The Disgraceful Lott Saga Continues
I am really enjoying this whole phony "controversy". How could I not derive pleasure from seeing a man who I've long known stood for nothing but his own aspirations being turned into a "punk" by the nigger caucas and the whigger pukes who serve as their echo? I hope that those of you who are reading this have heard the interview that Lott gave Sean Hannity. It was a real gut-buster!"I just lu-u-u-v-v-v niggers. Why, I've hired them to work on my staff forever. I've nominated them for all sorts of positions! I want very very badly to address the concerns of the glorified ape community. I'm really really REALLY sorry! Please let me move on and continue my service to ALL 'de peeple! Strom was oh so wrong for his opposition to Reconstruction -- The Sequel. Again, let me humble myself before you for the umpteenth time and say that I am as sorry an SOB as it is possible to be."--Senate Majority Leader and Punk-Ass Bitch, Trent Lott.
I have long heaped richly deserved scorn upon the aracial country-club CONservatives. It has been a consistent theme of mine that the kike-worshiping, race-mixing "Right" poses much more of a threat to Aryan interests than does the easily dismissed Left. I am really quite honestly THANKFUL to the judeo-Khazarian religious kooks and their big business counterparts for their reaction to this bogus "outrage". I mean, it was to be expected that the Daschles and Maxine Waters types would pretend to be "hurt" and "shocked" by the comments of the Cigar-store injun. This is politics, after all. What I found to be hilarious were the denunciations offered by trojan horse CON's like Rush Limbaugh and The Family Research Council (a judeolotrous outfit that pretends to fight 'immorality' and promotes the notion that it would be best if the pretty blonde girl marries her ape before defiling herself with it). Even the much vaunted country-club-whigroid daily, the Wall Street Journal printed an editorial "condemning" the sentiments expressed by "Low-Rent" Trent.
Grown White men and women running scared from the barely understandable words of a bunch of worthless, reeking niggers! Could one ask for a better illustration of where "our" supposed leaders have taken us? The itsy-bitsy "feelings" of Elijah Cummings (incoming nigger caucas leader) are about 20,000 times as important as the 20,000 sex assualts his "people?" commit against our females on an annual basis. I'm fairly certain that when all is said and done there will be more apologies issued than there are Aryans murdered by gibbering monkeys in the last 30 years.
This is a great opportunity to drive home the message that decent Aryans have ZERO representation in this rapidly declining brothel of a "nation" (can't race-traitors use a dictionary? They should be ashamed to use the word 'nation' when refering to this Puerto Rico writ large). I honestly believe that watching these swine grovel could be enough to convert a lot of the fence-straddlers to Non Serviam's position that the only good thing that can be said for whiggers is that they are biodegradable.
If evil thou knowest,
Then proclaim it to all as evil,
And make no friendship with foes.
-HavamalThe above should be considered as holy writ to Aryans everywhere. Calling a spade a spade and completely rejecting ALL compromise where the 14 Words are concerned are the two things that separate a warrior from a racial fifth-columnist. The "Heritage Not Hate" and "English Only" types are not merely wrong. They are collaborators in the judeo-masonic drive to a One-World brown proletariat. Slapping a "happy-face" sticker on a steaming pile of feces is not an improvement.
Recommended CD for 12/12/01
"Wolf's Lair Abyss"
Misanthropy RecordsMy favorite track on this five-song disc is "Symbols of Bloodswords". The drummer "Hellhammer" may be the best I've ever heard. Mayhem are one of the original Norwegian Black Metal bands, and inspired many (Darkthrone, Immortal) to follow in their Aryan footsteps. This is truly heavy, atmospheric stuff.
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