Don't wait for Passover, do it now! Crucify Ariel Sharon and I don't mean figuratively. Lay that mamzer down and nail his vile butt to a stick. Dig a hole and plant this son of a dog on Haram as-Sharif/ Temple Mount and give 12-year-old Mohammed al-Durah's mother and father nice, long spears..My last, my dying- day regrets will not be about finance or love, rather they will be that I have lived in this world, at the same time as Ariel Sharon, and not killed the demonic, son of a bitch!
To the brave Palestinians
I am awed by and envious of your courage. You are doing something that these phony Jews only do in their fairy tales, never in real life. You are standing with only stones in your hands, against America's money and weapons, and defying the world's most vicious war criminals.
I live in the occupied territory of Alabama and I know not a soul, not one single person with your tenacity or courageous devotion to freedom. We, long ago, began to love the freedom of our chains.
Again, I do this several times each decade, please, understand that not all of us abstained from condemning the bastard state of Israel.
From this day to the ending of the world
But we in it shall be remembered,
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...This Celtic, racist, bigot is proud to call you my brother.
To Bill Clinton
Get those so-called settlers, those beastly, ugly, little, American, Jews who hold dual citizenship, out of the West Bank, now! Bring them back here to face murder trials, charge them with crimes against humanity, and after the trial have them summarily shot!
Your State Department and Lewinsky have much in common - they both suck! The world, at the least, the sane people of the world, laugh at your rats nest of a Jewish State Department and they cry, with me, at the inept, transparent, facade of impartiality.
Don't blame Arafat, you son of a bitch, you, Bill Clinton, could stop this slaughter, today, if you had only a portion of the courage shown by these brave Palestinian patriots.
The Final Solution
Pull the much maligned Palestinians back a safe distance, remove all the nuclear weapons and materials which they have stolen from us, get some house-movers in there and bring those homes, which we built for them, to south Alabama, and then, and then, make Mediterranean fish bait out of every motherless mamzer over there.
God, I hate these depraved people.
Talmuddy, Al.
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