Last week, with the taking down of the Stars and Bars, of the Confederate Battle Flag from the very birthplace of Dixie, South Carolina, an event of cultural genocide took place which forebodes actual racial genocide for Whites at the hands of a numerically, intellectually, and morally inferior racial and political minority not afraid to use its position of power to get its way. What was uprooted was no mere symbol of ‘heritage’ or ‘tradition’ but rather the emblem of an entire race with an inherent religion -- the White Christian Israelite.It is but a matter of time before it becomes a political crime punishable by prison time in an Imperial dungeon for a White Man in the South (East, West, and North) to carry the Stars&Bars just as it is today a crime for an ethnic German to fly the Swastika banner of the National Socialist German Workers Party under the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. In both cases, these banners were the racial and national symbols of a democratically elected sovereign nation-state invaded and crushed by a coalition of outside foreign forces determined to crush the legitimate workings of a sovereign People. How these racial and national symbols of the People are treated by the occupational forces working behind a collaboration screen with quislings and scalawags presages how the occupied national People will themselves be treated. Treat the racial/national symbol of a People with contempt and loathing, then that People itself can and will be treated with contemptuous loathing as well by the occupational regime and its lackeys.
The Negro and the Khazar Jew speak the truth when they say that the Stars&Bars are a racial symbol -- the symbol of White sovereignty, White government and White Christianity. The cowardly whiggeroid ‘rebel’ who whiningly claims that it is merely a symbol of their weak-willed, lily-livered legacy of genteel defeat and that they wish to keep it intact as such are eunuchoid dastardly liars. The Confederate flag is the symbol of the Un-Reconstructed Southern White Man who is but waiting for the next available opportune moment to destroy the Evil NWO/ZOG CONstitutional Empire, to kick it in the nuts, tear off its head, shit down its neck, and drown its dismembered filthy carcass in a deluge of urine.
When this Southern White Christian Banner waves in the wind it plainly outright says "Fuck-you Nigger!" "Fuck-you Jew!" "Fuck-you DamnedYankee!" These racially atavistic instincts which well up from the cellular level are understood but only too well by both defiant Whites and their enemies. Since weakling scalawag whiggers were ‘leading’ the fight, along with sundry toms and other opportunists, and telling lies as to what the Thirteen Tribal-Starred Banner really means, is it any wonder that anti-white racial activists who at least spoke honestly carried the day in South Carolina and are now marching through Georgia and onwards to Alabama and Mississippi?
When the White Man becomes too chickenshit to be an open White Man, proud of his race and proud of the sovereign nation-states and Western Civilization which were the destinied handiwork of his mind and soul, everything is then lost, starting first with his possessions, then the forms of his national sovereign governments, then his means of reproducing himself through his women, and then his very life itself.
Consider what happened to the German. At the start of the Twentieth Century, Germany was a confederated sovereign nation-state which ruled supreme in its own household. And then, through the instigation of racial interlopers who had been granted admittance, then preferential treatment, Germany was defeated, partitioned, and racially deluged by the alien forces of both Khazar Communism and Khazar Capitalism. The old racial banners and symbols of Germany were declared to be criminal symbols by the lackeys and scalawags imposed and propped up by the conquering invasion forces. And now, Germany is a feeble doomed country in which only thirty percent of the newborn are actual ethnic Germans. Well within 50 years there shall be no Germany -- if there is much of one left now.
Likewise with the South. The racial banners and symbols of the South have been overthrown by the new racial masters of the South. This happened because White Christian Southerners are no longer masters in their own sovereign national household. If Whites were the mastering race, then their racial symbols and banners would not have been toppled. Since their racial symbols and banners are toppled, then it follows they are no longer the racial masters in their South. It happened, not because as in Germany, that the Evil NWO/ZOG CONstitutional Empire had an overwhelming preponderance of military power in their homeland, but rather because of a loss of courage, lack of will, and a failure of intellect. Their political ‘leadership,’ mainly Republican, were a cowardly pack of morally degenerate, racially treasonous, eunuchoid imperialist NWO/ZOG khazarophile whigger lackeys and scalawags who sold them fools out, as was predictable. Now let’s see how many of these traitors will be rewarded with re-election.
Southerners, let us not be fooled time and again. Let us understand who are our friends and who are our allies. Do not be fooled by Uncle-Tom congoids yapping about how ‘The Old South was a true paradise for niggers’ -- when anyone with a brain knows that the Negroes were imported for only one reason -- to do agricultural labor so the short- sighted racially reckless plantation owner could get rich quick. Ashkenazi-gogsspawned "Honest Ape" Lincoln didn’t give a rat’s rear end for the ‘pore negro as God’s chillun’ living in servitude’ -- rather this tool for the NWO of his day started and finished a civil war designed to ensure that the White Man of both North and South would be enslaved to an alien consolidated Evil NWO/ZOG CONstitional Empire. And that is how the very first of the KhazarWars designed to enslave entire nationalities of White Men was fought. The genocidal aspects of KhazarWars #1 had to wait until the European homeland of the Old World was finished off by the Khazars' American puppets of the New World. Now that Germany, England, France, Austria, Russia, and Serbia have been laid waste, the Evil Empire will finish off what it started in the Nineteenth Century with the South genocided first.
There will be some political maneuvering in the future, as White Nationalist politicians like myself will be running with a hate hard-on, destroying the treasonous Republican Party as a political force by pointing out the consequences of their treachery. The Republican NWO/ZOG Imperial Party of scalawags and racial traitors were due a crackup anyway, so by all means let’s get cracking. As the consequences become more apparent, I am quite confident that quite a few of us White Christian Southerners will not go gently into that long dark night. However, politics is a matter of will and determination, as well as of sheer numbers, and there is not enough will and determination to overcome our numerical disadvantages, growing larger and larger every day as the life of the Evil Empire ticks away. The trick is to make sure that our People do not die with the Evil Empire..All we can do, my brethren, is to quietly, efficiently file away at the sear of the trigger holding back total racial, religious and class civil warfare. Sooner or later the trigger hammer will fall. And when it does, my brethren, we will "bust a cap" on the Evil NWO/ZOG CONstitutional Empire’s brain-pan, take our sovereign nations back, and live [exclusively] among our own kind in peace and prosperity.
Martin Lindstedt
Missouri Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senator
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