I am no longer an American. Do not call me an American. Yes, I was once an American but no longer. I do not now, nor will I ever conform to today's definition of an American. And I find no commonality with those who now claim to be Americans. I am not a Christian as defined by these same tricksters nor do I desire any truck with those who put themselves forward as America's Christian leaders. And I find it inconceivable that anyone of sane mind would want to be a 'Clinton Christian', a 'Mad Albright Christian' or a Christian pleasing to our contemporary masters. A Christian American would never order tons of lethal military gadgetry to be rained down within mere yards of a maternity ward housing Christian mothers and babies. Only a reckless fool would do such a wanton, vile act; a lewd lunatic of a wannabe president under duress has made me ashamed. I am humiliated and mad at G-d for putting me in this country, with these barbaric buffoons, at this dark uncivilized time. We have a president, a sick president, whose addiction to risky sex adventures is now being replaced by an equally demented, careless, disregard for human life. He has chosen or been forced to choose a rat's nest of alien commissars who rule this nation and his worthless life. You, surely, must realize that Clinton, Gore, our despicable congress, the so-called Generals, the CNN reporters etc., etc., are mere hand-puppets. As you view them on your TV, this morning, understand clearly, please, that there is a long arm up their rectum, a hand that moves their lying lips and a practiced ventriloquist behind the curtains propagating an un-American, anti-Christ, anti-Christian, loony-tunes ideology. And there is no light at the end of this long hell's tunnel! If Al Gore replaces Clinton, well, we will still have a Clinton government; A Gore administration will be a Clinton administration without an erection. So, as Christendumb, commemorates the death of Christ and celebrates His resurrection, while so-called Christians kill Christians and have-nots kill other have-nots, there is a disgraceful, sinister gang of pretenders who missed-out on the execution of Christ but are determined to compensate for their late arrival by destroying His followers. They can't kill Christ again but they can kill you -- and they will. Your complicity and silence in this odious profanation is and will forever remain unconscionable. Go hide your eggs, fool, and hide your sorry faces, America. Jim Floyd ------------------------------------- I ain't done yet! Will Clinton arm these dirty little illegal Mexicans (La Raza) when I start cleansing this community? Illegal immigration is genocide! Do you know that the Judenpresse are using the terms "ethic Albanians" to avoid saying Moslem and conversely "ethnic Serbs" to avoid saying Christians? How many illegal Albanians invaded Yugoslavia? Can't you see a marked difference in our top echelon military officers? We haven't had a real American officer since Willie Safire ran Bobby Ray Inman off Capitol Hill! The rulers of this country have purged our military. And to my Moslem friends -- do you really think, for one moment, that this beastly State Department gang of Steins and Rubins are your good-buddys because of their onslaughts against Christians? Did you see any trains or busses moving Palestinians out of Sabra/Shatila or Deir Yassin? Don't you dearly love this selective prosecution of law and conventions? Am I the only one who knows that there is no coalition of nations, that Maddy Albright took this country's purse, got on the phone, and bought so-called partners? Is anybody else offended by dandy, squeaky-voiced, cockelorum Brits parading across the TV? A failed empire aiding and abetting in our downfall. Do you condone Gore's statement of last night that it is "our moral obligation" to continue the bombing during Easter? Don't you envy the united Serbs, holding hands, singing together, independent, defiant, bravely believing in something? Today's Americans believe in nothing, know nothing, and feel only those stupid, politically correct, sentiments allowed by their handlers. Are you appalled at that ugly cur dog of a girl CNN TV person that, in the same breath, calls houses and people "collateral damage?" (as if a house and a human life were of equal value) Why am I so angry? Yugo means South and I've heard much talk of the "reconstruction" of South Slavia. And I know in my heart that there is a scallawag, carpetbegging, flock of bussards waiting to profit off a devastated Serbia. May God damn them all to hell fire! c/c: Vuk Draskovic Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Jim Floyd.
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