From: James Floyd ( Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 13:35:14 -0400 (EDT) To: From: James Floyd ( Subject: HATCH LETTER THE SCHUMER PROBLEM Sir, we have watched your discomfiture, and we share your frustrations, each time, Senator Charlie Schumer rises to disrupt, interrupt, and embarrass this once honorable body, the United States Senate. The majority of this nation believes that the Senate has become irresponsible and unrepresentative, especially, as regards gun control. The ire of the masses hangs above your head like the Sword of Damocles. You must not succumb to these 'Social Saviors' such as Schumer, Finestein etc. who would deny us all the manly right of protecting our families, homes, person and property. We do not need any more gun control, however, we do need Schumer control. And since, we know that Schumer and company will continue to be unrelenting in their attacks on you and what little remains of the second amendment you must immediately react, without appeasement. There is only one answer to this prodigious and continuing annoyance; Have a staffer spray Schumer with mace and while he is disoriented handcuff him to that urinal in the basement of the Sam Rayburn Building until your deliberations are finished. Jim Floyd, Letter to Cong. Zeliff The last time I wrote the above satirical advice was to Congressman Bill Zeliff who, much like you, had the misfortune of having to deal with Schumer on his committee investigating Waco. Zeliff did not take my sagacious instructions, literally, but Charlie did, and within hours Schumer sent the FBI a demand for my arrest. The Huntsville office assigned an agent, Ms. Young, to this lampoonish case and they proceeded to intimidate, harass, and threaten me and my family for weeks. They backed-off only after Alabama and the world began to laugh at their loony-tunes paranoia. Perhaps, the same unfunny misuse of the FBI will be employed, yet again, by Schumer and his gang of loud-mouthed, constitution-hating anarchists; who knows, who cares? Schumer must be stopped, be it by humor i.e., laughing him off the Hill, or by Senators of integrity who refuse to compromise with his blatantly obvious on-slaught against what little dignity remains in 'your' once august chambers of the U.S. Senate. So, following the long established, time-honored, old-fashioned, practice of giving full expression to ones displeasure with those in high office, and mimicking the grand example of Mr. Peter Muggins in his vituperative letter to Lincoln, I, James Floyd, being of sounder mind than ninety percent of the Senate say to Charlie Shumer; "God damn your god damned old hellfired god damned soul to hell god damn you and god damn your god damned family's god damned hellfired god damned soul to hell and good damnation god damn them and god damn your god damned friends to hell." Muggins to Lincoln, circa 1860 c/c to Sen. Charles Schumer (Dem. NY) and to the full Senate. Charlie, I have packed an overnight bag, bathed and have on clean shorts and I don't give a damn what you do to me. So, do as is the wont of all scared, little commissars, send your lackeys, you mamzer, but first stop this stupid attack on gun rights and if you find the time, get a sense of humor. from James Floyd, address same as before; 185 Co. Rd. 254 Cullman, Al. 35057.
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