Re: What form of government should we take - after the downfall of the existing?

John Roland -- To OutPost of Freedom -- 12/27/97

Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 20:03:31 -0800
From: Jon Roland  (
Subject: Re: What form of government should we take - after the 
downfall of the existing? 
To: Martin Lindstedt  (


I am not subscribed to Outpost of Freedom, so you might copy this message to them.

The problem of the form of government can be understood by referring to the current movie, The Postman, which I recommend. It postulates a collapse of civilization, and the social and political interactions among the survivors. Basically, it comes down to a contest between a feudal warlord and liberty- loving people who unite behind a leader who does not aspire to feudal rule, but adheres to what we might call republican principles. Those peoples are inspired by the promise of a "Restored United States of America". It is a story that could have been set in Dark Age Europe, except that the survivors have modern infantry weapons and a knowledge of modern technology, if not the ability to manufacture replacements.

I won't be surprising anyone to reveal who wins.


The key points, however, are that in such a situation, isolated households are not viable. Only communities of some size are defensible. And defense is necessary. Resources are always scarce, and men will compete for them. The only question is whether that competition will be predatory and brutal, a state of war, or constrained by the obligations of a social contract. It also shows how such competition compels smaller communities to unite into larger ones, and those into larger ones still. They can do that under a tyrant who rules by fear, or under a leader who is appeals to the best in people and is supported by their consent to make ultimate personal sacrifices to achieve a common dream of a just political order that protects individual rights and liberties.

It also illustrates the fact that tyranny depends on ignorance of the possibility of such a just political order. Once the idea is established and passed on through education and communication (in the movie, through letters distributed by a postal service), it become irresistible, especially if it is reinforced by the historical fact of such a political order having once existed and prevailing for a time.

This process is also illustrated by the way the American Frontier evolved from independent explorers and trappers through ranchers and settlers, the formation of towns, the linking of such towns into territories, and finally the voluntary admission of such territories as states. Once literacy and a knowledge of law and history become established, the rest follows. We are not going to repeat the history of the Dark Ages.

We didn't come to our present state because of defects in the Constitution, but because people came to depend too much on the Constitution as a sufficient protection against tyranny. It is not self-enforcing, and the Founders never promised that it would be.

The problem we face has arisen because while the Constitution addressed the problems of avoiding excessive or unbalanced concentrations in government, it did not address such concentrations in the private sector, or protect the institutions of government from being captured by collusive combinations in the private sector. We placed too much faith not in the Constitution but in the self-organizing spontaneous order of a "free market". Unfortunately, as we can see from ecology, competition is not a stable configuration. It inevitably devolves into monopoly, and concentrations of economic power inevitably try to use their economic power to change the rules of the marketplace to their own advantage. While it is possible for governments to disperse such private concentrations within their jurisdictions, they are unable to control international combinations, which can come to be more powerful than national governments.

Therefore, we are confronted with the inevitability of globalism, although not necessarily the globalism of a corporate hegemony. But that corporate hegemony can only be controlled by nations uniting into constitutional federal unions on a wider, and eventually, global scale. World government can be an instrument of global tyranny, but it is also the only way that people can exercise an effective defense against such tyranny, by breaking up corporate combinations globally and making them accountable to the rule of law.

There are two, and only two, paths to global political union: a gradualist approach that leaves power in the hands of an oligarchy, and a constitutionalist approach that maintains republican accountability at every phase in the process, and that cannot be gradual. It must proceed under constitutional control, either through joint ratification of a common constitution, as the Thirteen States did in 1789, or by admission of states into an existing constitutional federal union.

Such a process of federation cannot include states whose people do not have a firmly established tradition of republican self-government. They must learn to govern themselves before they will be fit to join with others in a larger self-governing union.

We can also see that growth of the power of the central government was restrained as long as it was admitting new states, whose suspicion of central power acted to counter centralist tendencies. It is no accident that the forces of centralism began to prevail after the frontier was closed and the last of the territories were admitted as new states, or that the greatest resistance to further centralism is still found in those states that are historically closest to the frontier. We might expect that were the process to be revived with the admission of more nations as states, their suspicion of central power would operate to restrain or reverse the central concentration that has already occurred.

We can also see the effects of the emergence of the United States as the sole remaining world superpower. Without a credible foreign enemy, the national security state is beginning to unravel, showing us that it was the threat of a foreign enemy that was the principal factor driving the growth of centralization of power. It is this changed situation that is the single most important factor that has caused the rebirth of constitutionalism, and that will, in the normal course, lead to the dismantling of not only the national security state but the welfare state.

Needless to say, this change also represents a threat to those interests which were nurtured by the depressions and wars of this century. They are resisting the changes, and this resistance is likely to lead to civil conflict before the situation settles down. When it does, with enough pressure from a reborn constitutionalist movement, we can expect the prevalence of a Jeffersonian political order.

But things could get rough before they get better. Along the way, the peoples of the world who don't appreciate the need for a right to keep and bear arms, and to assemble as independent militias, are likely to acquire a durable appreciation of those rights.


Constitution Society, 1731 Howe Av #370, Sacramento, CA 95825
916/568-1022, 916/450-7941VM         Date: 12/27/97  Time: 20:03:32


Notes: Added April 13, 1999. The original content above placed on this WWW site on 12/28/97, when I first found confirmation concerning Capt'n CONstitution being a World Federalist. One Dot Bibee had raised this original issue of Capt'n CONstitution's notions in May of 1997, when the Republic of Texas siege was under way.

1. Roland is talking about Outpost of Foolishness, another CONstitutional-idolator site managed by one Gary Hunt, another Solipsistic Mattoid Anarchy-Fascist (SMAF) full of himself. At that time, as like the present, Gary Hunt insisted as one of his arcane rules to suit his vanity that anyone posting be a member of the 'Wonderful World of opf.' Capt'n CONstitution, as big of a SMAF as Hunt, refused to humble himself with the end result that this exchange was largely private, according to Hunt's whim.

2. Given that it was a gliberal doofus like Kevin Costner who starred and produced this Hollywierd turkey, the ending is no surprize. The Mad Max series wherein barbarism finishes off the reigning decayed culture, and that civilization is restored by means of hard-bitten individuals and warlords like Auntie Entity is a far more realistic scenario. The Postman was nothing more than an anxious gliberal criminal regimeist's nocturnal emission following a psychotic REM castration anxiety attack.

3. Capt'n CONstitution, a World Fedruleist, always invokes the need for yet another Nimrod, the original World Fedruleist, to seek power over both god and man in the name of security. Thus the need for another Babylon, and state-god baal-priests to administer its mysteries. Thus Nimrod needs yet another Capt'n CONstitution to administer the temple granaries, and to revise history to make Nimrod into a benevolent tyrant who ruled with the consent of the people, etc., etc., barf, barf.
If one is going to be ruled by a despot, it would be best to not look for an imaginary benevolence, but rather a rough form of honesty. It is far cheaper to pay for a few whores for the despot's harem -- he can only mount so many at a time -- as opposed to paying off hordes of rapacious state-god priests administering a Babylonian-style civic mystery religion.

4. Capt'n CONstitution is talking about memories of a "golden age." Of course, when the evil empire was overthrown, the Revolutionaries responsible certainly didn't find it to be a 'golden age', any more than the post-1789 French peasantry sighed for the glories of Louis XIV and Versailles palace. You see, their place in the ancient regime was not an exalted one. Only an 'intellectual' such as Capt'n CONstitution can find any moral worth in a decaying evil empire, which has the sole virtue of having kept him from his natural talents as a drawer of water and a hewer of wood for so many years.
Nor is it likely that foreign victims of the criminal regime will yearn for the glories of CONstitutional Imperialist Amerika. I for one doubt that the Serbs in the Balkans will overgreatly miss Imperial Amerika any more than the Hottentots missed the end of the military despotism of Shaka Zulu.

5. Capt'n CONstitution misses the fact that it was a special race which built the current civilization. Now that the Anglo-Saxon Nordic White sub-race is on the decline and has been dispossessed, the civilization that this sub-race produced is on the decline as well. The Dark Ages occurred because the dominant race of Romans ceased to exist, and thus Roman civilization, with its law and literacy, ceased to exist as well.
Capt'n CONstitution thinks that a scrap of toilet paper means something. This is because he is a would-be baal-priest of an increasingly irrelevant mystery religion of CONstitutional- idolatry. An intellectual with intellect, a racial historian who knew his stuff, such as Lothrup Stoddard, would say that race matters, and given a race capable of building a civilization, that that civilization will be lost if and when the founding race is lost. See Lothrup Stoddard's 1922 classic, The Revolt AGAINST Civilization.

6. Yet more of Capt'n CONstitution's yapping about the sacred mysteries of CONstitutional-idolatry. Even the village idiot should know you don't put any reliance on a scrap of toilet paper pretending to be a check for a million bucks unless you can find the fool willing to honor it. The Founding Regimeists counted on the CONstitution they imposed on the People not ever being enforced, but rather upon the presence of a sufficient number of fools willing to cash their false political regimeist check. Once they got the suckers to believe that there was a "United States" then they soon got down to business -- like chartering a National Centralized Bank and curtailing dissent through the Alien & Sedition Acts.

7. Competing state-god baal-priests inevitably clash with each other when it comes to a division of the spoils from the suckers; thieves will fall out. There simply isn't enough pelf lying around to suit all factions of the priesthood of Mammon. Those of you of LibberToonian bent who want to make a killing on the stock market -- Capt'n CONstitution wants to rein you in in favor of his particular Neo-Fascist/Neo-Bolshevik Five-Year Plan. Monopoly is bad, unless the dedicated Capt'n CONstitution gets his cut.

8. Capt'n CONstitution thus comes to the apogee of his self-idolatry. "Resistance is futile! Globalonyialism is inevitable!! Jon Rolandus of Borg will show you all a better way through clean living and dedicated CONstitutional-ism!!! You will be absorbed, and you won't make even so much as a intellectual mouse dropping!!!!

When it comes down to it, Capt'n CONstitution is selling nothing more than Neo-Marxism. Need saving from the corporations! Rely on a World Federal regime based upon a World CONstitution to save you!! Workers of the World, Unite; you have only your race, bloodline, and homogenous nation-state to lose!!!

9. Note the device by which Capt'n CONstitution avoids admitting that he is a World Federalist. Capt'n CONstitution says that he is for a World CONstitution first, although he conveniently 'forgets' that the way the American Federalists seized power was by creating a centralized regime by means of the American CONstitution.

And note the fascist assumptions and doxologies of Capt'n CONstitution's rhetoric:
"There are two, and only two paths to global union . . . a gradualist approach that leaves power in the hands of an oligarchy, (What! No oligarchy possible in a CONstitutional 'Republic'?) and a constitutionalist approach that maintains republican accountability at every phase in the process, and that cannot be gradual. (A non-gradual process? Imagine that!) It must proceed under constitutional control, either through joint ratification of a common constitution (Spontaneous joint ratification of a common CONstitution? Sounds like a planned criminal conspiracy among gang members, such as the gangsta Latin Disciples or Masonic Lawyers.), as the Thirteen States did in 1789 (Masonic Lawyers, then), or by admission of states into an existing constitutional federal union (Assimilation of soverign states, the process maintained through violence and terrorism, as in the War of Southern Independence of 1860-1865. So much for Capt'n CONstitution's protestations of wanting the consent of the misgoverned.).

10. This keeps out the Third-World Bongonians from such lovely pest-holes such as Haiti, Somalia, and Serbia. But wait! Capt'n CONstitution won't let his rhetorical flourish keep him from a sinecure as a globalonyial state-god baal-priest. Bomb them Serbs if they say they don't want to be nice tame little World Federalist plantation bananna-pickers until they changes they'se minds.

11. This lying Sack of Fedruleist Shit 'forgets' that the forces of imperialism act to protect the CONstitutional criminal regime well before full absorption of resources takes place. The War of Yankee Imperialist Aggression took place in 1860-1865, thirty years before the American Frontier was declared closed in 1890, and a full 52 years before Arizona was declared to be a state in 1912. Imperialist wars take place during the birth, consolidation, and protection of the Imperialist state. Imperialist World Hegemony shall be no exception.

12. More Fedruleist bullshit. An imperialist criminal regime facing no credible foreign military threat to check its expansion will grow even more agressive. At first the imperialist criminal regime will beat up on poor, weak countries in its own neighborhood, like Grenada, Panama, and Haiti. In an effort to keep itself alive and free of domestic unravelling, its imperialistic adventures will escalate as it seeks out more dangerous foreign adventures, such as Somalia, Serbia, Kosevo, Iran and Iraq. The imperialistic power will grow more adventurous, creating more hatred and resistance until the point is reached that a countervailing coalition is made among the common foes, or the imperialistic power picks a fight with a rising imperialist power, such as China. Then the foreign adventures come to an end and the mortally wounded evil empire is reduced to fighting numerous internal wars amongst its citizenry. Waco was but a foretaste of the total civil warfare which is to come. I predict that nationalist Resistance factions will be asking for biological and conventional arms from the foreign enemies which this evil empire fought with today.

Such has been the fate of every would-be imperial power. The foreign and domestic resistance which it builds up in its quest for world domination makes the dissolution of the evil empire inevitable. Oswald Spengler in his "Decline of the West" pointed out that am imperial power expends itself by wasting the finest of its peoples in pointless aggression to benefit the eliteist parasites and then hastens its demise by importing servile races as servants who cannot replace the formerly pure blood which made the culture possible in the first place. Toynbee, Stoddard, and Yockey made exactly the same observation.

This is why a World Fedruleist such as Capt'n CONstitution and all his CONstitutionalist SMAF-kins are inherently evil people. Just like Clinton and his Khazar masters, they would kill you, me, your kids, my kids, their own kids if necessary -- anyone -- to achieve the sinful pleasures of power for a season. And rather than admit to their love of despotism for their own sakes, they will pretend to be angels of light all the while they plot to actuate their plots as fiends of death. CONstitutional-idolatry is but a means to an end, just as a pretend godliness has been the disguise of ravening vulpine state-god baal-priests of this and every age.

13. Now this two-faced would-be state-god baal-priest wants to abandon World Fedruleism via World CONstitutional-ism and claim to be a Jeffersonian yeoman-democrat!
I would not take this criminal regimeist seriously. Sounds like he is already trying to buy himself some forged credentials as a Resistance patriot. Katy, bar the door to this fraudulent importunate medicant!

14. "Independent militias?" Has Capt'n CONstitution given up on persuading people there is any such thing as a CONstitutional militia? An 'independent militia'? Has Capt'n CONstitution given up on getting fedrule, state, and local criminal regimeist permission before raising a private army -- a white man's gang of insurrectionaries to do double duty as his personal state-god baal-priest guardsmen? Yes? Why, the hypocritical fascist-feeb! A pox upon himself and his entire CONstitutional-ist house!



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