My Comments in [ ]."Christian Party" (christianparty@gmx.net) wrote:
But there's a hitch. Hitler was a jew.[ I deal in facts. You're veering off into black helicopter/conspiracy stuff, here. Race is biological, and hasn't anything to do with religion. David Icke books are loads of fun, but have very little to do with reality. This "Hitler and all his top people were kikes" silliness is an old PatrIdiot movement canard that apparently you've fallen for. It's right up there with the pandering BS that the phony militia types spew about how "the first thing the Nazis did was take the guns away."
Whigger PatrIdiots love to trash Uncle Adolf. That way (they erroneously think) they will garner that most elusive of things -ACCEPTANCE from the jewsmedia. This "Hitler was actually a jewish plant to forever make our precious CONservatism look bad" crap is just the kind of thing that I hate so much about the right-wing in America. These are the same gutless wonders who "taught us" that Robert Matthews was a CIA man who was out to "discredit" the laughable patrIdiot movement that was alledgedly accomplishing so very much in the eighties. Saying something doesn't make it so. There are many folks in the ersatz "movement" that would do well to learn that.
Saying so-and-so is a jew means very little if you don't even know what a jew is. There are three major races. All persons are members of one of them OR they are combinations thereof. There is no such thing as a jewish "race" and please don't fire back with a "What about Tay Sachs?" reply. That and many other maladies are created by relatively small gene pools passing the same traits around. This too, has nothing to do with race. Most people who come down with Multiple Sclerosis are of Nordic Scandinavian extraction. That doesn't make them a separate "race" from Teutons or Slavs. They are all members of the Aryan race with differences that are the result of living physically apart for extended periods. Most "jews" are eurasian breeds (mongrels). A minority of them are "sephardic" arabic. Most eurasian khazar-types are indistinguishable from gypsies, ethnic Albanian Kosavar muslims and any other grouping of off-whites carrying significant amounts of Asiatic blood. The evident unAryan characteristics are the result of these Asian genes and have nothing to do with religion.
The reality is that this simplistic "jewish race" thing is one of the very few areas where I disagree with what the National Socialists of 1933-45 did. Tom Metzger has written about this before and he is correct. It was apparently decided that it was simpler to call the kikes a 'race' then to deal with the whole thing as it should have been dealt with. "jews" can be of any race or mixture. The ENEMY is an alien mindset and jews are not the only ones who are possesed of it. judeo-Christians, Freemasons, Catholics, etc. have their minds filled with the artificial and alien creeds of judaism. Universalism, no matter what face is put on it is Spiritual Black Death for our Folk. Those who consider themselves "secular humanists" are in most cases subscribers to jewish ideas and are as alien in their mindsets as the rest. The false "Fraternity, Liberty, Tolerance" aracial system of thinking sprung from the poisoned well of judaism and can be found all around us.
As for Hitler having not been aesthetically pleasing to your eyes, that is fine. No one ever accused him of being the "Sexiest Man Alive", and who cares? His eyes being blue and his white skin reveal him to have been overwhelmingly of pure Aryan extraction. Aryan genes are recessive and it takes hardly any amount of pollution to submerge them. Any significant amount of non-white blood, whatever the source, would have made him swarthy and dark brown/black eyed. There exists no credible evidence suggesting that ANY of his relatives practiced judaism as far as I am aware. If you have any evidence to the contrary, my mind is open. Basically, a study of Hitler reveals that he would have no trouble passing the "1/16'th" test (which should be the movements standard). If you seriously question what Hitler's biological makeup was, then please point out his Asian or Negroid qualities. If you cannot (and you cannot), then his ancestry is Aryan and your assertion is bogus. If you think he "secretly" practiced judaism or that any of his ancestors/extended family did, then please make your case. Failure to do so will make you look even sillier than you already do.]
The LAST idol this White Christian Israelite needs to worship is a jew.
[ I promote the "worship" of nothing and nobody. "Worship" is alien to my spirit. I RESPECT the great men and women of our race, both past and present. I Do not practice "worship" of any kind. I don't see where you ever could have reasonably gotten the idea that I did. ]
Hitler didn't even LOOK like a Nordic Tutonic Warrior--he LOOKED and ACTED like a moronic STUPID jew.
[ He was a decorated warrior and was Nordic/Teutonic. His lineage is evident in a million and one photographs. Perhaps it is time to see the optometrist. As for saying he acted "stupid" while not providing me with a single example of his "stupidity", you've left me with nothing to respond to here. ]
It was because of this STUPID jew that we went to war against, and killed 50-160 million of, our fellow Nordic Tutonic Warriors in Russia and Germany and the rest of Europe.
[ No. It was because of kikes and their lap-cur gentile pals, that the war happened. Or more to the point it was the incredible gullibility of the citizenry of jew-dominated countries that made the war possible.
Take a look at some of the embarassingly transparent dreck that was served up to "rally the dupes" (sorry, I meant troops). FDR and his half-nigger wife cooking up that stupid stuff about how Hitler would replace Jesus as the object of worship in America!? How G-Damn ignorant is there an excuse for a people to be? Adolf was gonna come over and tear down (S)old Glory and make us Heil the Swastika!!! OOOOHHHH! Scary stuff.
And then there was that blowhard edema-ridden Churchill slurring cliches on the radio. What a joke he was. It is called history. Look it up sometime. Hitler's greatest "crime" was pulling the German nation off of the international money standard and printing up new currency based on German production. Another "stupid" thing this "moron" did was remove jews from influence in all territories he controlled. Does that offend you?
As for the other favored canard about Hitler "attacking" the Soviet Union for no other reason than that he insanely wished to fight a two-front war, Soviet documents released a month or so ago verify what Hitler knew from his own intelligence people--"Uncle Joe", at the behest of his new best buddy, FDR was planning to break the non-aggression pact by attacking the Reich! ]
For those Nordic Tutonic Warriors who now idolize a jew, this is an embarassing and difficult moment -- but you asked for the TRUTH, so you got it.
[ Actually I asked you for nothing, and what you've given me is a retelling of an old blight-wing fairy tale. You've offered nothing in the way of "truth". Oh, and I don't get "embarassed" that easily. If someone points out convincingly where I am wrong about something, then I am the first to thank them. I welcome you to show me evidence of what you are saying. ]
. . .now that all the facts are in, I can guarandam.tee you that Hitler is NOT the man that a Nordic Tutonic Warrior like you wants to worship.
[ I await your "facts", and once again NON SERVIAM offers "worship" to nothing .]
.Editor's Note: John Knight has been and is a valuable member of the Resistance, using his wealth and time to fight with jews and whigger ass-clowns. John has provided a mirror for my WWW page (http://lindstedt.christianparty.net) by providing Web hosting, probably in time this column by Luke as well. John also fights at length with niggers, whiggers, muds & cruds via 20 different e-mail accounts, free and otherwise.
However John Knight is often mistaken and wrong in his 'facts' and it is usually less than useless to point out these factual errors, as the longest time yet for John to become 'embarassed' by inconvenient facts are three days. Then John is back with the same points as if John never heard of the truth. Since it is impossible to change John Knight's mind using facts or logic, I, as well as Luke, have given up on the matter, except upon being given ample & sufficient provocation.
John Knight's 'Ofishul' rebuttal to Non-Servium 122002 can be seen at (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rpf_2/message/9418). In it, as predictable, John Knight brings on a hodge-podge of factoids to create silliness. I had the exact same response when I posted a three-hour running argument concerning 'Cushi, Jehudi, & Hitler being a jew, etc. etc.' on Three Hours Spent Arguing With John Knight at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rpf_2/message/9469. John Knight was most embarassed perhaps by his assertion that his Korean business associates were 'Israelites' when in fact they are mongolloid Asiatics most related to John's Japanese business competitors. Well, occassionally embarassment is the only tool which works in curbing silliness.
I advise simply letting John Knight be John Knight. John has paid his dues and I recognize that fact, although John Knight has not a clue as to official Dual-Seedline Christian Identity, a remedy that John could fix, as I suggested, by paying $100 for a copy of Bertrand Comparet's reference American Institute of Theology and undergoing study for a certificate in Christian Education. The reference alone is sold by Kingdom Identity Ministries of Harrison Arkansas for $55, but with John Knight a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
--Martin Lindstedt.
Recommended CD for 12/20/02
"Into Darkness"
Nuclear Blast AmericaThis disc will be most appreciated by those who are into Hellhammer/Celtic Frost. Winter's music is totally in the vein of the early/mid eighties output of Thomas G. Warrior. My favorite songs are "Servant Of The Warsmen" and "Eternal Frost", though on this one it really is impossible to find a weak track. Extremely brutal atmospheric stuff.
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