My wife and I sat on this hill for fifteen years believing that we were all alone. We thought that the things we were discovering were so outrageous, so far removed from the accepted church dogma, and public opinion in general, that we probably did deserve to be ostracized..There was a crowd of old men who sat in front of Johnson's store on RC cola boxes, spitting snuff out into the road, and saying things like, "You can't trust them Floyds, they read books...her and him both."
And then there was this sanctified, holiness sister who refuse to take me to a service station when me old pick- up truck broke down. She said that me and the truck was "cursed." "I'll bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee... yo truck broke down because you been cussing the Jews, Jim. You better repent and get yoself right. Thems God's chosen people and you don't mess with God's people boy."
Of course, my truck broke-down because it was wore-out old and had three hundred thousand miles on it, but in her simple mind God had wore them rings and pistons slap- out to prove the Abrahamic covenant, with its blessings and curses, was at work in back-woods Alabama.
Well, things they are a-changing. I ain't alone, Willie! Martin! I ain't alone, Pastor Dan!
Willie, what you did in posting the phony Jew's own sources, as regards their genealogy, is what we should, no must, always do and repeatedly. And with pin- pointed, laser-beam focus.
It's a sore! Rub it and rub it and rub it, and when it is raw, bleeding raw, rub it some more!
Willie, we have no debate over the Khazar's use of the name 'Ashkenazi' because I really don't care if they stole it from the Armenians or a tribe of yak herders. I just found it interesting that the word was dated 1830-1840 and that the name Ashkenaz was previously used to describe an ancient eastern Armenia kingdom on the other side, the Southern side, of the Caucasus.
Long ago, I determined that my prosaic-minded neighbors were incapable of intellectual discourse regarding these matters. If I had to show them maps, chronologies, dates, arrows pointing up and down Europe etc. well, their eyes would glaze-over, and given their infantile, short, attention span, most often, I would lose them.
So, I found it easier and infinitely more effective to simply prove, not who the phony Jews are, but through their own writings, prove who they are not.
Intellectual lethargy? Perhaps. But, I've been responsible for starting tens of thousands on this odyssey and many of you have been the beneficiaries.
Let me get them started, with my simple message, and then you can have'um! It works.
Your friend, Jim
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