July 29, 1997 Prosecuting Attorney Greg Bridges Newton County Courthouse Neosho, Missouri 64850 Mr. Ronald Doerge Newton County Sheriff's Office Neosho, Missouri 64850 Dear Mr. Bridges and Mr. Doerge: I was informed Friday, July 25, 1997, that the Newton County Sheriff's Department is reluctant to investigate my complaint that Granby Police Chief Chief George Chandler falsely arrested, and assaulted me while still handcuffed on Thursday, July 24, 1997 at approximately 7:00 p.m. I have also been informed by the Missouri Attorney General's Office that if a prosecutor declines to prosecute, that for all practical effect the perpetrator of a crime cannot be held to account criminally for his crimes. Victims of crimes are for large part not allowed to individually prosecute criminals, it is a function usurped by the state. I strongly disagree with both notions. As I look at it, it is the duty of both your respective offices to investigate, and if warranted, to prosecute criminals regardless of whether they are `law-enforcement' officials or not. To fail to do so says that the police are above the law and sets the precident that any person, if he has control of both police and prosecutorial power, can commit crimes against his enemies with impunity. Suffice it to say that it might not be pleasant for the rulers of the ancien regime if their victims were to come into power and apply such doctrines promiscously. Getting to the point of the matter, I want to file charges against Granby Police Chief George Chandler for felonious restraint, RSMo 565.120, false arrest and imprisonment.
Felonious restraint is a Class C felony, and looking at the case law I am quite certain that if properly investigated and vigorously prosecuted, that Granby Police Chief Chandler can be sent to prison where he belongs. There is a good deal of evidence and witnesses available for this investigation. While Chandler and Granby police officer Keller were careful to look around for witnesses before Chandler proceeded to beat me while still in handcuffs, and I did not notice anybody other than myself, Chandler, and Keller inside the Granby Police Station when Chandler was further roughing me up, still, I am informed that the sound of Chandler and me yelling, and the overturning of a file cabinent was pretty loud to anyone who might choose to listen. Also, officer Keller might decide to come clean, as I do not recall him striking me, and he acted several times like he was scared that Chandler might decide to kill me and he did not want to be charged as an accessory to murder. Also, there was a Sony microcassette audio tape recorder that Chandler or one of his police knocked out of my hand when Chandler arrested me for `disturbing the peace.' My brother, Mike Lindstedt says that one of those Granby policemen picked up the tape recorder off of the floor. Perhaps you can impound as evidence both the tape recorder and audio cassette, as I am uneasy at the thought of recovering my property myself from the Granby Police Department after what happened. There is also a statement that I wrote and signed for Deputy Richard Leavens on Thurday night at the Newton County Jail which I shall pick up upon my return from family business in South Dakota next week. Deputy Leavens acted in a professional manner and perhaps saved my life by his presence. My brother thinks that it is a good idea to leave for a week while tensions cool down and I agree. Please feel free to use this statement in your investigation, if you investigate. I wish for a copy of this statement. I shall be filing a federal civil rights lawsuit over this matter. I would prefer that the responsible authorities handle the state criminal matter. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely yours,
Martin Lindstedt,.
Note:.On the morning of July 25, 1998, when I was released on bond, me and my brother Mike demanded to see Doerge and to file a criminal complaint against Chandler and Keller. His chief deputy, Chris Jennings, said that Doerge had a policy of refusing to file charges against police officers within Newton County. Thus there was no purpose of asking for an investigation because none would be forthcoming.
Two weeks later, I ask Jennings again as to what happened to my letter and what Doerge would do about it. Jennings said that Chandler and the Granby Police Department were being investigated -- but at the request of the City of Granby. When asked about why Chandler was being investigated when the Granby City Hall asked, but not when I asked, Jennings said that the Granby City Hall's request was far more important than a mere citizen's request.
I concluded that this 'investigation' was to be a mere cover-up for the Granby Police State. When Chandler and Keller got caught in early September wiretapping the Shitty Hall criminals, I knew that it was instead an effort to blame all the criminality on Chandler and Keller. And so it turned out. Chandler and Keller took the entire blame for setting up a piglice state, when it really was the Shitty Hall criminals who brought these piglice criminals to Granby.
Neither Doege nor Bridges ever did anything about this letter. Later, in April 1998, Doerge professed that he had never gotten this letter. In any case, later Doerge sent me another letter professing the bullshit that "No man is above the law, etc., etc. Doerge did not do something useful, such as fire his chief deputy Chris Jennings, who had proclaimed Doerge's real, as opposed to professed, policies.