Para"I am Sir Oracle, And, when I ope my lips let no dog bark!"
Merchant of Venice, act 1, scene 1You could see it in his eyes. You could feel the gravity, the intensity, and the required sincerity, as the Right Reverent 'Chicken Wing' Jesse Jackson, yesterday in Tallahassee, opened his lips, wrapped himself in an ecumenical spirit and spoke wisdom to us all.
"But fish not, with this malancholy bait."
(ditto)Immediately, Brother Jesse shuffled the deck and dealt that trump card of cards, the Holocaust card. He was there, dear hearts, to stand-up for those poor rich Jews from Palm Beach who were tricked into voting for Pat Buchanan. (May his name be erased.)
He wasn't there because of self-interest. He wasn't there because the black, block vote, (93% for Gore), failed. He wasn't there because Gore had promised reparations: to hell with a mule, a tool, and forty acres!
No! No! Brother Jesse was there, for no reason other than, to fight for "Holocaust survivors."
So, here we have the same Jesse, who called New York City "Hymie Town," doing a mitzvah, down there in Palm Beach helping "Hymie's" momma with her Gore vote. I'm overawed! What a selfless champion!
Of course, me displeasure extends far beyond the Reverent, so vast are my frustrations that there isn't enough time, ink or paper available to vent me spleen.
But, let us try.
I hate those little Jewish American Princesses, on TV, who talk so fast, so damnable fast, they don't leave no spaces between words. Great good Lord in heaven, you must leave spaces between words! And as is their wont, always, two or three are talking, at the same time, without spaces. Oh, how this grates upon me Southern ears!
Please, put these strumpets behind a desk! Sylvia says that she is sick of seeing all these legs and hips. "It borders on soft porn," that's what she said.
And then there are the split-screen, interviews. You got your TV star reporter, in one block, then a Goy and then a Jew (if theys two, one's a Jew). It goes something like this: the Goy says "hello," and from that moment on, the Jew screams, waves his hands, arms, kicks his legs, and over-talks everybody from the first word to the last, all the way into the erectile dysfunctional commercial.
And begorra, Larry King will be the chosen one who ends discrimination! He will, in the near future, have a program which runs none-stop for forty days and forty nights featuring Daniel Schorrs, Hal Bruno, and ten thousand like-minded Jews who will show us all, the evils of our damnable exclusionary ways.
Dearly beloved, if you think I am exaggerating, please, do what we did here many years ago. Place a pad and pen on you coffee table and record the names of those who are feeding you this TV garbage. They ain't Hawaiians, honey!
Now, in an attempt to be 'fair and balanced', we must look at the people who follow these village idiots. Earlier this week we saw the NAACP's Kweisi Mfume hold a meeting in Dade county. He heard and recorded the complaints of those who had trouble voting;
- "They wouldn't take my registration just cause I had put down the wrong address."
- "My middle initial is 'B' and I don't know why I put a 'W' there."
- "I done my time, paid my debt to society, I been out five years and this 'no felon can vote thing' ain't right."
- "Why, they kicked me out of the booth and wouldn't let me help my people fill out they ballots."
- "We had to drive around and around the block, looking for a parking space, they knowed our cars run hot and that's the way they cheated us out of the vote."
- "They wanted a ID with a picture on it?"
- "Somebody burnt-down the school and I didn't know where else to go."
Look people, the truth is that there is not any, none, nix, no institutional racism against Blacks and other people of color in the South. The new South scalawag leadership, now, targets Whites, only!
We have huge bureaucracies created to severely punish people like meself. How bad is it, down here? It's got to where, I won't even smoke a cigarette while driving by a Black church. If I know there is a Black church ahead I put that sucker out blocks away!
Bagels, bananas and watermelons
South Florida is third world! It is a socialist utopia, regrettably, it is a prophetic insight into the partitioning of this country. There is ,no longer, any doubt about our divisions, in this once indivisible nation. The only task remaining is to establish the DMZ, demilitarized zone.
In Florida, it will be somewhere between the land of bagels, bananas, and watermelons and the Gulf Coast, Redneck Riviera. And below this line, the monied elite will continue to start conflicts and then push to the fore blacks and browns to do the front-line service.
And Reverent Jesse will, always, answer the call, run to the sound of the guns and overawe us with his oracular anti-White hate.
A thousand years from today, they will deny that you were ever here, Whitey!
James Floyd Jim Floyd lives and writes from the temporarily White enclave of Cullman, Alabama.
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