dollars for the release of Pearl, absurd! There just isn't enough filthy lucre on this planet, not even in Tel Aviv, to set-aside two mil for every Jew reporter!
. . . . . No, Omar you don't have the answer. Hitler didn't have the answer. Only I, have the answer to the News-Jews, our misfortunate problem.
The Floyd Final Solution
. . . . . An Alabama Khazar Jew of considerable wealth had me barred from a local call-in program by convincing the host that, "...if Floyd had the chance he would burn all of us and our families in a gas chamber."
. . . . . No, I would not! The solution I offer is much more imaginative, prodigiously sinister and by far more cruel. No panty-waist gassing, no shots to the head, none of that passé crap. I would round-up every damn mamzer that has written even one pro-Israel article, or appeared on TV, or radio, and I would empty Hollywood, and do what should have been done when they first gained control of the media.
. . . . . I would personally arrest Charlie Krauthhammer, Willie Safire, etc. etc. I would chain together Roger Ailes and his mangy, falsely-so-called-news network, (Fox) and every other Jew dominated outlet, and then, and then.
. . . . . And then, I would perform what history would record as the most grotesque, all time most barbarous act of torture ever written in the chronicles of man's inhumanity toward man or beast.
. . . . . I would load them all on the Afro-track train and ship they sorry asses to Liberty Hill College where they would be bombarded, day and night, forever, with reruns of Jerry Falwell's, Old-time Gospel Hour. Every bagel given them would be shaped like Falwell's fat face and there would be loud-speakers everywhere, in the toilets, in the hedge bushes, 24/7, braying and praying, eternally!
. . . . . Begorra! Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, and not even Ariel Sharon can hold a light to me when it comes to savagery!
. . . . . Enough said, do you really think that I'll shed a single tear over a dead Jew reporter? Especially, while you Jew bastards and your butt-wipes continue to hurriedly and cavalierly report the murderings of thousands of Palestinian children. Most of the time there is only a short clip, running across the bottom of the TV screen, telling us that your beastly little co-religionist killed another eight year old, or ten year old, "in retaliation . . . ," "because of . . . ," "Israel strikes back . . . ," -- will one of you idiots please tell me why the Palestinians are never said to "strike back?"
. . . . . Is Daniel Pearl's the first Snuff Video produced by someone other than the Jews?
. . . . .Note. If you think this article is tasteless, insipid, wait until tonight, when I publish my list of death-worship quotes from Fox and Friends, which I have amassed over the past six months.
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