May 22, 2000 Laura Scott
The Kansas City Star
1729 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, Missouri 64108Re: Candidate Survey
Dear Ms. Scott:
Below are my answers to your survey. If you have any further questions, feel free to send me an e-mail at mlindste@jscomm.net or arrange in interview by telephone, if you please. I suspect that given my Nationalist views, that the Kansas City Star may well decline to endorse me. In the interests of meeting the deadline, I shall e-mail a copy today and send this letter in the post. I am,
Most Sincerely Yours,
Martin Lindstedt
Missouri Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senator.
1. Please list here basic biographical information such as education, occupation, family, etc..I am a truck driver by profession. I do not care to involve my family in my political endeavors.
I was born on Dec. 25, 1957 in Pierre, South Dakota. In 1965 my father, mother, and siblings moved down to Granby, Missouri, where I have lived since except for a two-year stint in the U.S. Army. I was stationed in Crailsheim West Germany from June, 1981 to February 1983, where I served in C Btry 2d Battalion 42d Field Artillery (Lance) as a Specialist-Four in the Fire Direction and Control section of the Lance ground-launched nuclear-armed cruise missile. I am presently a political activist for various militia and "extremist" political groups, and a non-ordained minister for a Christian Israelite (also known as Identity) church I have founded.
I am presently involved in Internet publishing, although I did write an article concerning "The Right to Revolution" vs. Bill Clinton’s response in the Greenhaven Press "Terrorism" Anthology. published last year.
2. Give your experience in elective or appointive office, or as a candidate for office.
I have not been elected to any office, although I ran for State Representative in 1994, for Governor in 1996, and for U.S. Senate in 1998 as a Libertarian. I was expelled from the MoLP in 1997 for personal reasons, because I was against sanctioning "gay marriage" and because I sued the Missouri Libertarian Party, MoLP officials, and the State of Missouri for violating the rights of indigent White candidates to run for public office and other civil and Constitutional rights violations. Since the Federal Courts are proud to proclaim that the White Man has no rights that the multi-cultural Empire need respect, they published this opinion at:
Lindstedt V. Missouri Libertarian Party 160 F.3d 1197-1199
http://www.wulaw.wustl.edu/8th.cir/Opinions/981118/982503.P8Thanks to this ruling by a regime court, I have no problem in telling poor Whites that they have no obligation, other than not getting caught, to obey or respect any laws or taxes of the current criminal regime because this regime's courts said that poor Whites who cannot pay candidate filing fees have no right to run for public office. Therefore, no taxation nor obedience without representation. It is a corrupt evil criminal regime which is owed nothing except armed revolution.
3. If you are an incumbent, in what ways do you believe you best represent your constituents?
I am not the incumbent. Ashcroft has done nothing except sell out White Christian Missourians since before he got elected and I don't see things changing if he is re-elected.
4. If you are a challenger, in what ways do you believe you would improve service to the district?
I would lighten the Imperial yoke that the Federal Empire puts on its White serfs by doing away with all taxes over $10,000 per White head. I would make judges, politicians, police responsible for acts of treason against the social order as opposed to the current practice of granting them immunity from prosecution for misconduct. I would deport all illegal aliens and make corporations either keep their manufacturing base in this Nation or pay the appropriate tariff for access to our domestic market. It is time to lighten the burden on the Imperial peasantry, to expel predators and parasites, and make those who benefit the most from the current System to pay accordingly to maintain it, as opposed to putting it on the diminishing White Christian middle-class.
5. What do you consider to be the three most serious problems that require action in the next session of Congress?
White Christian America has been declining at the rate of 1/2 of one percent per year since the 1965 Immigration act did away with the 1924 Preferences for European Immigration. At that time Whites were 90% of the population. Today Whites make up around 70% of the population, a 20% decline over 35 years. This translates into a net loss of European Americans of around 3,000 per day. Eventually, large sections of this multi-racial Empire will flake away and this form of government shall perish.
1. Non-White immigration must be halted and reversed by deporting illegal aliens, and changing the status of those who got in by means of amnesties and domestic births to reflect the fact that they are here illegally as well. Corporations which hire illegal aliens must be fined substantially to ensure that there are no jobs attracting illegal aliens, even if that means their bankruptcy or becoming foreign corporations having to pay tariffs. Tyson chicken being a case in point. Any Whites caught aiding and abetting illegal immigration will be stripped of the citizenship birthright they ruined for others and deported to the country of origin of the illegal aliens they smuggled. Foreign corporations will pay high tariffs until American manufacturing is restored and has a competitive advantage in American markets.
2. No taxes whatsoever on necessities such as food, shelter, or clothing or medicine shall be paid by any White Christian American taking in the equivalent of $10,000 or less. Every individual shall have a homestead exemption from property or any other taxation on real property and a house of (Seven years times $10,000) $70,000 and a Husband and Wife shall have an exemption of $150,000 plus at least $25,000 per minor child. This tax exemption shall be indexed for inflation. The purpose of this is to raise the birthrate of White Christian middle-class children.
3. In light of the misconduct in racial and 'protected minority' and special interests legistreason in the past couple of years and their demand for "Political Correctness" against the White Christian Majority, I propose that any minority or special interest which has assaulted or harassed or molested in any way White Christians of Heterosexual Persuasion be deemed automatically guilty of a "hate crime," and that their criminal status and punishment be determined by the victim who is a new member of the Elite Class of White Christian Heterosexuals.
Note: this legislation allows for no immunity for government 'workers,' police, lawyers and politicians and that upon conviction that they be put into small prison cells with homosexual negroes and hispanics for as long as they shall live after their property is confiscated.
6. How concerned are you about the fact that total federal debt, including money owed to the Social Security trust funds, is still rising?
I'm not concerned at all. It's not as if I have any intention of paying off the criminal regime's debts, any more than I have any intention of paying off the debts of Louis XVI's or Nicholas II's regimes. I urge everyone else to tell their children and grand- children that if the Evil Empire collapses, then there will be a debt holiday for all. Just don't hold any worthless government bonds.
What, if anything, do you believe the next Congress needs to do about this? Please be as specific as possible.
I urge the degenerate thieving Imperial swine to keep on spending and borrowing like there is no tomorrow -- there isn't -- for them. Business as usual.
7. What changes, if any, would you like to see in the American health care system? Please include your views on whether Congress should make it easier for consumers to sue health care plans.
This corrupt system came about as a result of 'doctors' going to government begging for monopoly status and a limit on the number of new licensed professionals. Having created a lack of supply, and having raised the demand, is it any wonder that the price goes up?
The way to change this is to allow people to learn for themselves that which is healthy and to allow competing medical practitioners to develop treatments which patients choose that which is effective. Abolish any government licensing and training legislation which builds up monopolies and instead allow private organizations to license practitioners.
Congress should restore the common-law remedies of allowing patients to sue incompetent practitioners and health-care co-operatives.
8. Do you support campaign finance reform legislation, including prohibitions against the use of "soft money" in congressional campaigns? Are changes necessary in the federal campaign finance system?
No. The fact is that gifts to political candidates from corporations has been illegal since 1907. Yet there is never any ending to the ways in which corrupt politicians are bribed by special interests. The only way to end it would be to forfeit the office of those caught accepting the smallest gift, and that is never going to happen.
The fact of the matter is that unless the government, manifestly corrupt as it is, wishes to make illegal those who would purchase air time for their candidates, and thus violate the right to free political expression, there is no way to curtail such campaign spending. I am appalled at the stupidity of those in the Reform Party who would suggest cutting their own throats by bringing about public financing of political campaigns with the money to be divided at the whims of the NWO lackeys of the Democrat and Republican parties setting up a 'bi-partisan committee to channel all the money to the incumbents. The Democrats and Republicans can no more be trusted with this duty than they can to handle fairly the Presidential Debates Commission.
Rather, as the populist party of the American People, we must encourage our supporters to not only give us their votes and the votes of their families, but also to give five or ten dollars to their political party.
9. Would you vote to require full disclosure of all "independent" campaign contributions and spending that mention the name of a candidate? Please explain your answer.
Yes. Every politician whore must identify their special-interest pimp.
10. Do you favor direct public financing of congressional campaigns similar to the arrangement for presidential elections?
No. As mentioned above, all this scheme is an incumbent's protection scheme, the goal of which is to set up a method by which a Democrat and Republican committee is set up to destroy and control political opposition from minor political parties and independent candidates. Any Reform candidate who suggests this must be a complete idiot.
11. What changes, if any, do you believe are necessary in Social Security? Should Social Security be converted to a system of individual retirement accounts, financed with payroll taxes?
Social Security will not be changed; rather it will be imposed increasingly upon the young and the working class until they rebel or refuse to pay or cannot pay, and the system collapses.
I refuse to collaborate in any scheme to further cheat the young and working class to extend Social Security. Let the international banksters and multinational corporations worry about how to keep a whole new generation of hamsters on the treadmill.
12. What changes, if any, do you believe are necessary in Medicare?
None. Let it run until it drops.
13. What three government programs or agencies would you most favor for either elimination or drastic reductions? Why?
1. The BATF. Its agents should be imprisoned into work camps or executed for what they've done against the people of Waco.
2. The FBI. These corrupt, unConstitutional police should be disbanded and prosecuted for their crimes against the American People as well.
3. The IRS. These corrupt UnConstitutional collectors of illegal taxes should be punished and prosecuted for their crimes against the American People.
14. Do you support increased funding for international family planning? Should the U.S. support funding through the United Nations Population Fund? Why or why not?
No. No. It is not the duty or in the interests of the American People to meddle in the families of foreigners.
15. If you have supported any previous increases in congressional compensation, please explain your thinking on this subject. Would you support any future increases?
No. No.
16. Did you support U.S. military action in Yugoslavia? Why or why not?
I did not. It was a war of criminal aggression by the Clinton regime and Republican Congress on behalf of the New World Order so that sovereign White European nations could be terrorized into being broken up for the benefit of the New World Order's multinational corporations wishing to plunder Serbian natural resources and destroy its people, who never harmed America. Anyone who aided or abetted this evil war of aggression should be treated and prosecuted as a war criminal.
17. How should the U.S. deal with Chinese threats against Taiwan? What should our policy be regarding military aid for Taiwan?
We can sell non-nuclear weaponry to the Taiwanese. However, if the Chinese decide to take back their province, and are determined enough to take it back by means of war, then the United States will have no option other than to allow such an invasion. We will not be able to defeat China in its own backyard. Therefore we should not provoke China into military action, lest it bring a war which we will lose and lose big.
18. What is your position on permanent trade relations with China?
China must pay the appropriate tariffs and not run up a over- large trade deficit with America. Also, no technology shall be sold to the Chinese. Let us stop meddling in Chinese internal affairs.
19. How should the U.S. deal with the continued turmoil in Russia?
Let the Russians deal with the criminal oligarchs who have stolen Russian wealth. Eleven out of twelve of these oligarchs are jews who stolen, with government collaboration, most of the resources of the Russian People. For their own survival, sooner or later the Russian People must, and will have a right to destroy these alien parasitic predators and criminal oligarchs who stole their wealth and murdered tens of millions of them during the 20th Century.
20. How should the U.S. deal with small, hostile states such as Iraq and North Korea that are seeking to develop weapons of mass destruction?
Perhaps the U.S. criminal regime should stop warring on them and starving and cheating their people, lest these small, hostile states lose patience with us and use their weapons of mass destruction on us like we have done to them when we were on top. It is no victory to bully them until we have to kill 20 million of them because they killed 250 million of us.
21. What are your thoughts on the use of American troops in international peacekeeping operations?
It is criminal aggression against sovereign nations and peoples. How would we like it if Serbia were to bomb our schools and public buildings and civilian targets until we agreed to give the entire Southwest from Texas to California to Mexican squatters?
The scurvy and uncivilized places of the world are not going to be tamed and civilized by military force. They will revert back to their customary savagery when we leave in any case. Far better not to go there in the first place.
22. Do you agree or disagree with the Clinton administration on its moratorium on road-building for logging purposes in the national forests?
Disagree. The American forests belong to the American People. The timber resources should be used wisely on the American People's behalf. However, logging roads should be built by timber companies and no sweetheart special-interest deals made with those timber companies. However, there should be no moratorium for logging roads paid for by logging companies.
23. What should be done, if anything, to enhance or preserve the national parks, particularly those threatened by heavy use and development along their boundaries? Should park fees be increased to pay for costs of parks, essentially making park visitors pay more of the cost of park maintenance?
The rights of private landowners on the boundaries of National Parks should be respected. Park fees should not be raised unduly, because these National Parks belong to the People.
24. Did you or would you have voted for NAFTA? Do you support its goals?
I would not have voted for NAFTA. I support its repeal. All NAFTA did was to allow domestic corporations to locate where there was cheap, exploitable Mexican labor. Such corporations, if they are going to manufacture in foreign locations should, and must pay foreign tariffs to bring their products to sell to domestic markets. NAFTA was a deal under which corrupt politicians, many of them lame-ducks, voted to take bribes from corporations wishing to relocate jobs from American towns and ship them to Mexico. The end result of NAFTA is to lower wages in America and put the burden of social infrastructure on harder- pressed American working men and women.
25. Should defense spending be increased? Decreased? In what categories?
Defense spending should be left the same, however, it should be used to protect America, not to be the world policeman. A system of reserves should be established, and training funds, parts, and ammunition should be increased. The result will be Armed Forces able to defend America and its vital interests -- only.
26. Should the nation have a defense against ballistic missiles?
No. There are fewer ballistic missiles in the world because the Chinese are not building new ones and the Russian ones are decaying. The threat today is from terrorists carrying biological agents through our porous borders.
27. In light of recent controversy over the House chaplain, do you favor continued tax support of the House and Senate chaplains' offices, or a system of rotating volunteer chaplains?
A system of volunteer chaplains. Although I doubt that will do anything one way or another about thieving immoral politicians.
28. Is the Freedom to Farm Act working or not working as it was intended? Why or why not?
All these farm bills have done is to subsidize big corporations. I support a subsidy for medium and small family farms so as to stabilize rural communities and ensure that short-sighted, profit- grubbing agri-business corporations do not destroy the basis for our food supply through idiotic greed.
29. The Miranda warning, which requires police to inform criminal suspects of their constitutional rights, has been under legal attack. If Congress were to reconsider this issue, would you support this warning?
I've been falsely arrested by policemen many times. One time I was handcuffed and beaten while handcuffed by a brutal Mexican police thug imported into the small town where I live in by a corrupt city council. I have never, ever had a Miranda warning read to me by any police thug. I've never had anything to say to police thugs for that matter.
Frankly, this is a non-issue. Sooner or later, as this country collapses, nobody is going to be reading Miranda warnings -- any attempt to get information will be through torture, and nobody on any side will be worried overmuch about pretending to carry out full legal process.
30. Are there any other issues you would like to address on this questionnaire?
The main issue is being neglected. White Christian America is being destroyed by immigration and miscegenation. Since the 1924 Immigration Act which preserved European immigration preferences was done away with in 1965, White America has gone from 90% of the population to around 70% or less. This translates into a net loss of 3,000 Whites every day. It is estimated (and gloated upon by the liberals) that by 2045 White Americans will be a minority in our own homeland. It is further estimated that by 2150, there well may be no Whites left in America.
The extinction of the White race means that there will be no America as we know it. The mulatto and mestizo mixes will subside to a level of civilization as seen in Lagos Nigeria or Mexico City. Our culture, our forms of government will cease to exist.
But things will not go that far because there will be a White Revolution which will either succeed, and thus do away with the present multi-racial, multi-cultural Imperial structure, or it will fail, in which case no form of government above tribalism will be possible in any case.
In the short term, since the Republicans have been collaborating in this planned destruction through their corporate clients, it is but a matter of time before the Reform Party becomes an openly Nationalist political party and takes away the rural, White Christian political base the Republicans need to remain a major political party. I am running because of that reason. The Republican Party must be destroyed and them remade into a White Nationalist populist political party. The Democrat Party will enjoy a small season wherein it is looked upon as an occupational political party against the interests of White America, and thus deserving destruction. From the wreckage of the Republican Party, the Nationalist Reform Party will topple the current regime, and restore, in Patrick Buchanan's words, "A Republic, Not An Empire."
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