Dracula: The Dark Prince (2000), Artisan Home Entertainment
I highly recommend this film. It tells the TRUE story of a great man by the name of Vlad Tepes, son of Dracul. Vlad The Impaler, as he was known by those who feared him, despised with an extreme passion the "nobles" (that era's elite white traitors), who collaborated with the Ottomon Turks in oppressing his fellow Romanians. Vlad had been held by the Turks for ransom for many years. His father refused to debase himself by honoring the demands of mud people. The muslims demanded annual "tribute" in the form of 500 young white men drawn from the peasantry. His defiance of subhuman demands lost him his sons (Dracul had a younger son who turned out to be the equivalent of today's judeophile scum), and caused him to be buried alive by his fellow "nobles", who were disgracefully currying favor with the racial enemies of their people. Does any of this sound familiar? Doesn't it bring to mind the filth-besotten "leaders" of today, who adopt the immigration policies of AmeReeka, thus flooding their own European countries with submen and apelings, and then follow this up by enforcing strict thought laws that toss into the dungeon any White who would object?I don't want to give away the whole film here, but Vlad gets out of the Turkish prison, returning home to Romania to track down the race-traitor scum-froths who murdered his father AND to rally his people behind the idea that those who would move in and take your land AND demand that you pay them for the privilege, should be brutally tortured and killed until they truly understand that they are unwelcome, and crawl back to the toilet from whence they came. It should be pretty obvious by now that this message is completely applicable to our situation today.
Highlights of the film include:
Vlad Tepes dining in the presence of a mass impaling of his enemies. He dips a crust of bread in what appears to be a chalice of blood. I don't recommend this be repeated today. The risk of contracting mud, crud and dud infections precludes the intelligent revolutionary from honoring the Aryan-Berzerker tradition of consuming the enemy.
At one point Vlad explains to his wife why her father must be killed. He simply tells her that daddy failed in his duties, and must be held to account (he ran away during battle leaving those under his charge to die). "It was his duty to protect his men and his property. He must be brought to justice." This is the historically authentic Aryan response to the situation. Vlad is cold, "big-picture" oriented and wastes NO TIME in doing what is best for the cause. Even daddy-in-law isn't exempt from the rules and standards that build and maintain a strong Folkish State.
The movie is Rated "R" (for "R"acial Violence, perhaps?). Buy it, rent it, whatever. You will come to understand why millions of Romanians revere this man and pray for his return. A truly uplifting film to watch with the kiddies.
Cosby The CarCoon Character
A giant likeness of "Little Bill" is to be the first nigger character balloon in Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. "Little Bill" is a cartoon that airs on the pornographic, pro-bestiality, pro-queer Nickelodean network. This CarCoon is the alleged brainchild of AmeReeka's favorite apeling, William Cosby. When I read of this, it reminded me how much I hated this good-for-nothing ungrateful shitskin. Here's a guy who has never missed an opportunity to flaunt his hatred of non-Whigroid Aryans. Here is a filthy, exceptionally ugly being who has been treated like royalty in a country that should be expelling and brutalizing his kind. Instead he is allowed to present his kike-scripted rubbish to the dunder-headed masses as though he was something other than a glorified ape, a curiosity best viewed from behind thick glass in a "Can you believe this once was considered human" Exhibit.Do you remember "The Cosby Show"? Here's a trivia question: What did Dr.?!? Huxtable do for a living?
ANSWER: He was the nigger "stork" bringing White babies into the world! For this alone, he should be prosecuted and "poisecuted" along with the kike crumb-bums who wrote this frothing filth.
It is truly impossible for me to imagine the mindset of the ideologically impure White parents who would sit their innocent children in front of reruns of "The Cosby Show", this "Little Bill" crap or anything else this mockery of nature was involved in. If you're going to Macy's PC Parade, don't forget your crossbow. Aim for the eyes and bring "Little Bill" down to size. If the stupid nigger believes in his ancestral religion (voodoo), perhaps it will lead to his actual demise!
Kikes Demand $14 Billion More To Prop Up 'De Hully Land'
Is this not rich? (actually the only rich ones are the kikes fleecing their judeophilic sheep). The kike regime over in Isn'tReal wants United Snakes taxpayers to further fund their bandit state to the tune of $14 billion above and beyond the billions they are already given every f'ing year! These demands of theirs will of course be echoed by Jabba the Falwell, Robbertson and all of the other well-compensated traitors to the Aryan race who make up "our" religious leaders in this country. This is so outrageous a demand that even Congo-leeza Rice hesitated when asked by a member of the press if Goy Whigger Bush was going to agree to it. She lied that they are "considering it".The kikes will get the money, no doubt about that. The kool-aid drinking cultists (judeo-Christians) in this country would have Bush's head if he didn't transfer whatever funds were necessary to support their precious "holy land" and its "chosen people". Hell, Bush himself claims to be a "born-again" jew worshipper. Billy Graham chanted 'booga-booga' over him 700 times and Goy Whigger suddenly decided he didn't want to drink beer anymore. He has since dedicated his life to serving his hook-nosed master and bringing about his "Pax Judaica". Talk about the inmates running the asylum! Between him and that nigger-loving piece of crap Ashcroft, maybe the "end times" ARE right around the corner! WWIII/Megiddo are on their way if these glassy-eyed Manjewrian candidates have anything to say about it.
Recommended CD for 11/27/02
Bolt Thrower: "Honour Valour Pride"This entire disc has that "marching off to slay our enemies with cold loathing in our hearts" vibe that I love. From the opening atmoshperics to the cannon-shot that closes out this nine song collection, there isn't a wasted millisecond on this thing. These guys (and one girl) basically created the sub-genre of War Metal and are among my top Ten favorite bands ever. If you like early nineties Death/Grind, check this band out. Ice-cold Aryan mercilesness at its finest.
Recommended Book For 11/27/02
Traveler - First You Fight (fiction)
by: D.B Drumm
1984, Dell PublishingFifteen years after Doomsday, survival is a vicious game. Nobody plays it better than The Traveler.
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