-----Original Message----- From: James Floyd [mailto:jfloyd@airnet.net] Sent: Monday, December 14, 1998 11:10 AM Subject: Deport Madlenka Korbel Albright to: Richard Shelby So-called Senator for Alabama Fax 202-224-3416 from James Floyd 185 Co. Rd. 254 Cullman, Al. 35057 Of course you remember me, I'm the fellow whom you described to the police as "a special threat." The one who, although surrounded at your town-meetings by Chief Culpepper and crew, always confronts you regarding your vile money arrangements with Israel and AIPAC. I'm the one who made you lie about the slaughter of Palestinian children, J-w money given you from Miami and New York illegally, and the stupid shopping trip, in Cairo, when you and your old lady were jet-setting with the J-w Senator Specter, at our expense. Well, things haven't changed much, over the years, have they? You still have a war chest of J-w money, (7 - 8 mil.) and the one man who ran against you, last election, had to pawn his pick-up truck to get the filing fee. And the jack-booted Israelis just murdered another four Palestinian children with hard bullets; sullying the ground upon which our President stands, today, complying with Mad Albright's order giving these mad-dogs 1.2 billions of our dollars. So, do I believe that you will question the citizenship of Secretary of State, Madlenka Korbel Albright? Hell no! But you should, because her commie daddy lied on his official request for asylum. And you must surely agree that we should react with the same swift justice regarding lying Bolsheviks as we do in expunging Nazis or Germans in general. The evidence against Josef Korbel, aka Kurbel, aka Kerbel, aka with or without the umlaut, has been neatly packaged in a newly released book by Ann Blackman, titled Seasons of Her Life, A Biography of Madeleine Korbel Albright. Sir, I know you are not a reader but would you please assign a staffer to read this sophomoric, syrupy-sweet apologia. It was written for the sole purpose of exonerating a bunch of beastly little J-w communist commissars who destroyed their own country and then lied their way into mine. Ms. Blackman's scribblings are a nauseating, childish attempt to whitewash these missionaries of the Comintern sent here to preach their "Great Dream" of one world Bolshevism, however, in the course of her glorifications of Korbel and family she inadvertently proffers documents showing his undeniable work record with the communist butchers of Eastern Europe and that he, his wife and daughter gained entry into the US through subterfuge. The history of the Korbels parallels that of the many thousands of communist agents (Sleepers) on assignment. I am requesting that you, immediately, call for an investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Special Investigation (OSI) and appoint a Special Prosecutor to oversee these proceedings. Talking Points Pg. 120. Miss Marie Jana Korbel, aka Marie Korbelova, aka Madeleine Korbel, was given citizenship August 14, 1957 as a direct result of her parents becoming citizens on March 25, 1957. Pg.s 77, 78 etc. and especially see under "Documents" the ninth page, the bomb-shell cable to his commie masters showing him in their employ right up until his alleged defection thus revealing that he lied to gain entry into America. note Josef Korbel working closely with and for Clementis, and even helping the murderer Rudolph Slansky. pg. 8 Documents. Have staffer place a Star of David, as I did, by the names of the J-w 'Red Web Network' who aided the Korbels in this country. Each page is a revelation of the 'Who's Who' of the commie left. Madlenka Korbel Albright is in this country illegally and is a clear and present danger to the entire free world. Protect us from our enemies both foreign and domestic, Senator Shelby, protect us from Maddy Korbel Albright. James Floyd
To The Choir: Biography of the Year 98? The above was written without umor for the humorless Senator Shelby. However, I am not finished with my review of this book. Now, it would give me great pleasure, my friends, to share me real feelings with you. Ms. Blackman's first mistake was to copyright this pulp as a "biography." If she had sold it as a comedy, perhaps it would have been marginally palatable. As a matter of fact, I laughed, profusely, at her straight-face treatment of the possible innocence of Alger Hiss, her scatter-gun attack on Senator McCarthy, the portable (diesel) gas chambers, the nude photographs of Albright taken at Wellesley and sent to Ivy League schools under the "personal posture" program, her wonderment over an ugly Maddy Korbel retaining her virginity all the way through college, and the absurd idea that Albright didn't know she was a Khazar J-w until she became Sec. of State. Then there was, the mid-sixties trip through communist Europe, (pg. 142 - 147) one of many trips where it becomes painfully clear that she is searching for something very special in "the Communist Museums." As I read the account of her encounter with the bloodied countryside of Bulgaria I was at once both delighted and awed at natures' revenge against this daughter of the mighty camp of socialism. She and her fellow traveler, Mrs. Goldstein, took to the woods to relieve themselves and stuck their bucket-butts down into a patch of prickly green plants; stinging and screaming they got the point. It may well be that the vegetation of Eastern Europe has a better grasp of what should be done to this, uh, lady and her Zionist friends than has yet become apparent to sane western peoples. Rodents of the World, Unite! Each page of this book is a violation of propaganda protocol. We, long ago, established the standards controlling the amount of poison permissible in literature, with all sides agreeing that 'good propaganda' must be like good rat poison i.e.. 99.9% good food for the rats. This wanna-be-author has given us, in one book, enough rat poison to exterminate every semi-literate mouse on earth who is silly enough to gobble up this indigestible, banal miasma. This book is unadulterated, total toxin. Of course, this infantile attempt at revisionism will not deceive scholars who know the history of the communist in Czechoslovakia. Perhaps it will relieve Madlenka's dark nightmares -- her fear of public exposure of her daddy's communist roots. Madlenka's own words speak volumes regarding her obsession with her family history; "We have a responsibility in our time... not to be prisoners of history, but to shape history. pg. `294, Apr. 1997 You can not "shape history," you can only re-shape it and this is better known as lying. Floyd, 1998 Now dear hearts, I conclude by bringing your attention to the scariest part of this puke propaganda. It is recorded on page 301 where Yevgeny Primakov, aka Finkelstein, aka Kirshblat, calls Madlenka Albright "Gospazha Stal." Some of you know that Stalin first chose the name Koba and later took the name Stalin, "man of steel." The book says that this phrase is to be translated "Lady of Steel." Could this be an inside joke between two Khazar commissars and it's real meaning be Lady of Stalin? Time will tell. Jim Floyd.
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