. . . . . Should these basketball games be discontinued? No! After listening to the village idiots on radio and TV, I have taken the decision that the games should not be stopped. Banal America is hooked on the need for bread and circus, gladiators and blood... . . . . However, the location of these events should be changed, immediately. These games should be moved to the exercise yard of the nearest state
prison. . . . . . Also, the NBA is overdue for a change of its name. The name should be changed from NBA to NBN. The designation, National Basketball Association, is an obvious misnomer. Let’s call it what it is, Niggers Being Niggers, (NBN).
. . . . . Can we be honest, with one another in this matter, and call a spade a spade? Just once, can we be truthful? Where are you Marge Schott, (of blessed memory) when the nation needs you? I am speaking, of course, of Marge before forced indoctrination guidance.
. . . . . Marge was the owner of a baseball team; a game that is inherently more sensible than what we know today as basketball. What we call basketball, today, is nothing more than a gang of genetic freaks running up and down a court in their underwear. About half have a police rap sheet as long as they are tall.
. . . . . What we have here are nigger gangs, uppity, millionaire niggers who get their money from an element of our society that does not deserve to have been born White. And it is my fervent hope that these back-alley- sociopathic-niggers will beat the living hell out of their stupid white butts at every opportunity.
. . . . . Am I mad, yes? I’m infuriated because my ten year old, beautiful, tow- headed granddaughter plays basketball, and was watching these damnable thugs; she will never watch such garbage at my house, but I can not live other people’s lives, not even my family’s lives. Do you know the feeling?
. . . . . In my beloved South, we once began our games with prayer, and when the game ended we lined-up and shook the hands of our opponents. Since the Communist revolution of the sixties things sho have changed. Yet prayer and ‘good sportsmanship’ still persist in some places.
. . . . . Oh, but what a mixed signal! Can there be any doubt that these high- paid street gangs are doing severe harm to all children, especially, the children of People of Color?
. . . . . The real victims are People of Color and their children. How bad has it become in Alabama? In recent years the Birmingham schools have added a new class, in which, they teach athletes, band members, and cheer leaders how to fall down, cover, and roll off the playing field to avoid being shot. Fist fights would be a welcomed relief; most of these weekly melees are fought with clubs, knives, and guns.
. . . . . Get real -- intelligent People of Color have no truck with these hoods, nor do they want their children to admire them as heroes or role-models. Me thinks that they want the same thing that I want for the Pistons and Pacers.
. . . . . I would like to see them in a large ‘piston-driven’ prison van, sped- away, at a fast ‘pace,’ to a place out of view of our children.
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