Para Gertrude, I ain't answering your religious questions, today. I'm watching a softball game on TV..Para The 'Butt-Wipes for Israel' are playing the '9/11 Commissioners.'
Para This is one strange game. The Commissioners don't seem to want to win. They act as if they have been paid or coerced to throw the game.
Para While the outcome is predictable, the pitching restricted to powder-puff slow balls, and the hitting never beyond the infield, never the less, I want to watch this silly game.
Para The big challenge is to guess which team is which; they all seem to be on the same damn side, and without a program it is hard to follow.
Para They are all striking-out, not a single hit; I've never seen anything like this, except maybe that Earl Warren team, back in the 60s.
Para So, leave me alone, Gertrude, until this game is over.
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