From: James Floyd ( Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 13:42:16 -0400 (EDT) To: From: James Floyd ( Subject: A WELSH RABBIT DREAM Mr. President. The Chair recognizes the Honorable Senator Floyd, from Alabama, for five minutes. Mr. President, I rise in the wake of the Columbine massacre and join, in agreement, with my Khazar colleagues from NY, California and Minnesota. I agree that we must do 'something', unfortunately, what we have proposed here is predictably banal, redundant, and banally un-original. The germane problem is that some members seem willing to use the circumstances surrounding this massacre, selectively. If a fact, involved in this multi-faceted crime, is consistent with the gun-grabbing mission of these people then they vault upon it, with alacrity, and demand that the circumstance requires 'their' remedy. Honorable members, and you too Schumer, we must consider 'all' the facts if we are to use Columbine as justification for new and improved gun laws. Yes, some of the guns were bought at a gun show, a fact! Yes, the internet was used, a fact. Music, movies, and video games were an influence, facts! There are, however, two true facts that we have avoided as if they were sea-port diseases. Two ugly little facts that are politically incorrect, unspeakable, taboo and Senicidal. And those facts are that Klebold, the murderer, was a Jew and a homo. Therefore and whereas, I summit the Floyd amendment # three hundred and sixty nine, to the Juvenile Justice Bill, S. 254, which will prohibit the sale of weapons to homo-Jews. It says 'no' to the gun-show-Jew-homo-loop-hole! Please, Mr. President, will you establish order in this body? In conclusion, I have not changed my belief that mentally disturbed people should not be drafting laws to control gun sales to mentally disturbed people. However, I find meself in accord with Mr. Schumer's continuing proposal to arrest "those who appear to intend to commit a crime" and I am willing to try this idea of 'preemptive punishment' on this nation's homo Jews. Mr. President, I yield the remainder of my time to anyone except Madam Fienstein; can't you stop her from mooning me, Sir? Without objection. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning! This dream, I am convinced, was the combined result of eating too much Welsh rabbit for supper and watching twerps on C-Span. Beware! Jim Floyd 185 Co.Rd. 254 Cullman, Al. 35057.
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