ParaParaParaWhat is an article titled "Under cover of Whiteness" about, you ask? It's about David Horowitz and hundreds of other lapsed leftist who have arrogated to themselves the authority to speak for us, for me.
ParaHorowitz not only presumes to speak for us but has been permitted to steal our most precious heritage, our identity, our Whiteness.
ParaSave a place for Me, save a place for me, brothers and sisters, in yo hearts, in yo hearts. Let me speak for meself!
ParaOf course, I'm angry! Every time there is a so-called debate about reparations, affirmative action, welfare, hate crimes against Whites etc., there is Horowitz and a militant nigger and not a White man in sight.
ParaMr. Khazar, J-w, Turko-Mongol, Horowitz can aggravate and enrage these animals and then run grab the horns of the J-w altar in a social sanctuary built especially for his non-White race. And again, leave us to face an impossible world of 'his' making.
ParaOh, but Jimmy me lad, he's watching the store! Hell no! No sane person would leave a store full of niggers and shop-lifting wet-backs in the hands of Khazars like David Horowitz! Just as has been the case since the fifties, nobody is watching the store! And you, Whitey, as always, are not even a participant in the contest.
ParaI lived in Anniston, Alabama when a bus load of blacks and beastly little J-ws like Horowitz rode through. I saw the J-w furnishing the money and the intellect, (their words) united in their successful enterprise to destroy my homeland. What kind of a fool of a Whiteman would trust Horowitz?
ParaBut he is sooo intellectual, Jimmy!
ParaGo read. Read his book, "Hating Whitey," in which he admits that he worked for Black Panthers Huey Newton and Elaine Brown from seventy three until his so-called conversion. "A leader of the new left . . . disillusioned . . . and by the 1980s his political about-face was complete." (from inside back cover)
ParaThe book would have us believe that this Horowitz, "did not know that the Black Panthers were violent."
ParaHe was there when Huey whipped his chairman, Bobby Seale. He was there and wrote that Seale was, "personally sodomized by Huey with such violence that he had to have his anus surgically repaired..."
ParaHorowitz knew about, Sam Napier, "who had been shot, doused with gasoline, and set on fire." He knew about "The Squad" -- the enforcer group who carried out "beatings, arson, extortion and murders."
ParaLittle David Horowitz goes on to say that he knew nothing about these thugs using drugs and thought that their running noses were due to head colds.
ParaEnough! I swear by G-d Almighty and by the one good eye of Thor, that I'm sick, and oh so tired, of Khazar J-ws working both sides of the street, UNDER COVER OF WHITENESS!
An Open Letter to Johnnie Cochran on Reparations for Blacks (Horowitz's new mission from the right)
Lawyer Cochran, Horowitz was not kind to you in his book. Perhaps, we could join in our efforts to settle this question of reparations for the descendants of black slaves.
Of course, time is of the essence. Whites will soon be a minority in this country and wet-backs are not going to pay. And when you make your demands on White working people, the progeny of White slaves and victims of the antebellum competition for jobs between both free people of color and farmed-out black slaves, well, all hell will break-loose!
I have a better idea. Let us come together, brother Johnnie, in one accord, let us reason together, and place the blame for slavery upon those who owned the ships, financed the purchases, and sold the flesh of your people.
Oh Johnnie, Johnnie! The gold is still there! It's in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills, New York City, L.A., Tel Aviv, and a 'Rabbi Trust' in the islands.
Listen to a clear voice from the past, 1844 onward, from the rutted, open sewer streets of Montgomery, Alabama. Oh, looky, looky, there is the Lehman Brother's sign, "Agents for the Sale of Leading Southern Domestics." The sign was on their offices which " . . . stood in Court Square . . . , directly opposite Montgomery's main slave-auctioning block."
I'll be back in Montgomery, next week, at the Department of Archives and History, and then to Charleston, to investigate the family of Moses Levy.
Look, this thing is doable. No, everything has not been written, and only with much effort in the area of, what I call, financial incest, can we present a sensible invoice to the culpable who benefited the most from slavery.
Of course, I want something. No, no, I don't want money. I'm old and don't have much time before I cross over Jordan. But before I go, I would like to have the records described below;
On January 31, 1977, in the cases of Bernard S. Lee v. Clarence M. Kelley, et al. (U.S.D.C., D.C.) and Southern Christian Leadership Conference v. Clarence M. Kelley, et al. (U.S.D.C., D.C.), United States District Judge John Lewis Smith, Jr., ordered that the Federal Bureau of Investigation purge its files of: all known copies of the recorded tapes, and transcripts thereof, resulting from the FBI's microphonic surveillance, between 1963 and 1968, of the plaintiffs' former president, Martin Luther King, Jr.; and all known copies of the tapes, transcripts and logs resulting from the FBI's telephone wiretapping, between 1963 and 1968, of the plaintiffs' offices in Atlanta, Georgia and New York, New York, the home of Martin Luther King, Jr., and places of accommodation occupied by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Judge Smith also ordered that at the expiration of the said ninety (90) day period, the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall deliver to this Court under seal an inventory of said tapes and documents and shall deliver said tapes and documents to the custody of the National Archives and Records Service, to be maintained by the Archivist of the United States under seal for a period of fifty (50) years; and it is further ORDERED that the Archivist of the United States shall take such actions as are necessary to the preservation of said tapes and documents but shall not disclose the tapes or documents, or their contents, except pursuant to a specific Order from a court of competent jurisdiction requiring disclosure.
This material was delivered to the custody of the National Archives and Record Service to be maintained by the Archivist of the United States under a seal for a period of fifty years.
Talk to me Johnnie, talk to me.
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