..The West Bank Ghetto
..... As the world looks on, the Ashkenazim Einsatzgruppen (action groups) have the Palestinian ghettos surrounded and are supported by a large contingent of tanks from the Israeli Panzer units.
...... It appears that approval orders, (a wink and a nod), have been issued from the Wolf's Lire, in Washington, in favor of the exterminationist. Herr Shin-er-man Sharon seems to, at long last, be in a position that may give full expression to his insatiable blood-thirst.
...... All this follows on the heels of a massive and continuous propaganda blitz which has convinced much of the world that the Palestinians and their children are sub-humans.
...... Ministers of Israeli propaganda and their lackeys are, at this very moment via TV, preparing Americans for yet another one-sided invasion by the Khazar master race. After all who cares? These Palestinians live in filth, like rats, and rats deserve to be annihilated by G-d's chosen master race.
...... How long, sweet Jesus, must we contend with these Nazis wearing yarmulkes, these concentration camp, death camp guards, goose-stepping goons, Storm Troopers hell-bent on genocide, these new Hitlers with hooked-noses, and their American Judenpresse who are simple butt-wipes, "willing executioners" and supporters of any serial killer J-w regardless of their eliminationist theology, how long will You allow this insanity to continue?
...... Please Jesus, if You never do anything for me, just do this one thing. The next Judeo-Zionist-Christian who prays to You for the success of these Israeli thugs, will you, please, smite their goddamn asses, open-up the ground under their fancy carpeted altars and swallow their deluded dumb butts! Lord, don't burn 'um in brimstone, if You can Lord, it would be a nice touch to fuel the fire with old used library cards. And on the way down, Lord, let a loud voice tell them that Bethlehem is forty percent Christian. Lord, I ain't never even heard a prayer request for Palestinian children from a single one of Your so-called followers. ...... Of course, I am not the first to recognize this innate Israeli megalomania and the accompanying barbarisms. That old fat fart of a drunk, Winston Churchill, knew, from the beginning, that these sick-minded, paranoid, self-righteous, chronic killers would infect the world with their madness;
...... Well, Winston you dead son-of-a-bitch, it is too late for you to "revise" your stupid position regarding these "new world gangsters" and it may be too late for us all!"If our dreams in favor of Zionism are to end in the smoke of assassins' guns, and if our efforts are to result only in producing a new world of gangsters worthy of Nazi Germany, then many among us will revise our positions."
House of Commons, Nov. 1944 Churchill on J-wsThe Warsaw Ghetto
...... In 1943, haunting questions were on the lips of millions, around the world. Why should brave men and women bleed and die fighting for cowardly, poltroonish, J-ws who would not resist their own slaughter or the killing of their children? How long would these cowards suffer the indignity of their chains?
...... Finally, the J-ws of the Warsaw Ghetto laid aside their prayer books and Kabalistic formulas and carried-out, "The first civilian insurrection in occupied Europe." Ah yes, an Intifada, maybe? Tired of occupation, humiliation, starvation, and endless brutality, maybe?
...... My G-d, these J-wish combatants knew "...they had no chance of winning or even surviving." " Their battle was lost in advance." Is this the same as suicide bombers, maybe?
...... And what did the world and history say and record regarding suicidal J-ws who revolted and killed their tormentors? May I quote more of Eli Weasel?
"The Warsaw ghetto had rebelled and the German army was conducting reprisals. The ghetto was in flames. Why did our young Jews do that... why couldn't they have just calmly waited for the war to end?" (asked mother Weasel)...... These words are directly from "Memoirs, All Rivers Run to the Sea," by that fountain of J-w intellectualism, Elie Wiesel."Years later I would learn the truth about the uprising, ONE OF THE MOST NOBLE AND ADMIRABLE OF JEWISH HISTORY."
"On the first night of the revolt the insurgents congratulated themselves, embracing before the bodies of the first dead German soldiers." (He then quotes Mordechai Anielewicz, the Arafat of his day) "The ghetto has risen... It is the most beautiful day of my life."
...... In conclusion, may I state the obvious? The Israelis are very sick people with even sicker leaders and supporters. They are a contagion and the product of diseased minds. Minds filled with theosophies and fanatic beliefs in a personal divine mission which will fulfill their need for Lebensraum and an exclusive personal, G-d given, right to satiation of all their twisted desires and ambitions.
...... Is there a difference between the slow, cowardly J-ws of the Warsaw ghetto and the consistently brave Palestinian freedom fighters? Yes! They have the respect and admiration of most of the sane world.
...... And we are together in our wish that the day will come when the much maligned Palestinians are moved back a safe distance, all those nuclear weapons (which these J-ws stole from us) are removed, the houses built with our tax dollars are hauled off to Jordan and then, and then, we make Mediterranean fish bait out of every mamzer bastard over there.
...... Heil Sharon, King Ariel, King of the J-ws! Please, Jesus kill this son of a bitch!
...... I have been saying and writing this same message for a quarter century, and am forever ashamed that I have done nothing more. May God forgive me for not killing these beastly little buggers when this sorry shit started.
...... Note. Our pencil-neck, draft-dodging, President called the latest Palestinian hero a "coward." I'll bet you the damn farm that Bush doesn't know Warsaw from Wisconsin nor does he own a library card.
...... He is in there now telling the nation how to raise their children. A guy with two drunk, dirt road whore, daughters trying to tell us how to raise our kids?
...... A guy with an equally dumb-ass daddy who slaughtered mothers and babies from an unmanly four hundred miles away calling a fearless Palestinian warrior a "coward?"
...... When the pizza parlor blew-up, George, I order a pizza, broke-out the home-made muscadine wine, congratulated and embraced everyone who walked through me door.
...... Enough! If anyone has a membership application to Hamas or Jihad please mail to;
James Floyd
185 Co. Rd. 254
Cullman Alabama 35057
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