
                     in JOPLIN, MISSOURI
CITY OF JOPLIN,                         )
A Municipal Corporation,                )
   Fraudulent Plaintiff in Error,       )  Case(s) No. _________________
                                        )  ___________________________
vs.                                     )  Perjurous Proceedings Arising
                                        )  From Illegal Stop, for Purpose
                                        )  of Fraudulent Papers Inspection,
Martin ‘Mad Dog’ Lindstedt              )  and Perjury by Police Officer
               Defendant                )  of Municipal Corporation

    Contract for Alienation of Trial by Jury of Municipal
     Corporation, Municipal Corporation's Officials and
              Employees, and their Descendants
   Comes now the Defendant, Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt, a
Republican Candidate for Governor of Missouri, to contract
with the City of Joplin, a municipal corporation, its
officials, elected and not elected, its employees, and their
heirs and successors into perpetuity for the permanent
alienation of their rights to jury trial under both
Constitution and Law, and assigns these alienated rights to
the Defendant, Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt, so that they can
be bought, traded and sold by Defendant and his heirs in
perpetuity to any interested parties bringing suit before a
court, tribunal, or assembly dealing with criminal, civil,
equity, administrative or admiralty law.

   On February 26, 2004, Defendant submitted a Motion for
Jury Trial under the Missouri Rules of Court, Rule 27.01(a),
which was summarily refused by the municipal judge of this
municipal corporation Alex Curchin.  Judge Curchin said
something about how other judges had set aside the right of
trial by jury in their courtroom, and that he would do the
same in Defendant's case.  Since this municipal judge and
the municipal corporation's lawyer prosecuting this matter
against Defendant's interest seem to have such a cavalier
contempt for rule of law and Constitution, it should be no
problem for them, acting in their official capacity, to sell
or transfer their inalienable rights for the mess of pottage
of getting to violate Defendant's alienated-by-threat-of-
violence and force right to jury trial.  Therefore,
Defendant, since his inalienable rights have been violated
and are to be violated, might as well make the best of this
matter and precedent by having the ruling officers of this
municipal corporation contract away their inalienable
rights, and to alienate the rights of everyone associated
with this municipal corporation to Defendant and his heirs

    Upon the holding of a trial without jury against the
alienated rights of Defendant, the municipal corporation of
the City of Joplin, its officers elected and not elected,
their  employees and their heirs and successors into
perpetuity hereby contract away for the permanent alienation
of their rights to jury trial under both Constitution and
Law, and assigns these alienated rights to the Defendant,
Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt, so that they can be bought,
traded and sold by Defendant and his heirs in perpetuity to
any interested parties bringing suit or complaint before any
court, tribunal, or assembly dealing with criminal, civil,
equity, administrative or admiralty law.

                 Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt

                   Certificate of Service
Defendant certifies that he filed or attempted to file this
Contract, not signed in blood, but activated by holding of
non-jury trial in the municipal court of a municipal
corporation, the City of Joplin upon showing up for court at
Joplin City Hall at 1:30 p.m. on March 16, 2004 and that a
copy was given to this Court and to the Joplin City
Prosecuting Attorney.



Notes & Commentary:



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