to U.S. Department of State.
fax 202-647-1579Re: Addendum to "Arafat the Kapo"
The Powell Doctrine
The Powell Doctrine requires that all Palestinians denounce and stop all violence before there can be any discussion of human rights. Their rights are conditional and are to be accredited them only after a period of collective good behavior.
Also, the Palestinian leaders must stop school teachers from teaching their version of Israeli history and hate for their occupying oppressors.
The Floyd Doctrine
The Floyd Doctrine requires that no nigger can hold office in these un-United States until all niggers denounce and stop crime, all crime. Their rights must be conditional, based on the collective good behavior of every MFing one of 'um.
Also, the black leaders, if they wish to be "relevant" must stop all hate-Whitey, Afro-Centric study classes. And do something about that damn nigger music, while you are at it!
I have a list of five hundred niggers whom you must arrest, immediately. No rhetoric, I want action, and then maybe we can talk. Maybe.
If the Powell doctrine is a fair policy for the much maligned Palestinians then it should work equally well for his own race.
Isn't it amazing how an ounce of logic is sufficient to bring down such nonsense as this administration's racist foreign policy. A crumbling, childishly stupid, policy, forever in favor of the bastard state of Israel and an endless embarrassment and danger to us all.
(end of addendum)
James Floyd
185 Co. Rd. 254
Cullman, Al 35057
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