DeMockracy -- Hateful Tool of the Subman
No single thing is as indicative of the trouble we White racial loyalists find ourselves facing in our efforts to warriorize and restore mental health to our Folk, than the foolish belief that democracy is workable and that it's a desirable arrangement. In the best of all possible WhiteWorlds, it would be highly foolish to play out this "equality" thing to the point that we pretended that every ill/mis-informed individual had a right to an "equal" say over how every aspect of National life was run. Under the current madness of a race-mixing, Zionist state overseen by kikes and the white traitor garbage who emulate them, so-called "democracy" is beyond idiotic. It is a cruel, mocking hoax. In the hands of our implacable enemies, a more effective weapon has never been known. That so many of our Folk are incapable of murderous rage at the fact that apelings and mongrels of all kinds are "equal" (actually superior in a legal and what passes for 'moral' sense), to Aryans under this most corrupt and foul of arrangements, shows that there is much work to be done by us. We must do what we can to reach the salvagable among our race and awaken within them the dormant power of the blood.An awakened Aryan Warrior will answer the call of the blood without hesitation. He/she DOES NOT ask the enemy for anything. A Warrior doesn't stand in line with filthy, reeking scum and cast a meaningless million-times-over-cancelled-out "vote", in the shameful hope that a future for our kind will be denied us at a slightly slower pace by the CONservative Likud "Republicans" than it would be under the Liberal Labor "Democrats".
Let us work in earnest towards the glorious day when we shall Decreate the alien democracy that (mis)rules over us today. No more phony ballot-box half-measures. No more making ourselves appear weak and therefore more contemptible in the eyes of the Zionists and their lackeys. No more will we call upon the prostitutes who foul themselves by "serving their country" in the halls of congress. We KNOW what they are. We accept that if they were worthy of anything other than eternal loathing and the most imaginative executions possible, that they would not be permitted access to enemy institutions. Death to the Zionists and the grasping traitors and religious lap-dog lunatics who follow them.
To Decreate Democracy is to Eliminate those it protects. No worthier goal could there ever be.
ZOG could just as easily be referred to as THE JUDEOBEAST.
The four legs of the beast:
b)Tel Aviv
A Hatred Older Than Memory
There isn't anything that ZOG promotes that angers me quite as much as race-mixing. As long as there are enough of us of pure-blood, hope is ever-present. The moment enough of our people have lowered themselves to the point where bestiality is no longer taboo, we are doomed. The eternal enemy and the religious kooks who slavishly hang on their every word, KNOW this.The kikes are one thing. They can be expected to work towards elimination of all that stands in the way of their rule. One day, the favor will be returned by us. What really causes me the deepest of loathings is the sight of "white" people who conciously work to displace, mongrelise and destroy their own kith and kin. Truly there can be nothing lower in the entire universe. Feeble-minded spiritual slatterns crouching towards the illegitimate homeland (Isn'tReal) of their man-gods (kikes), eagerly awaiting the establishment of a messianic Pax judaica! What buffoons. What readily fleeced sheep these ass-clowns make!
If it's a boot on their throat they desire so much, I would be oh-so-happy to oblige. To any of you traitor pukes who may be "monitoring hate" for your masters, you'd better hope your precious (c)rapture takes you before the Day of Reckoning arrives. All churches that marry humans to apelings should be razed to the ground. No exceptions. All "Men of the Sloth" who preside over such defilings should be bled "whiter than snow".
Murderers should be met with murder. "No fair", you say? Do you fail to grasp the fact that the only "law" that matters is written on the hearts of all Aryans worthy of the title. Are you incapable of understanding that we couldn't care any less about what nine pieces of filth in your jupreme court say about ANYTHING? For too long you've allowed yourselves to be dazzled and deluded by the Pharisees and poor and incompetent jews you make. We will ram your rulebooks down your throats and whatever doesn't fit there will be rammed up your asses. Left-wing Limp-wrists and CONservative judaists alike, you're all in the cross-hairs of NON SERVIAM. The Jimmy Carter's will stand trial right alongside the Newt Gingrich's. You will all be "equal" when the REAL "Judgement Day" arrives.
Recommended Reading for 11/26/02
"The Occult Roots Of Nazism"
by Nicholas Goodrick-ClarkeThis book goes into great detail explaining Ariosophy and touches upon many of the authentic systems of belief of our people before converted to poor-man's judaism (Catholicism).
Recommended CD for 11/26/02
Emperor: "Wrath of the Tyrant"True Aryan Black Metal featuring such classics as "My Empire's Doom", "Lord of the Storms", and the title track.
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