Para.Those "in the know" concerning the current sorry condition of our race, accept that things are only going to get worse as long the skewed aracial values and priorties that our executioners have concocted to destroy us, persist in holding such sway with our fellow whites.
How does one approach a contented, drooling drone and convince it that the "taste-tested" and "mother-approved" People's Kool-Aid that "everyone" just luuuuuuvvvs to drink, is in fact, a poison, that by design, is both killing them and insuring an even worse fate in living nigger hell for their children? Where are the "success stories" of White folks "waking up" to the reality of what life under a kike/mud coalition government means to them and theirs, BEFORE it is far too late to do anything more than complain about it? Will a White populace that overwhelmingly SUPPORTS the bizarre notion that Africans are our "ekulz" and deserve enforcement agencies dedicated to insuring them their Snivel Rights, EVER "get behind" the idea of mass expulsions of non-whites from North America and Europe as well as the wholesale slaughter of systemites and all their collaborating flotsam and jetsam?
Using the examples of Egypt, Rome, Portugal, Spanish Colonialism, etc., our chances do not look too good. History is replete with tales of greedy proto-capitalists who saw in mud people, an endless Cash-Sow, religious lunatics who saw millions of little brown souls to "save" and then the m{asses}, who, as always, scarfed down whatever swill was shoveled in their general direction. The more things seemingly change, the more they stay the same.
Look at South Africa, where after sustaining anti-Aryan propaganda and NWO/ZOG economic sanctions for years, the final blow was dealt the people at the hands of their "own" pious "men of fraud". In the pews, the yiddish/masonic hammer came down, and when all was said and done, two-thirds of the White electorate voted for racial/cultural suicide. Do I see a "democratic" or CONstitutional solution to what ails us? No bleeping way! The current situation does not lend itself to conventional methods. Anyone offering you a "quick fix" or telling you that "A + B + C= Victory", are either dangerously naive or as is more often the case, are racial snake-oil salesmen trying to sell you retreaded right-wing nonsense. The former can be pitied, the latter who con money out of the gullible with pleasant sounding blather signifying nothing but the author's desire to avoid seeking employment, are to be utterly despised.
Yes, a cataclysm of major proportions is coming. It's inevitable. The powers-that-unfortunately-are, have sown the seeds and who are we to deny them the whirlwind? In fact, there is very little that is unique about this racial crisis. What distinguishes this "babel" from all of the other evil empires of the past, is that this one is TOTAL in it's reach. No White nation has been left untouched by jew/mud colonization/predation. In the past, if one group of whites chose to judge the muds by their "talents in the bedroom and not the color of their skin", and in so doing, disappeared, it really wasn't that great a loss to the biological collective. Today's "gen xer's", on the other hand, have the unprecedented oppurtunity to murder virtually their entire genotype within a matter of a few years, if they are "hip" and "progressive" enough. In fact, if they have learned their kike-scripted lessons well, they will "Stamp Out Hate" by making sure that no more "haters" are even born!
What are we going to "do" about it? The future isn't going to be "pretty" for those who identify themselves as "Men (or women) without a country". "Fighting back" will one day be literal or it will mean nothing at all. Slapping a bumper sticker on a telephone pole in a nigger neighborhood when things have gotten to the point where there is NOTHING BUT nigger neighborhoods, will not qualify as "activism". Revolution (*) is when one class (or race) overthrows another. Is that not what this situation calls for? I think we all know the answer to that one!
* (insert standard, insincere "I don't support overthrowing our murderers" disclaimer here)
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs". -- LL
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