


This questionnaire must be returned to the MetroVoice not later than June 22. See instructions on pg. 2.

Please circle the political party to which you belong: (Democrat) (Republican) (Libertarian) (Independent)

Your name: Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt

The office and district for which you are a candidate: U.S. Senate



1. Homeland Security
In the interest of protecting our citizens against terrorism, the federal government should establish a national identification card utilizing Social Security numbers, finger printing and/or other biometric information to positively identify all citizens.

I disagree.


2. The U.S. Constitution
I view the U.S. Constitution as a historical part of the founding of our country. It is the document that gives us our rights and liberties and outlines how we should govern ourselves as a nation. Because the Constitution is a living, breathing document, it requires continual interpretation as the needs of our society change.

I disagree.


3. The Second Amendment
The Second Amendment broadly protects the rights of individual Americans to keep and bear arms. Gun control infringes upon those rights and violates the original intent of the Second Amendment.

I agree.


4. Property Rights
In issues such as protection of the environment, the preservation of wildlife and its habitat, sustainable development, economic growth, etc., the rights of private property owners and businesses must be considered secondary to the government's mission in acting for the benefit of all citizens.

I disagree.


5. Education
In the interest of accountability and ensuring that all children receive the best education possible, the federal government should institute national standards, testing and curriculum for all public schools.

I disagree.


6. Health & Welfare
An important function of the federal government is to ensure that everyone living in our country has adequate and safe housing, enough to eat and access to a quality education.

I disagree.


7. The Environment
Global warming is a threat to the entire planet. America's cooperation through the Kyoto Protocol Treaty, which requires the reduction of U.S. energy consumption, is vital in preserving the environment for future generations.

I disagree.


8. Privacy vs. Security
Federal databases that monitor the activities of all citizens, as well as aliens and felons, such as banking activities, cell phone usage, air travel, health services, education and gun purchases should be expanded or created in the interest of law enforcement and preventing future terrorist attacks in the U.S.

I disagree.


9. Taxes
Congress should make across-the-board income tax cuts and cut federal spending to lessen the tax burden on all citizens.

I agree.


10. United Nations Support
As part of the global community the U.S. is obligated to support the U.N in any military action or peacekeeping mission with funding and, if need be, place troops under their command to ensure world peace and stability.

I disagree.


11. Abortion Funding
Federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other agencies that perform abortions both in the U.S. and abroad, even if they use funds derived from other sources, should not be allowed.

I agree.


NOTE: On the following question, please circle oniy one answer that best describes your position.

12. Abortion
[a] The right to have an abortion is, and should remain, a woman's choice.
[b] Partial-birth abortions should not be allowed, but other forms of abortion should be allowed.
[c] Abortions should be done only to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape and incest.
[d] Abortions should be done only to save the life of the mother.
[e] Abortions of any type should not be allowed.

C. Abortions should be done only to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape and incest.


NOTE: Please mail your completed questionnaire to: St. Louis Metro Voice, P0 Box 220010, St. Louis, MO 63122. You may also fax it to (314) 965-5757 (please call before faxing) or e-mail it to stlmv@aol.com. Your questionnaire must be received by the Metro Voice not later than: June 22, 2002 to be included in our election issues. If we do not receive your questionnaire we will assume you "Chose Not to Respond" which will be noted adjacent your name in our section. Thank you.



Martin 'Mad Dog' Lindstedt,



The Reasons For Above Answers To This Survey

1. I disagree.

I am not interested in making the mighty Evil Empire safe or secure by imposing the Mark of the Beast upon the sundry whigger herd animals or lemmings. If the Evil Empire was interested in protecting and saving their subjects' lives and property, then they would simply stop killing Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, and any other small weak country that they can get away with destroying in order to protect major corporations and the Khazar bandit regime of Israel. The entire Muslim world is properly aggrieved and on the verge of attacking what they rightfully define as the Great Satan. Neither are the regime criminals interested in protecting their whigger herd animals either, not that they are able to. The reason for these repressive policies is to protect these regime criminals and their criminal regime from Revolution by the People fed up and made desperate due to the treason of thieving regime criminals and professional politicians like Jim Talent feathering their own nests.

The fact of the matter is that these regime criminals can't or won't be bothered in registering all the illegal non-white immigrunts that thieving bandits like Jim Talent wants to import for slave wages to benefit the crooked corporations which bribe these professional politicians. Talent voted for NAFTA/GATT and against unemployment benefits for those working and middle-class Whites who lost their jobs thanks to illegal immigration, NAFTA/GATT, and giant corporations moving offshore to avoid paying taxes. Talent voted this way because he is a crooked thief dependent upon bribes that are disguised as campaign contributions that these corporations give Talent to buy media ads to try to convince stupid White voters likely to vote Republican that Talent is anything other than the lying thief and professional politician that Talent's policies make clear.

A White person having to work for a living voting for Jim Talent is like a white chicken voting for Don Tyson.


2. I disagree

First of all the U.S. CONstitution was nothing more than an attempt by the Founding Felons to take power for themselves over all the separate colonies once they run off King George and his thieving packs of absentee landlords. To paraphrase J.R.R. Tolkien:

One CONstitution to rule them all
One CONstitution to find them
One CONstitution to bring them all
And under Satan bind them.

Count on paytriotic whigger assclowns to ass-ume that a scrap of toilet paper imposed upon the population (which had no real vote in the matter), over 200 years ago by a pack of theiving lawyers working in a secret committee supposedly guarantees 'rights' or 'liberties' when in reality, any such social priviledges have only accrued to those who have a determination to exterminate regime criminals and their families as traitors upon the very least infringements upon such earned liberties and priviledges.

Insofar as 'interpretation' of the CONstitution is concerned, I think it would be a far better thing to simply simply 're-interpret' the CONstitutional 'protection' that such power-mad regime criminals assume they have against their being hanged, drawn & quartered, their children and relatives sent to re-education labor camps or outlawed, and their property confiscated. After all, if they violate their oath to preserve, protect, and defend their precious CONstitution by means of guileful 'interpretation,' then there should be no CONstitutional 'protections' for such against a wrathful population.

A case in point is Jim Talent. In his eight years as a Kongress-kritter, this foresworn liar voted to violate the precious CONstitution he falsely swore to uphold by passing gun legistreason. The most egregious example of which was his "assault-weapons" vote, making illegal a number of semi-automatic rifles which have not been used to commit more than a statistically insignificant amount of crimes. Criminals prefer to use handguns because they can be concealed. Why? Because the great amount of these imported military-surplus semi-automatic weapons are bought by rural and small-town White men distrustful of the government or its willingness or ability to defend themselves from non-whites rioting and raping from the inner cities once the welfare checks run out and these cities burn.

Why should Jim Talent care when his votes for increased 'security' means that rural and small-town Whites cannot protect themselves from the tax collectors and jack-booted piglice enforcing the will of big corporations not wanting to pay for the schools to babysit their illegal immigrunt workforce or wanting a kickback for pouring concrete? Why should Jim Talent care if rural and small town Whites are robbed, raped, tortured and murdered by negro and Mexican gangs? Jim Talent, like Ashcroft, will pretend that Whites protecting their lives and property are engaged in a 'hate-crime' because if Whites are able to protect themselves against minority criminals then Whites might be able to protect themselves against regime criminals. It's not as if neither Jim Talent nor John Ashcroft don't have enough uniformed mercenary jack-booted regimeist thugs armed with taxpayer-provided fully automatic weaponry more than adequate to protect these thieving professional politicians.

A rural and small-town White person wanting nothing more than the bare minimum of a woefully inadequate home defense and self-protection against both the regime and its gangs of alien criminals voting for Jim Talent is like a white chicken voting for Don Tyson.


3. I agree

But not because of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Goods. This Second Amendment hasn't protected any one against the government disarming this criminal regime's real or potential enemies regardless of what the CONstitution and BOG says.

Jim Talent voted for a number of legis-treason regardless of what the Second Amendment says when he was a Kongress-Kritter from 1993-2000. Including the deciding vote for an assault weapons ban. Senators Bond and Danforth voted for the Brady Bill in 1993, the first year of Jim Talent's kongress-kritterate. Talent would have voted for Brady as well if he thought he could get away with it. I remember back in March 1995, when I went to the formation of a St. Louis citizen's militia that all the farmers were all in arms at "voting for that pencil-necked techno-weenie who betrayed us in Congress." When the Republicans took both houses of Congress in November 1994, they all betrayed their "Contract on America" to overturn the assault-weapons ban, which Talent voted for. So of course Jim Talent is a traitor to White interests.

The fact of the matter is that Jim Talent doesn't want working and middle-class Whites to be able to have adequate firearms, or even semi-automatic rifles to defent themselves against non-white criminals. After all, if Whites are able to protect themselves by themselves, then what will they need big government for? What will they need a professional politician like Jim Talent for? They won't. Certainly not such a dishonest liar like Jim Talent when they can have for free an incumbent Democrat U.S. Senator like Jean Carnahan. She'll at least know that as a Democrat she is vulnerable on this issue, and is thus far more likely to go slower than Talent will in violating the Second Amendment.

A rural, small-town, or suburban White person wanting to defend his own property, family, and life with an 'assault-weapon' voting for Jim Talent is as smart as a White chicken voting for Don Tyson. Or Mike Tyson.


4. I disagree

I think that any politician, or regime enforcer, or media-whore who writes up, or enforces, or propagandizes for any form of zoning or other government law violating the rights of citizens to enjoy their private, non-corporate property should have their homes and businesses zoned as a public latrine, with the mandated proper decor to be the heads of themselves, their families, and their pets stuck on pikes.

If some major corporation comes in and with a corporate hog farm or large chicken operation proceeds to pollute the groundwater, then the Missouri Department of Natural Resources simply claims that they cannot do anything about it. It is 'legal' because their corporate lobbyists paid off professional politicians like Jim Talent to keep it legal. Hundreds and thousands of poor White rural people can fall sick to the diseases from polluted waters and that corporate illegal immigrunt meat-packers bring in, just as long as Jim Talent and his fellow Enron Republicans make out like bandits. At the same time if you have an old car up on blocks in your yard, the municipal piglice will proceed to take you to their little corrupt municipal cash-register korts and levy a ridiculous fine upon summary procedure. If you don't pay this ridiculous fine or clean up your yard according to the whims of the local authorities, usually Republicans, then you shall be railroaded into a jail cell, while the local government 'workers' tear up your property 'fixing' it according to local government whims.

What did Jim Talent do about these abuses when he was a Kongress-kritter from 1993-2001 (when Talent lost his seat because most Missourians had the common sense to not elect Jim Talent for governor in 2000)? Other than accept millions of dollars from big corporations, why absolutely nothing, except to contribute to the abuses some more, as his corporate paymasters told him.

A White family farmer, who loves his land, and takes care of it, and the White small-town dweller, living in the best home that he can afford and maintain, stupid enough to vote for Jim Talent has nothing mentally above a mindless white chicken voting for Don Tyson.




